My blog

Hacker59 Member Posts: 1

Instead of recreating my blog here, I thought I would post a link to my blog, which is comprised of journal entries written before and after treatment in the first half of 2012.

I was diagnosed in early January 2012 with both small and non-small cell and subsequently underwent simultaneous chemo and radiation (and 15 fractions of prophylactic whole brain.) This was originally written for the newspaper that employs me, but the editors decided my story was not their cup of tea. Oh, well. 

I'm happy to report, that my latest scan from a couple weeks ago shows I'm cancer free.

The blog is titled: Flying Blind: My journey through cancer and the search for a new normal.

The url is:

You need to read from the bottom, so to speak, and start with the last entry. I apologize for some of the confusion the order of the posts might create. There are some interludes, so it's important to pay attention to the date at the top of the entry if you're trying to keep the chronology straight.

If you know of someone my blog might help or encourage, please pass it on.