Stomach cramps

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

I don't remember reading about them in the list of side effects, but today, day five from FOLFOX and day two from 5FU, I am having terrible stomach cramps. They come in waves, clenching just above the belly button. 

They are not constant. I'll have several within a few minutes then go half and hour or so. 

I'm not constipated, I'm not dehydrated and I'm not running a fever. I'm just miserable.

Oh, and I'm SOOOOOO COLD. 

There is a virilent bug going around the community, so I don't know if I have that or if its just 'par for the course' side effects.

Any advice would be much appreciated. 



  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    oh sorry sage advice....feeling cold for sure on the oxy but feeling cold is always part of impending virus.  as for digestive issues nothing about oxy or 5fu would be unusual.....4 years out for me and i still cannot get digestive tract "under control" so to speak


    so sorry.....absolutely no help.....sending a hug though ....


  • Coloncancerblows
    Coloncancerblows Member Posts: 296 Member
    I don't have any advice

    I don't have any advice either but just wanted to say I hope they go away soon.  Hugs.



  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Might be non cancer related

    This time of year you might have some sort of bug.  If it continues I would let the onc know. Pray it's nothing big.  Jeff

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Might be non cancer related

    This time of year you might have some sort of bug.  If it continues I would let the onc know. Pray it's nothing big.  Jeff


    There is a nasty bug going around town right now. I hope I don't have it.

    I called the Onc nurses this morning, and they will talk to my onc and call back.

    The stomach cramps continue today, though I have eaten very little and nothing solid. 

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Had many horrible symptoms on FOLFOX,

    but that wasn't one of them.  Does sound kind of like a stomach bug.  Hopefully it will ease up soon!  AA

  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    cell death?

    I was the queen of weird abdominal pains, and my onc said that it could have been cell death.  He said many of his patients reported such to pains to him, and that was usually the cause.  I'm pretty sure I did have a lot of cell death, so that was the case for me. Depending on where your tumors are, the pains actually could be a good thing. Or not... 

    Hope you feel better


  • WinneyPooh
    WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
    Avastin can cause stomach cramps

    When having treatment they can give you something for the cramps, this is what they give me but doenot always work long term.

    Atropine/ Diphenoxylate

     just ask, as far as being cold, I am cold all the time unless I am am sitting in the sun.  This to is a long term side effect of a lot of chemo drugs, unfortunately if you are suceptable ( most likely mispelled) to cold it will only get worse.  My hand, feet and ears are so cold most people ask if I have them on ice. 

    Really don't know how to get over this I sleep with a heating pad on my feet and two layers of socks and a hoodie to keep my head and ears  warm.


    Good luck and I hope this helps






  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm guessing that it's a
    I'm guessing that it's a gastrointestinal bug. Hope your feeling better soon.
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Still cramping

    Three days of cramping along with diarrhea. I'm not a happy camper!

    I sent a stool sample along to our local hospital, but I guess they have to 'grow' it before they can determine if there is anything nasty.  I called the onc to see if there was somethign I can take for the cramping. 

    I've lost 7 lbs in three days. 

    Can I have some cheese with my whine? 

  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Still cramping

    Three days of cramping along with diarrhea. I'm not a happy camper!

    I sent a stool sample along to our local hospital, but I guess they have to 'grow' it before they can determine if there is anything nasty.  I called the onc to see if there was somethign I can take for the cramping. 

    I've lost 7 lbs in three days. 

    Can I have some cheese with my whine? 

    That's too much weight to lose in 3 days!

    You could be getting dehydrated. Are you drinking plenty of water/fluids? Are you taking Imodium (loperamide) for the cramping and diarrhea? My daughter had horrible cramping and watery diarrhea on Folfox. She took lots of Imodium until she got it under control. It eased up after a while. But in the beginning she was frequently dehydrated and dealing with horrible diarrhea. Several times she had to go to the infusion center for IV fluids. I did have an article from Mayo about the use of Imodium but can't find it. Here's is another that says essentialy the same thing:

    Good luck - I hope you get this under control. This is a serious issue and it sounds like you are losing too much fluid. 7 lbs in 3 days is too much!


