Pronounced pain in elbow joints and shoulder joints lately?

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

Hey all...

In the last month I have noticed pronounced pain (scale of 4-5) in both elbows and the right shoulder.  This is new.  I have always had hip joint pain since my treatments ended in Jan 2012 but I attributed that to my dramatic weight loss of 70lbs and hip joints just shifting to a different place (and my oncologist had no reason or answer as to why I was having hip joint pain).

So the hip joint pain is a constant, but it's not bad or unbearable (at night is the worst when sleeping on one side for too long, so I turn a lot).

But the elbow and shoulder pain (I am left handed and the pain is mostly pronounced on the right side) is new and ticking up in severity daily it seems for the last month?  I have been hunting and cutting / splitting wood for months (constant in the winter here in Idaho) and have not had this, so I don't believe it to be from too much work.  And my right palm / hand is experiencing heat with some numbness  This past week as I was cutting splitting wood (the old fashion way with an ax) I was not able to pick up a split piece of wood with my right hand, it was like the tendons or muscles just did not work and it was painful??  Dagum it.  I need my arms right nowLaughing


I called my oncologist (I give up on my GP- being in a small they rotate out GP's and I never get the same one and they never seem to know my history).  He said try Aleve, B-complex vitamins and see if that helps.  I am already taking B-complex vitamins, ibuprofen (Advil) or Tylenol does not seem to I will try the Aleve.  He did say my next visit (March 7) they would run lab to see if my uric acid was high.

I thought for sure Erbitux would not have or cause these side affects based on what I have heard???

Any other input, similar experiences or remedies to help with the pain or better, aleviate the problem altogether would be welcome.



I did not have surgery or traditional chemo.  I had Erbitux and radiation only for my BOT w/ one lymph node


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Boy Tim....

    I wonder if you haven't simply over done heavy tasks with a body that wasn't quite up to it after the treatment you've been thru....shoulders, elbows, wrists....all connected by tendons that run the whole length.  Tendonitus has all the symptoms you're talking about...the tingling, numbness, inability to grab or hold on to things (I couldn't even pick up a coffee cup)....and it aches from shoulder to fingertips like nobodies business, especially at night. 

    I'd hang up the ax for a while and see if it gets better...I think it's from over work (especially the wood).


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    its fine to try the aleve

    but in the dose you get with OTC preps, I'd bet you won't be any better.  It is a NSAID, the same class as your ibuprofen after all.  You might also try pushing the dose beyond what the label recommends, at least by double.  Best bet:  this is unrelated to your cancer diagnosis or your treatments.  An arthridity of some type.  Basic workup and treatment can be done by any competent FP/internist.   Now get back to splitting wood....



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    LOL...Tim... I'm going out on a limb here I know.

    But do you think it might have anything to do with the amount of physical labor you put in, extremely harsh environment, and in reality your body still recovering, yet you don't really treat it as it is...

    No offense, and it's great that you do what you do....

    But, just sayin...


  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131

    Wondering if acupuncture would help...or perhaps a massage therapist.  Seems a bit unkind to make you wait until March 7th to run a lab for uric acid levels if they could just order the lab now and let you get it drawn at a local clinic. 

  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    I am feeling really lazy in comparison!


    Sorry that you have these extra symptoms, after all you've been through.

    i wonder if getting a massage wouldn't help give you some temporary relief. There are Envy Spas on both coasts, thinking they span the US.. Affordable and clean and reputable. 

    With the numbing sensation it could be a nerve impingement... And a massage could give you relief. A good work up might be a good idea from an internist. If it were a side effect of rads, not sure any rad onc would admit to any potential side effect.. Bet there insurance companies encourage them not to. When Dan was in the hospital, every onc and the surgeons all pointed fingers at the others Treatment.. If they could only figure out we want straight answers!

    I hope you are feeling better soon, please keep us posted, and I'll say a prayer that this will pass quickly and easily.

    take care,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    It is simple my boy



    This is fun, let’s play diagnose Tim.


    No really, I think you are over thinking things too much and need to be hypnotized.  Now follow the swing PEG and repeat after me.  Erbitux is great, Erbitux saved my life.


    How old are your boys?  Is it time to put the kids to work splitting and stacking wood?  Just kidding, they are too young and you are having too much fun.  Since you won’t slow down (Phrannie’s advice) then listen to Pat and call me in the morning.


    Maybe it’s the water?


