new cancer and bloody discharge

I had cancer in 2006, then a lumpectomy, then radiation. It was ok for six years then I developed angiosarcoma cancer from the radiation treatments in 2006. It is a rare cancer that any kind of treatments do not affect it , it keeps coming back. Only 1 or 5 percent not sure which number of the nation has it . It doesn't show up in mammogram's or blood tests. The cancer is in the blood cells. In August 2012 I noticed bruising on my breast. The cancer had come back I had half my breast removed. Then it came back again in November 2012 they done a mastectomy, put drains in. They removed the drains last of November 2012 . They drained it just about every week they still are draining it. In January 2013 I lifted up my arm to get something off the shelf, it felt like something pulled or tore , it really hurt and still does. I went in to be drained the drainage was very bloody instead of mostly clear, it concerned him I told him about I thought I hurt myself. He didn't hear me because he thought it was cancer, he seen another area he didn't like he sent a piece of the area and the drainage off. The drainage came back no cancer but the area came back angiosarcoma cancer. Now when I went back for surgery schedule he drained me again, it was very bloody and still hurts a lot, but he was looking to see where he could make the incision, he found more places he thinks is cancer. If it is my skin is so tight that he may have to do a skin graft. If it is deep he is not sure what he will do. He doesn't want to leave a deep hole in my chest I am still being drained all the time from last of November will, that continue while I do radiation if it hasn't spread from the area its in. Should I say I want an ex ray or something to see if I hurt myself? It hurts a lot and is sore if I move anywhere in that area. Would love any comments you may have. I have COPD and use oxygen 24 hours a day, have a heart disease, stomach problems, had a stroke behind my eye, bone problems, insulin dependent diabetic so they say no way in getting chemotherapy that my body was to weak. They are giving me radiation that started this cancer from the other radiation. They say this is my only chance. Sorry for such a long post. Has anyone had this or any ideas


  • PennyJ
    PennyJ Member Posts: 31
    Second opinion?

    I am so sorry to hear about all that you have gone through.  Your situation sounds really complicated and I wonder if a second opinion might help you.  If you could get the second opinion at a well known cancer center where they treat a large number of patients with rare/unusual cancers, you might find that they have some additional treatment options available.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I will keep you in my thoughts.



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    PennyJ said:

    Second opinion?

    I am so sorry to hear about all that you have gone through.  Your situation sounds really complicated and I wonder if a second opinion might help you.  If you could get the second opinion at a well known cancer center where they treat a large number of patients with rare/unusual cancers, you might find that they have some additional treatment options available.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I will keep you in my thoughts.



    Sorry I think CT with contrast or breast MRI

    I am very sorry for what you have been going through. I agree second opinion can be helpful. As far as tests I would ask for CT with contrast or breast MRI.

    also please ask if Chemo at low dose, like weekly treatments can be an option for you. I know often it is offered for elderly patients 

    good luck and keep us posted

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I also have a fairly rare BC,

    I also have a fairly rare BC, triple negative inflammatory BC.  I don't specifically look at the stats because they're pretty dismal, especially for stage IV.

    I agree that you shuld look for a second opinion.  Do you know who is consdered 'THE EXPERT' with your type of cancer?  Can you get a second opinion from them by sending copies of your reports and test results?

    Please come back frequently, and let us know how you're doing.



  • muffingranma
    muffingranma Member Posts: 107
    PennyJ said:

    Second opinion?

    I am so sorry to hear about all that you have gone through.  Your situation sounds really complicated and I wonder if a second opinion might help you.  If you could get the second opinion at a well known cancer center where they treat a large number of patients with rare/unusual cancers, you might find that they have some additional treatment options available.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing and I will keep you in my thoughts.



    New cancer, Bloody drainage

    I went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance center last month, they suggested absolutely no chemotherapy. After I went to Seattle the new cancers have shown up. They said the type and strength and dose they would have to give would kill me. My body isn't strong enough to handle it. I wonder about the radiation because that's what caused this cancer from treatments 5 years ago. The doctors say its the only chance now to prolong the cancer from coming back. I want to find out if the bloody drainage and pain are from where I hurt myself when I lifted my arm and felt something pull or tear and then it hurt and still does. My doctor said the bloody drainage came back no cancer. The other area they biopsy ed came back positive for Angiosarcoma cancer. He said he may have to go wider and deeper because it looks like it has spread in three weeks time. . That my skin was pulled so tight now and he doesn't know how he will do it if he has to go deeper. Will the doctors get upset if I ask for a second opinion. I hope not he will be doing my surgery. I know it keeps coming back, nothing works against the cancer, it only delays it, that its in your blood cells. I wonder if he will still drain it while I do radiation? I still have pain where it pulled or tore. Thank you for answering, I appreciate your help anytime.

