Janie, also take a look laserjanie1 said:There is so much discrepancy
There is so much discrepancy here, it isn't funny.
Wonder what Winter Marie thinks about John's, Hydrazine that ok???????????????????????
And exactly which TCM is ok. Winter Marie said in another thread that some TCM was ok, or fine, not sure of exact quote.
It's interesting to observe who supports who. Winter Marie sides with John. John sides Winter Marie. John supports Emily (one of the juice gals). Winter Marie does not support juicing as a cure (neither do I as a cure ........not saying it's never been done). We all know what happened to the juice girls and WHYYYYY they left the forum.
So much hatred here. This pettiness is worse than high-school.
Each and every person on the face of this earth has different talents. Research in not everyone's strength. I prefer to hear from people who have done lots and lots and lots of homework. H@LL........i could read one thing on the internet and act like a know- it- all on the subject.
How to you get people to stick to what they are good don't, if they are set in their ways. So you just have to IGNORE all the BS.
Pete, am I jealous of your wealth........H#LL NO!!!!!!!!!! You are a kind, caring, person. I trust that you will take charge and bring a whole lot of attention to this horrible disease. You are on a mission, and I could not admire you more.
Pete, many people here are looking toward you.
You better not leave here, Pete. You would let down so many. Do we want to do everything that you, not everything......but you are providing a lot of very good information. Anyone who does not want to read it, does not have to. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, for all those who think they know the answer to everything........HAVE YOU ACTUALLY READ ALL THAT MWNN HAS DONE, AND IS DOING, FOR HIS PRECIOUS SON?????????? Good grief......his reasearch is outstanding, his persistence is unheard of. All of that for his SON.
A while back, Ann Alexander told us that MWNN (Tony) was indeed legitimate.........because some thought he was an imposter......ooooohhh.
She said maybe he deserved an apology for all the bashing. NOT ONE BASHER apologized. NOT ONE. Goes to show the type of character around here.
I'm tired, didn't even want to waste my time here.......but this has gotten beyond STUPID.
Oh, and since chemo doesn't work for me anymore..........I am going to be tested for an immunotherapy trial that has shown very good results. I have talked to 4 people who are on it.....had lunch with another one. I found a 42-year old doctor who is H*LL- BENT on finding a cure, or at least non-toxic ways to treat this hellacious monster. Most older doctors are going to keep doing what they know. The fresh blood in this business is great. They are reading and researching new FACTS....... And it's about IMMUNOTHERAPY........NOT chemo.
I hope I can get into the trial......hope the last bit of chemo has not completely destroyed my liver. Liver enzymes are through the roof, Bilirubin UP, BUN up.
Thanks Chemo!!!!!!!!! And, how many people have to DIE until the majority truly GET THIS........and people like Pete have to LITERALLY go to the ends of the earth to see if he can make a difference. It's not JUST about him........he is doing this for his family, and to help many friends along the way. I surely hope that JEALOUSLY is not the problem here. What a SHAME!!!!!!!!
Read what you want, ignore the rest. Do not post opinion as facts. Be kind and thoughtful. Leave the hatred at home.....and how sad is that. Cancer is hard enough.Janie, also take a look laser ablation. This is relatively new. The laser does not kill the cells, but cauterizes the blood vessels feeding them. This causes the cells to die through necrosis not apoptosis. This appears to makes a huge difference as in all research papers I have seen, they report a significant immunological reaction which also translates to untreated mets. Its another piece in the immunological puzzle.
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Thank you, Renwrenw said:Janie, also take a look laser
Janie, also take a look laser ablation. This is relatively new. The laser does not kill the cells, but cauterizes the blood vessels feeding them. This causes the cells to die through necrosis not apoptosis. This appears to makes a huge difference as in all research papers I have seen, they report a significant immunological reaction which also translates to untreated mets. Its another piece in the immunological puzzle.
I will try to find some info on it. I had RFA (4).