  • KayeKay
    KayeKay Member Posts: 122
    Trubrit said:

    Still cramping

    Three days of cramping along with diarrhea. I'm not a happy camper!

    I sent a stool sample along to our local hospital, but I guess they have to 'grow' it before they can determine if there is anything nasty.  I called the onc to see if there was somethign I can take for the cramping. 

    I've lost 7 lbs in three days. 

    Can I have some cheese with my whine? 


    Try Bentyl. Ive had horrible gas and stomach cramps along with diarrheabsince my colon resection in 2011. Bentyl alkng with prevacid has worked the best 4 me.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Finally feeling better

    Today is my fist day without the stomach cramps, though the intenisty of them has lessened with each day. 

    I have been drinking lots of water, but forgot about the electrolytes, so I made a batch of home made, high in electrolyte juice. 

    I've now lost 8 lbs but got on the scale this moring and no loss, which is a good sign. 

    Of course I now have cankers on my tongue and roof of my mouth, so eating is still a problem.

    This past chemo really did kick me hard Frown . 

    I thank you all for your replies and support.


  • swordranch
    swordranch Member Posts: 35
    Trubrit said:

    Finally feeling better

    Today is my fist day without the stomach cramps, though the intenisty of them has lessened with each day. 

    I have been drinking lots of water, but forgot about the electrolytes, so I made a batch of home made, high in electrolyte juice. 

    I've now lost 8 lbs but got on the scale this moring and no loss, which is a good sign. 

    Of course I now have cankers on my tongue and roof of my mouth, so eating is still a problem.

    This past chemo really did kick me hard Frown . 

    I thank you all for your replies and support.


    stomach pain.

    I have had the stomach pain that I can only describe as similar to labor pains.  They start on the day after my 46 hour pump is disconnected and last about two days, longer if I am not really careful how I eat.  Sometimes later in the series of treatments they may have went clear into the next week or popped back up in the middle of the next week.  No fresh veggies, salads or gassy foods seem to help.  I have talked to others that have had the same issue but have also been told by my doc that is not the norm, can only go by those that are dealing with it.  It has been pretty consistent so I know it is the chemo.  If I lay low, rest and watch what I eat on the first day it gets better faster.

    Sorry that I can't give you something more positive.


  • swordranch
    swordranch Member Posts: 35
    Trubrit said:

    Finally feeling better

    Today is my fist day without the stomach cramps, though the intenisty of them has lessened with each day. 

    I have been drinking lots of water, but forgot about the electrolytes, so I made a batch of home made, high in electrolyte juice. 

    I've now lost 8 lbs but got on the scale this moring and no loss, which is a good sign. 

    Of course I now have cankers on my tongue and roof of my mouth, so eating is still a problem.

    This past chemo really did kick me hard Frown . 

    I thank you all for your replies and support.


    me again

    Stay hydrated.  I found a lip gloss called Chicken Poop that stopped the lip stores immediately and I have never gotten them again but remain diligent in not letting them dry out.  I LOVE IT!  If you can't find it, let me know and I will get you some.  I was like you, I would lose a few pounds in those days but would gain some back the next week, then 5 months in gained 25 lbs in a month while taking a blood work caused sabatical.  Have not lost any since then.  Doctors are thrilled, I am not.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    stomach pain.

    I have had the stomach pain that I can only describe as similar to labor pains.  They start on the day after my 46 hour pump is disconnected and last about two days, longer if I am not really careful how I eat.  Sometimes later in the series of treatments they may have went clear into the next week or popped back up in the middle of the next week.  No fresh veggies, salads or gassy foods seem to help.  I have talked to others that have had the same issue but have also been told by my doc that is not the norm, can only go by those that are dealing with it.  It has been pretty consistent so I know it is the chemo.  If I lay low, rest and watch what I eat on the first day it gets better faster.

    Sorry that I can't give you something more positive.



    This sounds exactly like what I experienced. 

    If I get cleared for my chemo today, I will have to see if it reoccures.  

    Ill look for the Chicken Poop on Thank you!

