Anyone have any suggestions for seeing eye doctor?

NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member

Tomorrow we are going to have our eyes checked. It's my yearly visit as I wear the glasses. And after having radiation so close to the eyes, I decided it wouldn't hurt to get Dan's checked. He's worn the cheaters from the drug store for reading before, but getting his eyes checked by an opthamologist can't hurt.

Did anyone have eye issues after radiation?

Anything we should ask the doctor?

For once, I haven't researched something til the last minute, but appreciate any suggestions!




(Thanks John -- figured it out! )


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Ask about 'radiation-induced' cataracts.  I have them, and a couple of other folks have commented here about them as well.  I'm just over 2 1/2 years out from end of treatment, and my opthalmologist noted them six months ago.  I have a followup appointment tomorrow, actually, for him to check to see how much they have progressed in the six month interval.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    The eyes have it



    Just had my eyes checked and glasses updated.  Almost so little change I did not need to go.  It had been 2-years since my last eye appointment and 11 months post.


    I do wonder what the future holds for me.  From the shoulders up things have changed.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I just had my 3 month

    appointment with my Onc today....mentioned that I've been having problems with my eyes since treatment (LOTS of watering, still photo-sensitive, and they produce lots of goop)....she set me up with an appointment for the end of the month.  Of course, as with all the Dr.'s....the Onc thinks it may be a side effect of the rads....the rad doc says a side effect of the chemo....nobody ever says "Oh, this is common with what WE did."  Personally....I think it's a hang over from the 5FU...When I look up side-effects for that chemo, dry eye is listed as common...and even tho I have too much tears, they may not contain what my eyes need.  So yeah...getting eyes checked is a good idea.... Laughing


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    I just had my 3 month

    appointment with my Onc today....mentioned that I've been having problems with my eyes since treatment (LOTS of watering, still photo-sensitive, and they produce lots of goop)....she set me up with an appointment for the end of the month.  Of course, as with all the Dr.'s....the Onc thinks it may be a side effect of the rads....the rad doc says a side effect of the chemo....nobody ever says "Oh, this is common with what WE did."  Personally....I think it's a hang over from the 5FU...When I look up side-effects for that chemo, dry eye is listed as common...and even tho I have too much tears, they may not contain what my eyes need.  So yeah...getting eyes checked is a good idea.... Laughing


    medical reference source

    Hi P,

    Is the PDR your main reference source? Are there others most ppl here use?


    don (personal blog - please join)

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    Hello Kari,

    I saw an opthamologist for concerns after tx's and surgery.  I think a regular optometrist will pick up on any changes or concerns if there apparrent.  Mine was for changes of the optic nerve, will be watching through out next few years.  Hopefully everythings just fine !   Hugs sent !   Katie

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    Eyes --- Check!!

    Thanks All,

    Funny, we both had appts, since I should have gone during Dan's treatments. And they tagged us together through the their rooms. And the Doctor said he hasn't seen any chemo/radiation patients present with side effects in quite a few years. [My sarcastic wit, wanted to ask how many patients he's seen!, I was more than polite].

    So at least it was somewhat reassuring. He said Dan had no issues from Chemo or Radiation but there is a tiny scar on his retina, where his eye might have leaked long ago. He said to watch that and make sure his vision doesn't change as he gets older. But sent him out with his drug store readers and said he was fine. I found out I have dry eyes, and another lens presecription, and some new eye drops.. Done for another year. This weekend of to pick out new frames.

    Thank you all, we are looking out for potential side effects with everything, I'll add cataracts to the list - just in case.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    The Eyes Have It...

    You photo posting machine..., LOL.

    I have had my annual visit each year over the lst few post Tx, very little change in my prescription progressives.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    I had enough rads near eyes

    that lacrimation was profoundly effected, as were my maxillary sinuses.  I noted visual changes during rads.  Decided not to have my eyes refracted for a few months after rads.  I was glad I didn't as my visual acuity returned to pretreatment levels a few months later.  My tearing slowed down pretty well, so I can't say a year later I notice any real change from pretreatment levels.  Sinuses are still a problem though.  On the issue of cataracts:  a cataract is a cataract is a cataract.  Easy to see when you are examined, and most of us are in the age group anyway.  Nothing speccial to worry about.



  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Steriods and cataracts

    My eyes did not recover from two bouts of HBO, so I got them checked.  Sure enough, cataracts in both--about 15 years ahead of the normal onset.  I've since had both lens replaced.  The opthamologist told me that the leading suspect for the early development of cataracts was the corticosteriods I took to reduce swelling during rads--not the rads directly.  And, he told me that it can take from 12-24 months for the cataracts to develop.  I don't know how long mine were growing because I thought my blurry vision was a common side effect from the HBO treatments.

    Either way, just another example of chemo+rads, the gifts that keep on giving...





  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Peripheral Vision

    Tumors of the optic tract affect peripheral vision before they affect central vision .  An informal test - how many fingures do you see? - should be performed. It takes a second or two. Ask about the peipheral vision and tumors along the optic tract. A board certified ophthamaologist missed my wife's tumor for over 9 months, so this is not just a theoretical issue. Sorry  for the scare. Rick.

    SIRENAF42 Member Posts: 202

    Peripheral Vision

    Tumors of the optic tract affect peripheral vision before they affect central vision .  An informal test - how many fingures do you see? - should be performed. It takes a second or two. Ask about the peipheral vision and tumors along the optic tract. A board certified ophthamaologist missed my wife's tumor for over 9 months, so this is not just a theoretical issue. Sorry  for the scare. Rick.


    I see my eye dr annually ever since my radiation treatments ended in 2008.  IMRT to my ethmoid and max sinus and neck.  I had achey eyes, blurred vision, watery eyes, and very sensitive to bright lights.  Could not go outside without dark sunglasses on.  Even when wearing my glasses, sometimes my vision was so blurred I would squint which would give me a headache.

    After my first appointment, she told me I had chronic dry eye due to the radiation (no sign of cataracts) so she put me on Restasis.  HUGE improvement almost within weeks.  Then about 6 months later, I was right back to where I was, painful eyes, watery eyes blurred vision... same ol.  Went back and she gave me "tear duct plugs" and kept me on the restasis.  This was 2 years ago and while I still have some blurred vision (allergy related) My eyes dont ache and they dont water. I still use some lubricant eye drops as needed, but all in all since the tear duct plugs... I feel so much better.

    Anyone who had had raditaion to the facial area, should see an eye dr regularly!