    Lucky in Oregon,



  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    CivilMatt said:

    It is simple my boy



    This is fun, let’s play diagnose Tim.


    No really, I think you are over thinking things too much and need to be hypnotized.  Now follow the swing PEG and repeat after me.  Erbitux is great, Erbitux saved my life.


    How old are your boys?  Is it time to put the kids to work splitting and stacking wood?  Just kidding, they are too young and you are having too much fun.  Since you won’t slow down (Phrannie’s advice) then listen to Pat and call me in the morning.


    Maybe it’s the water?


    Lucky in Oregon,



    sounds like arthritis

    Hey Tim

    I'm not an expert of course, but this sounds a lot like arthritis to me....coupled with the fact that you are overdoing all the chores and hobbies right now.

    Slow down and try the OTCs.   My own GP feels that the radiation has escalated the arthritis (that I already had prior to TX but to a much lighter extent)

    Can you predict when it's going to rain or snow ?   I can....ever since treatment I'm like a living weather channel.

    Hope you get some relief and soon.



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913


    I'm with Pat that it sounds arthritic. Although we are going through some of the aches and pains after tx that are somewhat puzzling to us as they were not there before (shoulders/arms/legs). We were thinking it was from tx and the after effects and will go away over time. But, I'm wondering if this has just brought on (enhanced) some arthritis that he's had. Who really knows? We are getting older, so I suppose it is expected and especially after something so tramatic that has happened to our bodies.

    I, myself, suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis and take 2 Aleve on my bad days and that seems to help. (by the way...I'm about 132 lbs and 2 Aleve are fine for me..Laughing )

    Good luck...


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member



    I'm with Pat that it sounds arthritic. Although we are going through some of the aches and pains after tx that are somewhat puzzling to us as they were not there before (shoulders/arms/legs). We were thinking it was from tx and the after effects and will go away over time. But, I'm wondering if this has just brought on (enhanced) some arthritis that he's had. Who really knows? We are getting older, so I suppose it is expected and especially after something so tramatic that has happened to our bodies.

    I, myself, suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis and take 2 Aleve on my bad days and that seems to help. (by the way...I'm about 132 lbs and 2 Aleve are fine for me..Laughing )

    Good luck...



    You and Phil Mickelson have something in commonWink

  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member


    You and Phil Mickelson have something in commonWink

    logging my complaint also

    Just adding to the incidence of joint pain as it is my biggest complaint. For the record I had cisplatin and for the record I probably overuse my joints and push them too hard and they hurt terrible. Constant inflammation in the wrists and ankle. Neither the foot doctor nor the  ortho guy think it's related to treatment. I'm going tomorrow for what I hope will be another cortisone shot as they really help with the wrist but not the ankle. My best guess is that we all tend to push ourselves hard somehow to prove to ourselves we are healthy. It may simply be mental illness I am dealing with. it's the Chicago cold that's got me annoyed though. Nice picture Pat. 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Ingrid K said:

    sounds like arthritis

    Hey Tim

    I'm not an expert of course, but this sounds a lot like arthritis to me....coupled with the fact that you are overdoing all the chores and hobbies right now.

    Slow down and try the OTCs.   My own GP feels that the radiation has escalated the arthritis (that I already had prior to TX but to a much lighter extent)

    Can you predict when it's going to rain or snow ?   I can....ever since treatment I'm like a living weather channel.

    Hope you get some relief and soon.




    IK, how's the weather going to be in Central Florida this week-end..., I need to plan my fishing trip, LOL.



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    ratface said:

    logging my complaint also

    Just adding to the incidence of joint pain as it is my biggest complaint. For the record I had cisplatin and for the record I probably overuse my joints and push them too hard and they hurt terrible. Constant inflammation in the wrists and ankle. Neither the foot doctor nor the  ortho guy think it's related to treatment. I'm going tomorrow for what I hope will be another cortisone shot as they really help with the wrist but not the ankle. My best guess is that we all tend to push ourselves hard somehow to prove to ourselves we are healthy. It may simply be mental illness I am dealing with. it's the Chicago cold that's got me annoyed though. Nice picture Pat. 


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Skiffin16 said:


    IK, how's the weather going to be in Central Florida this week-end..., I need to plan my fishing trip, LOL.



    gonna rain

    hah, it's supposed to no fishing for you.

