Feeling so overwhelmed

What a crazy 2 weeks. Post chemoradiation pet/ct results showed many lymph nodes that lit up. Devastated. Surgeon appointment went smooth as he is the nicest, confident, and calming physician I have ever met. He not being totally convinced these nodes are cancer scheduled a bronchoscope with ultrasound to biopsy nodes. They took 9 biopsies on Friday and now we are waiting again. Surgery is scheduled for March 12. The pathologist was in the procedure room when they took biopsies and Dr gave preliminary of "looks negative". I know I should be happy, but I'm feeling just so down. Hopefully we will get report soon. Sorry, sometimes it just helps to express myself.


  • bella1
    bella1 Member Posts: 4
    feeling so overwhelmed

    No need to be sorry, we all have our meltdown days. I am new to this forum, but am already benefitting from it. I thought that we, my husband and I were the only people fighting this terrible monster, esophogeal cancer. My husbands surgery was in June 2012 and has had every major complications one can think of. We went to the best, Mayo Clinic, and it has been said more than once it's a miracle he's alive. I am dseperate to help him get better and somedays don't know what to do, but reading some of the uplifting stories helps alot, just knowing we are not alone in this battle.

  • LauraandLarry
    LauraandLarry Member Posts: 184
    bella1 said:

    feeling so overwhelmed

    No need to be sorry, we all have our meltdown days. I am new to this forum, but am already benefitting from it. I thought that we, my husband and I were the only people fighting this terrible monster, esophogeal cancer. My husbands surgery was in June 2012 and has had every major complications one can think of. We went to the best, Mayo Clinic, and it has been said more than once it's a miracle he's alive. I am dseperate to help him get better and somedays don't know what to do, but reading some of the uplifting stories helps alot, just knowing we are not alone in this battle.

    thank you

    Bella I come to this site almost everyday. Most of the time I just lurk, read stories and research ALOT of information. I find great comfort gaining knowledge through peoples experience...more than any Dr could offer. I often feel guilty for not being able to offer help to others, although I'm sure one day in the future I will be able to do that. I dread my husband going through the surgery. I cannot imagine the pain and frustration you are going through right now. I only knows it hurts so much to watch someone to go through it. This site has been of tremendous help to me. We actually have two friends who were hit by this beast as well. One friend was diagnosed at stage 3 after months of unable to be diagnosed. He had the THE surgery almost 1 1/2 years ago. He too lost a lot of weight 90 lbs, and is still 35 lbs down. He had a feeding tube for 10 months, a lot of complications, but is cancer free and so thankful to be alive. Our other friend was stage 3 and he didnt make it to surgery. The unpredictability of this cancer is the toughest part. Hang in there, and keep those Drs on redial. Come to this site as much as you can< you will always find strength.

  • Rickyr1219
    Rickyr1219 Member Posts: 53
    It's a Rollercoaster Ride for Sure

    I know this is a rollercoaster ride for sure.  I always felt I'd get some encouraging news or feel good one day just to hear bad news and feel terrible the next.  Staying positive through the bad days is a struggle for all of us.  I really feel for the caregivers that take care of us and probably worry twice as much as we with EC do.  Hope and pray the biopsies come back negative. 

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hoping for good results next week


    Waiting for test results is one of the most difficult parts of dealing with a cancer diagnosis. First there is the diagnosis process, then the treatment process, and then follow up. It never seems to end.

    I think it sounds positive that the pathologist was in the procedure room and feels things look “negative for cancer activity”. Even if there are a few positive nodes in the immediate vicinity of the tumor site, they could be removed in surgery.

    When I had my esophagectomy the post-surgical pathology showed that one of the twenty-two lymph nodes removed had active cancer cells. It did require that I have post-surgical chemotherapy but it is now three years later and so far all my scans and endoscopies have been NED.

    If I remember correctly, Larry is being treated in Ann Arbor. The folks at U of M Cancer Center are really good at dealing with these issues. We live in South Carolina in the winter, and we live in Grand Blanc, Michigan in the summer. I have had some experience with the folks in Ann Arbor. I have nothing but good things to say about them.

    Hoping you get good news next week and things move along toward surgery soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009

    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Three Year Survivor


  • Firefighter Jon
    Firefighter Jon Member Posts: 10
    paul61 said:

    Hoping for good results next week


    Waiting for test results is one of the most difficult parts of dealing with a cancer diagnosis. First there is the diagnosis process, then the treatment process, and then follow up. It never seems to end.

    I think it sounds positive that the pathologist was in the procedure room and feels things look “negative for cancer activity”. Even if there are a few positive nodes in the immediate vicinity of the tumor site, they could be removed in surgery.

    When I had my esophagectomy the post-surgical pathology showed that one of the twenty-two lymph nodes removed had active cancer cells. It did require that I have post-surgical chemotherapy but it is now three years later and so far all my scans and endoscopies have been NED.

    If I remember correctly, Larry is being treated in Ann Arbor. The folks at U of M Cancer Center are really good at dealing with these issues. We live in South Carolina in the winter, and we live in Grand Blanc, Michigan in the summer. I have had some experience with the folks in Ann Arbor. I have nothing but good things to say about them.

    Hoping you get good news next week and things move along toward surgery soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009

    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Three Year Survivor


    waiting for results


    Paul is one of the best on this web site. I agree with him. Jon is just 6weeks post op. They did remove some lymph nodes not sure how many. They were cancer free. He never had a biopsy but a friend of ours with the same dx did have one before surgery and they all came back negative. All of this is part of the process to make sure they get it all.

    I will add you and Larry to our prayer group,

    Love and Prayers

    Bev and Firefighter Jon