"T" Day

fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

The results are in and the schedule is set.

I went yesterday to have the mask made. I had a CAT scan and a MRI. The dry run will be Wednesday March 13th. Treatment starts March 14th. I meet with my Medical Oncologist Friday the 15th. Chemo starts Monday March 18th. This way I'll be at the hospital all week to help manage any side effects. By the time Friday rolls around I'll be in the best shape to take my weekend off until it starts all over again on Monday.

(In my best Jackie Gleason voice) And awaaayyy we go!



  • rachel12yrsuv
    rachel12yrsuv Member Posts: 435
    I know how important it is

    I know how important it is to get STARTED so here's to a good week! I used to envision the radiation beams and chemo as little pac-men in there going through my system and eating the bad cells. It weird all the things you can come up with to make us feel better.

    Today, after a couple of days of things looking like they were turning around, I realized that all this is just a Set Back, everyone going through treatments is like what is she crazy but really it is. You would rather by a long shot be out there signing and enjoying your time with Marcia, and you will after your Set Back, and you'll be better than before because you know what it is to fight for what you have instead of being handed what we have. God has away of getting into our brains and making us realize these things. You are so Positive and upbeat, you will kick the crap out of this and out performing in no time. My treatment lasted 9 months, what is that in so far a span of 41 years, nothing just a drop in a bucket. So pray, fight, Believe, and stay positive with your sense of humor and put your drop in the bucket.

    May God hold you close and the side effects you have already had be the worst you will have, and may he never make your news worse than the 1st day, may it only get good from now and until forever. In Jesus' name, Amen

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    To The Moon Alice...

    Yep...week-ends are good....

    Hoping for a rather uneventful week for you...


  • dales2loud
    dales2loud Member Posts: 45
    Get Started and get Better!!

    Hey, hang in there. I like that Pack Man thing, I can't remember what I was thinking.

    I've been done for 18 months and life is better then before, but it took some time so hang in there and play through it.

    Blessings, Dale Wilkes

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    So you have a couple more weeks

    of healing time.....and freedom!  I know that I'd be chomping tho, to get things moving....I take it that the mask holds no fear for you, or you would mention it?  I was scared of it from hearing about it from other people....and my mom who had larynx cancer, absolutely hated the mask....so I was relieved when it didn't bother me much when they were making it.  I figured I'd be fine and I was. 


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    So you have a couple more weeks

    of healing time.....and freedom!  I know that I'd be chomping tho, to get things moving....I take it that the mask holds no fear for you, or you would mention it?  I was scared of it from hearing about it from other people....and my mom who had larynx cancer, absolutely hated the mask....so I was relieved when it didn't bother me much when they were making it.  I figured I'd be fine and I was. 


    The Mask

    Hi P,

    Marcia took a picture of me in the mask. I'll have to post it. This is the 2nd time I've done it so I knew what to expect. It's certainly not a pleasent feeling being restricted like that but it doesn't freak me out. This time it was different in that they made a mold for the back of my head to rest in and added a mouth piece to the mask. It was a bit tough during the MRI as I had to have it on for over 20 minutes and they covered my eyes. Ugghhhh...  

    I have it down though... some good tunes, spray my nose with Afrin so I can breath and I'll be Ok. It was hard to swallow and there were a few times I felt like I was going to choke but my surgeon said I'll be fine by the time I start treatment. 

    I appreciate you keeping me in your pocket :)


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    fishmanpa said:

    The Mask

    Hi P,

    Marcia took a picture of me in the mask. I'll have to post it. This is the 2nd time I've done it so I knew what to expect. It's certainly not a pleasent feeling being restricted like that but it doesn't freak me out. This time it was different in that they made a mold for the back of my head to rest in and added a mouth piece to the mask. It was a bit tough during the MRI as I had to have it on for over 20 minutes and they covered my eyes. Ugghhhh...  

    I have it down though... some good tunes, spray my nose with Afrin so I can breath and I'll be Ok. It was hard to swallow and there were a few times I felt like I was going to choke but my surgeon said I'll be fine by the time I start treatment. 

    I appreciate you keeping me in your pocket :)


    Have them cut out the eyes

    They did for me when I asked, made a big difference.

    Good luck buddy, use these couple of weeks to heal up and eat all you can.

    Sending good thoughts your way.