Avastin doesn't work for me. When I looked at a scan one time, I saw a big blood vessel going right to each of the tumors. I thought, if Avastin doesn't work, it seems like the blood vessel could be cauterized or something. Sounds like this is what a laser does......gee, I should have patented that idea.
Thank you. Don't you go anywhere, either. See, this is what support is about. This is what the forum should be about.0 -
Wow.janie1 said:There is so much discrepancy
There is so much discrepancy here, it isn't funny.
Wonder what Winter Marie thinks about John's, Hydrazine that ok???????????????????????
And exactly which TCM is ok. Winter Marie said in another thread that some TCM was ok, or fine, not sure of exact quote.
It's interesting to observe who supports who. Winter Marie sides with John. John sides Winter Marie. John supports Emily (one of the juice gals). Winter Marie does not support juicing as a cure (neither do I as a cure ........not saying it's never been done). We all know what happened to the juice girls and WHYYYYY they left the forum.
So much hatred here. This pettiness is worse than high-school.
Each and every person on the face of this earth has different talents. Research in not everyone's strength. I prefer to hear from people who have done lots and lots and lots of homework. H@LL........i could read one thing on the internet and act like a know- it- all on the subject.
How to you get people to stick to what they are good don't, if they are set in their ways. So you just have to IGNORE all the BS.
Pete, am I jealous of your wealth........H#LL NO!!!!!!!!!! You are a kind, caring, person. I trust that you will take charge and bring a whole lot of attention to this horrible disease. You are on a mission, and I could not admire you more.
Pete, many people here are looking toward you.
You better not leave here, Pete. You would let down so many. Do we want to do everything that you, not everything......but you are providing a lot of very good information. Anyone who does not want to read it, does not have to. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, for all those who think they know the answer to everything........HAVE YOU ACTUALLY READ ALL THAT MWNN HAS DONE, AND IS DOING, FOR HIS PRECIOUS SON?????????? Good grief......his reasearch is outstanding, his persistence is unheard of. All of that for his SON.
A while back, Ann Alexander told us that MWNN (Tony) was indeed legitimate.........because some thought he was an imposter......ooooohhh.
She said maybe he deserved an apology for all the bashing. NOT ONE BASHER apologized. NOT ONE. Goes to show the type of character around here.
I'm tired, didn't even want to waste my time here.......but this has gotten beyond STUPID.
Oh, and since chemo doesn't work for me anymore..........I am going to be tested for an immunotherapy trial that has shown very good results. I have talked to 4 people who are on it.....had lunch with another one. I found a 42-year old doctor who is H*LL- BENT on finding a cure, or at least non-toxic ways to treat this hellacious monster. Most older doctors are going to keep doing what they know. The fresh blood in this business is great. They are reading and researching new FACTS....... And it's about IMMUNOTHERAPY........NOT chemo.
I hope I can get into the trial......hope the last bit of chemo has not completely destroyed my liver. Liver enzymes are through the roof, Bilirubin UP, BUN up.
Thanks Chemo!!!!!!!!! And, how many people have to DIE until the majority truly GET THIS........and people like Pete have to LITERALLY go to the ends of the earth to see if he can make a difference. It's not JUST about him........he is doing this for his family, and to help many friends along the way. I surely hope that JEALOUSLY is not the problem here. What a SHAME!!!!!!!!
Read what you want, ignore the rest. Do not post opinion as facts. Be kind and thoughtful. Leave the hatred at home.....and how sad is that. Cancer is hard enough.Wow.
Hydrazine Sulfate is no good, herbal broths are no good..... only expensive, thousand dollars a day remedies are good? Talk about “discrepancies”?
I came here in 2006 (under a different name) and got driven off for talking about “alternatives”; that’s how little respect anyone got for suggesting there was anything better than “chemo”.
I rejoined in 2007 because my health was improving, thanks to TCM’s herbs, and I wanted the world to know that the science does work. I felt that if I can help save one life, then any flack I had to take, was worth the anguish.
I have been here since 2007, and attempting to help others save themselves with very inexpensive remedies. I often wonder if it was worth the effort and anguish, since there seems to be a notion that only very expensive concoctions and treatments are worthwhile, and anything inexpensive is totally useless.