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    I so remember the stomach cramps

    It didn't last all my treatments, but the first four or so treatments, I had horrendous stomach cramps.  I remember sitting in a hot tub of water and hoping the warmth of the water would help.  I also had chemo hemorrhoids along wtih it. 

    I easily remember the waves of cramps like you described.  I'm sorry you have to go through that.   I wouldn't have wished it upon my worst enemy.  :)



  • tachilders
    tachilders Member Posts: 313
    HollyID said:

    I so remember the stomach cramps

    It didn't last all my treatments, but the first four or so treatments, I had horrendous stomach cramps.  I remember sitting in a hot tub of water and hoping the warmth of the water would help.  I also had chemo hemorrhoids along wtih it. 

    I easily remember the waves of cramps like you described.  I'm sorry you have to go through that.   I wouldn't have wished it upon my worst enemy.  :)



    Just had those today (brutal

    Just had those today (brutal pain right in the center of my chest and below my ribs, and also after the last few treatments.  Mylicon (Gas X) works wonders for me, as I was noticing that passing gas was helping with the pain.  I also have been having terrible acid reflux during the 2 days wearing the pump and for a couple days after.  I take Zantac or Prilosec for that, and/or Tums or Gaviscon for immediate relief.  I am on 5FU tx number 16 right now...  FTR, I have a colostomy bag. 


  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member

    Just had those today (brutal

    Just had those today (brutal pain right in the center of my chest and below my ribs, and also after the last few treatments.  Mylicon (Gas X) works wonders for me, as I was noticing that passing gas was helping with the pain.  I also have been having terrible acid reflux during the 2 days wearing the pump and for a couple days after.  I take Zantac or Prilosec for that, and/or Tums or Gaviscon for immediate relief.  I am on 5FU tx number 16 right now...  FTR, I have a colostomy bag. 


    I get pain/cramping from time

    I get pain/cramping from time to time....but I have a big hernia above my belly button, so I kinda put my issues down to discomfort from that.   I came down with a terrible cold and my doctor put me on antibiotics and codeine.....being on the codeine my tummy has felt the best it has in ages!!!  

  • Madre
    Madre Member Posts: 123
    I remember getting horrible

    I remember getting horrible abdominal pain and losing weight inbetween the start and removing of the pump a few days later.  So much so that I ended up in the Emergency room the first time.  They reduced the dose for the next round.  The Oxy made my hands and feet so numb they stopped that for 2 rounds (#5 & #6).  I had the mouth sores too now that you mention it.  I was given prescription Protonix for the pain.  I guess chemo can give you ulcers.  I was givne precription Emend - steriod for the 2 days before chemo, for the weight loss.  And special mouth rinse.  My office had a nutritionist that gave me meuns of food - waht to eat and what to stay away from.  I lived on Country Time Pink Lemonade and mashed potatoes, and potatoe perogies.  That's all I could eat that made me feel good. Each treatment got a little better....or more tollerable.  Good luck.  I used to keep a journal too of how I was feeling, what I ate, what made it better, what made it worse.  Then when you talk to the doctor you can track it to see if there are patterns. 

  • Madre
    Madre Member Posts: 123
    I remember getting horrible

    I remember getting horrible abdominal pain and losing weight inbetween the start and removing of the pump a few days later.  So much so that I ended up in the Emergency room the first time.  They reduced the dose for the next round.  The Oxy made my hands and feet so numb they stopped that for 2 rounds (#5 & #6).  I had the mouth sores too now that you mention it.  I was given prescription Protonix for the pain.  I guess chemo can give you ulcers.  I was givne precription Emend - steriod for the 2 days before chemo, for the weight loss.  And special mouth rinse.  My office had a nutritionist that gave me meuns of food - waht to eat and what to stay away from.  I lived on Country Time Pink Lemonade and mashed potatoes, and potatoe perogies.  That's all I could eat that made me feel good. Each treatment got a little better....or more tollerable.  Good luck.  I used to keep a journal too of how I was feeling, what I ate, what made it better, what made it worse.  Then when you talk to the doctor you can track it to see if there are patterns.