  • muffingranma
    muffingranma Member Posts: 107

    Sorry I think CT with contrast or breast MRI

    I am very sorry for what you have been going through. I agree second opinion can be helpful. As far as tests I would ask for CT with contrast or breast MRI.

    also please ask if Chemo at low dose, like weekly treatments can be an option for you. I know often it is offered for elderly patients 

    good luck and keep us posted

    New cancer, Bloody drainage

     went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance center last month, they suggested absolutely no chemotherapy. After I went to Seattle the new cancers have shown up. They said the type and strength and dose they would have to give would kill me. My body isn't strong enough to handle it. I wonder about the radiation because that's what caused this cancer from treatments 5 years ago. The doctors say its the only chance now to prolong the cancer from coming back.  It is a rare cancer and doesn't respond to any treatment. I want to find out if the bloody drainage and pain are from where I hurt myself when I lifted my arm and felt something pull or tear and then it hurt and still does. My doctor said the bloody drainage came back no cancer. The other area they biopsy ed came back positive for Angiosarcoma cancer. He said he may have to go wider and deeper because it looks like it has spread in three weeks time. . That my skin was pulled so tight now and he doesn't know how he will do it if he has to go deeper. Will the doctors get upset if I ask for a second opinion. I hope not he will be doing my surgery. I know it keeps coming back, nothing works against the cancer, it only delays it, that its in your blood cells. I wonder if he will still drain it while I do radiation? I still have pain where it pulled or tore. Thank you for answering, I appreciate your help anytime. I don't know my surgery date. I will inform everyone.

  • muffingranma
    muffingranma Member Posts: 107

    I also have a fairly rare BC,

    I also have a fairly rare BC, triple negative inflammatory BC.  I don't specifically look at the stats because they're pretty dismal, especially for stage IV.

    I agree that you shuld look for a second opinion.  Do you know who is consdered 'THE EXPERT' with your type of cancer?  Can you get a second opinion from them by sending copies of your reports and test results?

    Please come back frequently, and let us know how you're doing.



    new cancer, bloody discharge
    went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance center last month, they suggested absolutely no chemotherapy. After I went to Seattle the new cancers have shown up. They said the type and strength and dose they would have to give would kill me. My body isn't strong enough to handle it. I wonder about the radiation because that's what caused this cancer from treatments 5 years ago. The doctors say its the only chance now to prolong the cancer from coming back. I want to find out if the bloody drainage and pain are from where I hurt myself when I lifted my arm and felt something pull or tear and then it hurt and still does. My doctor said the bloody drainage came back no cancer. The other area they biopsy ed came back positive for Angiosarcoma cancer. He said he may have to go wider and deeper because it looks like it has spread in three weeks time. . That my skin was pulled so tight now and he doesn't know how he will do it if he has to go deeper. Will the doctors get upset if I ask for a second opinion. I hope not he will be doing my surgery. I know it keeps coming back, nothing works against the cancer, it only delays it, that its in your blood cells. I wonder if he will still drain it while I do radiation? I still have pain where it pulled or tore. Thank you for answering, I appreciate your help anytime. I don't know when my surgery is. I will let you know. Thank you
  • PennyJ
    PennyJ Member Posts: 31

    New cancer, Bloody drainage

    I went to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance center last month, they suggested absolutely no chemotherapy. After I went to Seattle the new cancers have shown up. They said the type and strength and dose they would have to give would kill me. My body isn't strong enough to handle it. I wonder about the radiation because that's what caused this cancer from treatments 5 years ago. The doctors say its the only chance now to prolong the cancer from coming back. I want to find out if the bloody drainage and pain are from where I hurt myself when I lifted my arm and felt something pull or tear and then it hurt and still does. My doctor said the bloody drainage came back no cancer. The other area they biopsy ed came back positive for Angiosarcoma cancer. He said he may have to go wider and deeper because it looks like it has spread in three weeks time. . That my skin was pulled so tight now and he doesn't know how he will do it if he has to go deeper. Will the doctors get upset if I ask for a second opinion. I hope not he will be doing my surgery. I know it keeps coming back, nothing works against the cancer, it only delays it, that its in your blood cells. I wonder if he will still drain it while I do radiation? I still have pain where it pulled or tore. Thank you for answering, I appreciate your help anytime.

    Second opinion

    Some doctors do seem to feel threatened by a second opinion, but in my expirience the good ones don't mind and understand that it is important that you feel comfortable with your treatment plan. 

    Sending good wishes your way,