I had posted the links to the Cancer Research Center that has more than enough information about Hydrazine Sulfate. Yet some find reading is a task not to be confused with learning.
I have multiples of links that discuss TCM and it’s benefits, including links to some of the most respected cancer research centers that are incorporating TCM into their cancer treatment regime.
There were times I had to leave this forum for a short period, due to the flack and disrespect driven at my comments. Big deal. Life went on without me prior to me being here, and it will go on without me now if I choose to leave.
Life will not end without Pete’s posts as well. If he can’t take criticism or has a problem with comments about the amount he spends on experimental alternatives, so much so that he feels he has to go someplace else, then he’s not doing what he says he feels he needs to do.
When one cares about people, one bears the burden of criticism and continues to try to help those that might gain from the information.
There are other options to western medicine’s failures, and we all need to know what each and every one is. The least expensive can be the most beneficial, and what has failed one, can be the miracle for another.
I think it’s time for a wake-up call, and some sanity.
We can choose whatever route we desire to, in our fight against cancer.
However, I do think it’s important to use common sense if we’re trying to promote a route that might lead an individual to give up their life savings for.
It’s sad to see that happening here, and if people don’t speak up, it will continue to happen here, eroding the good that this site has provided for so many.
We need -all- the information available to make our choices in the best manner, but we also need to be aware of the fear driving some, that may cause them to take a route that may bankrupt them needlessly.
Be well; be sane,
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There is a surgical pricedurejanie1 said:Thank you, Renw
I will try to find some info on it. I had RFA (4).
Avastin doesn't work for me. When I looked at a scan one time, I saw a big blood vessel going right to each of the tumors. I thought, if Avastin doesn't work, it seems like the blood vessel could be cauterized or something. Sounds like this is what a laser does......gee, I should have patented that idea.
Thank you. Don't you go anywhere, either. See, this is what support is about. This is what the forum should be about.There is a surgical pricedure called devitalization or devascularization. It is now a pretty much the standard treatment for cancer in veterinary medicine in the czech republic. Most vets and research show better than 80% cure rate. It was also used on humans till 2002 by some fringe surgeons till a very badly designed clinical trial resulted in the procedure becoming illegal, despite showing no harm to patients in the trial. In a nutshell, the procedure involved tieing off blood vessels feeding the tumour and allowing it to necrotize in the body. Studies have shown that this results in a strong immune reaction that was sustained for over 2 weeks following the procedure. The principal is similar to laser ablation, but in this case the whole of the tumour is left to necrocise. I have tried to get this procedure done in Australia, but so far I have not been able to find a surgeon who would be willing to try it.
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I think that.....John23 said:Wow.
Hydrazine Sulfate is no good, herbal broths are no good..... only expensive, thousand dollars a day remedies are good? Talk about “discrepancies”?
I came here in 2006 (under a different name) and got driven off for talking about “alternatives”; that’s how little respect anyone got for suggesting there was anything better than “chemo”.
I rejoined in 2007 because my health was improving, thanks to TCM’s herbs, and I wanted the world to know that the science does work. I felt that if I can help save one life, then any flack I had to take, was worth the anguish.
I have been here since 2007, and attempting to help others save themselves with very inexpensive remedies. I often wonder if it was worth the effort and anguish, since there seems to be a notion that only very expensive concoctions and treatments are worthwhile, and anything inexpensive is totally useless.
I had posted the links to the Cancer Research Center that has more than enough information about Hydrazine Sulfate. Yet some find reading is a task not to be confused with learning.
I have multiples of links that discuss TCM and it’s benefits, including links to some of the most respected cancer research centers that are incorporating TCM into their cancer treatment regime.
There were times I had to leave this forum for a short period, due to the flack and disrespect driven at my comments. Big deal. Life went on without me prior to me being here, and it will go on without me now if I choose to leave.
