New member Xeloda fears



  • Karen57
    Karen57 Member Posts: 9
    Karen57 said:


    joe had to think about that for a minute..made me smile ..

    so I had a few hives and they pulled me off for a few days and I wills be taking Claritin before I take the am dose.. 

    Now I just want to get on with it.. 

    One step forward and two steps back..
    Back again more advice
    So in my first round 8 doses, I had nausea, more heart burn but felt crappy, moody as hell, hives, Claratin helped that, and a few mouth sores, Maalox helped that.. Dr said take a week off and start again..
    So I started on Saturday on a lower dose.. I was had more nausea and by hour 6 very bad diarrhea.
    I took Imodium and called the dr and I am off it again.. Until I see him on Thursday..

    This has been my issue with all meds, I always get the side effects..

    Any suggestions?
    My history is small tumor in Colon removed in Dec,
    28 lymph nodes all negative,
    a small disjoined para colonic mass, that they believed might have been a lymph node but no lymph tissue could be found.
    All scans have been clear.
    Was first considered Stage 2 but changed to 3 after they decided the para colonic mass was probably a lymph node

    Thanks for any and all advice
  • Karen57
    Karen57 Member Posts: 9
    Karen57 said:


    joe had to think about that for a minute..made me smile ..

    so I had a few hives and they pulled me off for a few days and I wills be taking Claritin before I take the am dose.. 

    Now I just want to get on with it.. 

    One step forward and two steps back..
    Back again more advice
    So in my first round 8 doses, I had nausea, more heart burn but felt crappy, moody as hell, hives, Claratin helped that, and a few mouth sores, Maalox helped that.. Dr said take a week off and start again..
    So I started on Saturday on a lower dose.. I was had more nausea and by hour 6 very bad diarrhea.
    I took Imodium and called the dr and I am off it again.. Until I see him on Thursday..

    This has been my issue with all meds, I always get the side effects..

    Any suggestions?
    My history is small tumor in Colon removed in Dec,
    28 lymph nodes all negative,
    a small disjoined para colonic mass, that they believed might have been a lymph node but no lymph tissue could be found.
    All scans have been clear.
    Was first considered Stage 2 but changed to 3 after they decided the para colonic mass was probably a lymph node

    Thanks for any and all advice
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Karen57 said:

    Back again more advice
    So in my first round 8 doses, I had nausea, more heart burn but felt crappy, moody as hell, hives, Claratin helped that, and a few mouth sores, Maalox helped that.. Dr said take a week off and start again..
    So I started on Saturday on a lower dose.. I was had more nausea and by hour 6 very bad diarrhea.
    I took Imodium and called the dr and I am off it again.. Until I see him on Thursday..

    This has been my issue with all meds, I always get the side effects..

    Any suggestions?
    My history is small tumor in Colon removed in Dec,
    28 lymph nodes all negative,
    a small disjoined para colonic mass, that they believed might have been a lymph node but no lymph tissue could be found.
    All scans have been clear.
    Was first considered Stage 2 but changed to 3 after they decided the para colonic mass was probably a lymph node

    Thanks for any and all advice

    One day at a time

    I noticed in an earlier post that you said 1 down 233 to go. 

    My adivce here is to try (easier said than done) not to think of all the meds, or the months ahead, and just deal with things one day at a time. 

    I'm stage 3 too, but on the FOLFOX & 5FU infusions. I want to be like others on here and not have many side effects but so far it has been miserable.

    I'm thinking personally that I'm spending too much time feeling sorry for myself, so plan on being more active after tomorrows session. Easier now the freezing weather has taken a holiday.

    So, try to take this one day, one week at a time. It gets rather overwhelming to think of all the tablets or all the months ahead. 

    Keep us posted.


  • nick54
    nick54 Member Posts: 1
    taking xeloda

    hi karen57,sorry to hear about your diagnosis,two year xeloda taker here,and first thing i'm going to say is TAKE THE PILLS!,it will be the best thing to do for yourself,taking pills are scary,i know because i had trouble in the beggining taking any type pill but since my first operation in "06" now i have no problem swallowing anything,it's something you'll just get use to,it's not as hard as you think. i have had two operations radiation treatments,regular chemo and i still ended up with a third tumor,right next to my kidney,considered inoperable,so i was lucky,i healed inside enough to withstand another round of radiation to kill tumor and it worked,only problem now is i have stent in kidney so it drains completely,i have it changed every three months,well it was at that time i was told about xeloda,i asked about side effects,and i do get some of them,most common, short term memory loss,so keep note book and pen handy,also buy tin of bag balm because your hands an feet are going to peel,and the balm works great,i put it on over night with vynil gloves on, and my hands are fine,i do same thing with my feet except i use bread bags slightly tied on feet,this goes away in time i've been on it two years now and my hands peel very little,you'll also experience loss of appetite,just eat small meals,half sandwhich or cup a soup,and make sure you take multi-vitamin an iron pill every day.take slo-fe iron pill it will not upset your system as much,nausea is another problem,compazine worked for me,as you take it the side effects ease up,the only thing that you'll have trouble with is memory,short term memory will be your biggest problem once your body adjusts to the xeloda,it sounds scarier than it is,so if you want to live,i suggest, push your fears aside and just swallow the pills,in the two years i've been on it i'm cancer free,and the side effects are slowly going away. rule one when dealing with cancer is LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR, do what they tell you,forget the fear and just do it,your life depends on it.

  • keystone
    keystone Member Posts: 134 Member
    Karen57 said:

    Back again more advice
    So in my first round 8 doses, I had nausea, more heart burn but felt crappy, moody as hell, hives, Claratin helped that, and a few mouth sores, Maalox helped that.. Dr said take a week off and start again..
    So I started on Saturday on a lower dose.. I was had more nausea and by hour 6 very bad diarrhea.
    I took Imodium and called the dr and I am off it again.. Until I see him on Thursday..

    This has been my issue with all meds, I always get the side effects..

    Any suggestions?
    My history is small tumor in Colon removed in Dec,
    28 lymph nodes all negative,
    a small disjoined para colonic mass, that they believed might have been a lymph node but no lymph tissue could be found.
    All scans have been clear.
    Was first considered Stage 2 but changed to 3 after they decided the para colonic mass was probably a lymph node

    Thanks for any and all advice

    Hope this helps

    Hi Karen, My husband was on a very strong dose of Xeloda 2 years ago. He after a week or so got very sick on it and he considered going off of it. I did some research and found that some studies showed that Folic Acid in your diet increased side affects. We looked back at his diet the previous 3 days and he had eaten a lot of foods fortified with folic acid (breads,cerials,crackers ect) We pulled as much of these things from his diet and he was SO much better within 2 days.I have shared this with others on here and it made a big difference with them also. Wishing you the best! Stephanie

  • Dan46
    Dan46 Member Posts: 6
    Karen I felt like that

    Karen I felt like that yesterday morning when I took my first dose of xeloda, I'm hoping you are doing well on them and that you are feeling good. 


    God Bless