    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Just a thought for you

    During my rad treatments, I took a boom box and got to play CD's during treatment.  I was under the mask for 20-25 minutes every treatment and the music helped to soothe my soul.  You are a music man, so this may be a good idea for you to pass the time while singing in your head.  I'm a much better singer in my head than out loud. Probably unlike you who sings for a living....good luck in treatment.  Go get the beast and kick some c arse...

    all the best


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    hawk711 said:

    Just a thought for you

    During my rad treatments, I took a boom box and got to play CD's during treatment.  I was under the mask for 20-25 minutes every treatment and the music helped to soothe my soul.  You are a music man, so this may be a good idea for you to pass the time while singing in your head.  I'm a much better singer in my head than out loud. Probably unlike you who sings for a living....good luck in treatment.  Go get the beast and kick some c arse...

    all the best


    music man !


    that is a great idea......

    T-Man, if you burn your own CD, they would most likely be happy to play for you.

    My team played my Rolling Stones for me every treatment.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    hawk711 said:

    Just a thought for you

    During my rad treatments, I took a boom box and got to play CD's during treatment.  I was under the mask for 20-25 minutes every treatment and the music helped to soothe my soul.  You are a music man, so this may be a good idea for you to pass the time while singing in your head.  I'm a much better singer in my head than out loud. Probably unlike you who sings for a living....good luck in treatment.  Go get the beast and kick some c arse...

    all the best


    James Taylor

    It was James Taylor for me... ~ One Man Band...

    The great thing of playing the CD..4- 5 songs and your done for the day... It's a great time reference... The worst is getting zapped and not knowing how long it's going to last.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Ain't it a beaut?

    Don't I look purdy ;)~

    The Mask

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    smooth ride



    Well, I’ve added you to my list of “freak me out picture”, while I made peace with my own mask, I never enjoyed it.  I did have great eye holes and enjoyed looking around and watching the line-up lasers.  My tunes were 60’s and 70’s rock.  Once we forgot to change the music CD and I got “new age” from the previous poor soul.  It was like going to heaven music and just about ruined my rad time (if it can be ruined).


    The time I spent getting rads is uneventful, chemo can be a different story.  Remember everything you have learned Grasshopper.





  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    fishmanpa said:

    Ain't it a beaut?

    Don't I look purdy ;)~

    The Mask


    I had my trechs cut out eye holes, they rubbed on my eyelids during the run-thru..after that was easy to wear it for me.

    Good luck



  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    CivilMatt said:

    smooth ride



    Well, I’ve added you to my list of “freak me out picture”, while I made peace with my own mask, I never enjoyed it.  I did have great eye holes and enjoyed looking around and watching the line-up lasers.  My tunes were 60’s and 70’s rock.  Once we forgot to change the music CD and I got “new age” from the previous poor soul.  It was like going to heaven music and just about ruined my rad time (if it can be ruined).


    The time I spent getting rads is uneventful, chemo can be a different story.  Remember everything you have learned Grasshopper.





    eye holes


    definitely ask for eye holes in the mask....mine kept hitting my eyelashes and drove me crazy, but when I asked for eyeholes they said NO....mine was tongue cancer, so that might have been the difference.  The radiation was pretty much aimed at the middle of my chin/face, and they said with the eyeholes cut out, it would allow me to much movement.

    but ask them anyways...and maybe a nosehole also.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Ain't it a beaut?

    Don't I look purdy ;)~

    The Mask


    Man, is your forehead exposed....

    Lucky man..., mine was so tight it smashed my nose, and left waffle marks across my forehead... Oh, and they wouldn't cut out my eye holes either.


  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    Congrats on starting!

    It's the fastest way to get done. ;-)

    "I used to envision the radiation beams and chemo as little pac-men in there going through my system and eating the bad cells. " That's funny! I used to envision the radiation literally burning the cancer. I was about to recommend music too--I had a playlist I would listen to on the way to radiation every day, and a slightly different one for chemo. One day the song Disco Inferno came on the radio and I instantly added it to both lists: burn that mother down!

    You're in this ready to fight and win, and we're all here to root you on!

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Laralyn said:

    Congrats on starting!

    It's the fastest way to get done. ;-)

    "I used to envision the radiation beams and chemo as little pac-men in there going through my system and eating the bad cells. " That's funny! I used to envision the radiation literally burning the cancer. I was about to recommend music too--I had a playlist I would listen to on the way to radiation every day, and a slightly different one for chemo. One day the song Disco Inferno came on the radio and I instantly added it to both lists: burn that mother down!

    You're in this ready to fight and win, and we're all here to root you on!

    Congrats you started...!!!

    I do NOT like confined spaces...they either felt really sorry for me or were afraid I would break the machine if I went berserk..lol...so  they cut out my whole face from eyes to the bottom of my lip.  Really nice of them.  But then again I was 320lbs when I started treatments and lying on my back was liken to cutting off my air supply anyway.....

    Glad you started!!!  Happy Rads!!! jk