Life will not end without Pete’s posts as well. If he can’t take criticism or has a problem with comments about the amount he spends on experimental alternatives, so much so that he feels he has to go someplace else, then he’s not doing what he says he feels he needs to do.
When one cares about people, one bears the burden of criticism and continues to try to help those that might gain from the information.
There are other options to western medicine’s failures, and we all need to know what each and every one is. The least expensive can be the most beneficial, and what has failed one, can be the miracle for another.
I think it’s time for a wake-up call, and some sanity.
We can choose whatever route we desire to, in our fight against cancer.
However, I do think it’s important to use common sense if we’re trying to promote a route that might lead an individual to give up their life savings for.
It’s sad to see that happening here, and if people don’t speak up, it will continue to happen here, eroding the good that this site has provided for so many.
We need -all- the information available to make our choices in the best manner, but we also need to be aware of the fear driving some, that may cause them to take a route that may bankrupt them needlessly.
Be well; be sane,
if someone logs on to say they sold their house, their boat, cashed out their 401K, whatever, to purchase what they are hoping will help them in this horrible disease is their business. I don't think it calls for mean and negative remarks towards this person. I think if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. Then on the other hand, some people may have access to large amounts of money which enable them to purchase supplements or expensive herbs, etc.... Well, I say GOOD for them!!! When they log on to talk of their treatments, I do not believe they are bragging or showing off....or trying to stir up an argument. I believe they are just sharing their experiences. Quite possibly there could be someone else reading it that has tons of money and they have tried everything and this gives them an idea to try one more alternative treatment plan.
Then on the other hand those who only believe in conventional treatments, chemo, radiation, etc...should be able to tell of their experiences without someone who favors alternative treatments to speak negatively or mean to them.....but try and have an open mind and know these people basically do not believe in alternative or what they would call hogwash ideas, etc......
Everyone has their own beliefs ...and should not be judged so negatively. We are all fighting the same deadly horrible disease. I just love to listen to someone and support them and try to help them feel better - not stress them out because I think their choice of treatment is stupid ...but I guess that's just me!!
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thanks for the kind comments
i note no apologies, it would be crazy to let public criticism drive me away, if i can survive mcrc, i can thrive on your cruelty. please be kind.
i forgive, you unkind statements just a reflection of your journey.
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I have been here a couple ofSo Worried said:I think that.....
if someone logs on to say they sold their house, their boat, cashed out their 401K, whatever, to purchase what they are hoping will help them in this horrible disease is their business. I don't think it calls for mean and negative remarks towards this person. I think if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. Then on the other hand, some people may have access to large amounts of money which enable them to purchase supplements or expensive herbs, etc.... Well, I say GOOD for them!!! When they log on to talk of their treatments, I do not believe they are bragging or showing off....or trying to stir up an argument. I believe they are just sharing their experiences. Quite possibly there could be someone else reading it that has tons of money and they have tried everything and this gives them an idea to try one more alternative treatment plan.
Then on the other hand those who only believe in conventional treatments, chemo, radiation, etc...should be able to tell of their experiences without someone who favors alternative treatments to speak negatively or mean to them.....but try and have an open mind and know these people basically do not believe in alternative or what they would call hogwash ideas, etc......
Everyone has their own beliefs ...and should not be judged so negatively. We are all fighting the same deadly horrible disease. I just love to listen to someone and support them and try to help them feel better - not stress them out because I think their choice of treatment is stupid ...but I guess that's just me!!
I have been here a couple of months, so I'm fairly new. I see no reason for name calling or putting down what other people are doing. Think of the new person coming on here, reading some of these posts with the name calling, negative comments toward someone, etc. It almost feels like a new person why would he or she even dare write anything on here that they have been using. Some people live in other countries and have access to the things we don't in the US. Does that mean they shouldn't be able to post?
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Great attitude, Petepete43lost_at_sea said:thanks for the kind comments
i note no apologies, it would be crazy to let public criticism drive me away, if i can survive mcrc, i can thrive on your cruelty. please be kind.
i forgive, you unkind statements just a reflection of your journey.
Just wanted to say that.
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