    Take your lovely wife out for breakfast and shopping instead. LOL

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    ratface said:

    logging my complaint also

    Just adding to the incidence of joint pain as it is my biggest complaint. For the record I had cisplatin and for the record I probably overuse my joints and push them too hard and they hurt terrible. Constant inflammation in the wrists and ankle. Neither the foot doctor nor the  ortho guy think it's related to treatment. I'm going tomorrow for what I hope will be another cortisone shot as they really help with the wrist but not the ankle. My best guess is that we all tend to push ourselves hard somehow to prove to ourselves we are healthy. It may simply be mental illness I am dealing with. it's the Chicago cold that's got me annoyed though. Nice picture Pat. 

    Cold Chicago weather


    I also am starting to now hate the Chicago cold.... never used to bother me.  I would be the one out with no hat, no gloves, etc.

    Now I have to really bundle up or my hands and feet hurt so bad from the cold.

    Doc thinks it is NOT related to rads we are blaming it on arthritis.

    I think we all need to move down to where Skiff lives....sunny Florida.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ingrid K said:

    Cold Chicago weather


    I also am starting to now hate the Chicago cold.... never used to bother me.  I would be the one out with no hat, no gloves, etc.

    Now I have to really bundle up or my hands and feet hurt so bad from the cold.

    Doc thinks it is NOT related to rads we are blaming it on arthritis.

    I think we all need to move down to where Skiff lives....sunny Florida.


    It might not be the rads....

    but it may be the chemo that makes cold so damned intolerable!  I swear my hands and feet are taking a beating this winter, and we're having an easy one for hands ache and sting everytime I'm out....and I have to be out a lot with this puppy and caring for the horses. 

    Or......maybe we're hitting the "Arizona age" Laughing.....where we just don't want to hang out in the cold for half the year!!


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Alleve is a great med; used

    Alleve is a great med; used it for over 50 years. Takes care of inflamation very well. However, if Alleve does not produce significant relief, knock on your doc's office door once again. My tumor grew into a spinal nerve and produced Level-9 pain. Five days of urgent radiation reduced the tumor and the pain. If your problem is inflamation/strain, Alleve and steroids should fix you up. If you don't get fixed up, look for a more serious cause. Rick.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660

    It might not be the rads....

    but it may be the chemo that makes cold so damned intolerable!  I swear my hands and feet are taking a beating this winter, and we're having an easy one for hands ache and sting everytime I'm out....and I have to be out a lot with this puppy and caring for the horses. 

    Or......maybe we're hitting the "Arizona age" Laughing.....where we just don't want to hang out in the cold for half the year!!


    Well Tim

    I Googled tolit plunging and it says that is one of the leading causes of the concerns you mentioned, so next time the tolits give you trouble watch how you perform doing it.. LOL  Seriously I would agree with others that maybe you have just overworked your self both tree cutting and hunting etc.  You have just come out of cancer treatment so to speak and I know it takes a while plus you are 90 lbs thinner, although that may help get around etc, and no doubt good for you it still likely changed some body issues.  I know I have a sore fanny sitting in my wheelchair now that as Diane says Im rumpless.  I also notice at nights I to toss and turn because of my ribs now not having 40 extra lbs wraped around them.  I used to be able to comfortably lay on my man boobs but now they went away, miss them little pillows.  So although this post is both serious and silly take it easy for awhile other than what you are required to do and see if that helps.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    It might not be the rads....

    but it may be the chemo that makes cold so damned intolerable!  I swear my hands and feet are taking a beating this winter, and we're having an easy one for hands ache and sting everytime I'm out....and I have to be out a lot with this puppy and caring for the horses. 

    Or......maybe we're hitting the "Arizona age" Laughing.....where we just don't want to hang out in the cold for half the year!!


    sore hands ?

    I didn't have chemo, only not sure where the sore hands is coming from.

    But I think you may be on to something... I am definitely of the age to be a snowbird, somewhere in Arizona or Florida.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Ingrid K said:

    sore hands ?

    I didn't have chemo, only not sure where the sore hands is coming from.

    But I think you may be on to something... I am definitely of the age to be a snowbird, somewhere in Arizona or Florida.



    Shelley and the girls (me also)...would love it...

    Would love to have you, Barney, and the Florida neighbors...

    Camp Mack

    You know you'd rather be here, heading out for a days fishing....


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Skiffin16 said:


    Shelley and the girls (me also)...would love it...

    Would love to have you, Barney, and the Florida neighbors...

    Camp Mack

    You know you'd rather be here, heading out for a days fishing....


    well, thanks !

    it could happen.  One never knows.

    this looks very peaceful for sure.