how many here have to NO BC in family?

disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

I know this subject has been posted in past. Just curious of how many of us had little/ very little chance of BC and had it?

EAch time I go for mamo ask many questions (prior to  my cancer) and give a so called rating of your chances. MINE was like 1% yet I had it.





  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Just me

    Other family members have had different types of cancer but I am the only one with BC.



  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    I am the only one with BC in

    I am the only one with BC in my family...but not a lot of close relative females. Just, me, my mom, one living grandmother (one grandma passed away in 1993), and one brother. I recently found out I have a parternal aunt I had no idea existed, but have no information about her.

    My maternal grandfather died of colon cancer in 1983 around 73 yrs of age. My paternal grandfather died maybe 8-10 years ago. Cancer was susptected but his dementia was so extensive, it was decided that he would be better of to let pass away.

    My father shot himself in the head in the late 90s/early 2000s.

    Maternal Uncle died of diabetes and heart related problems in in the mid 2000s

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    No history

    I know of no cancer of any kind on either side of my family for at least 4 generations - until my IBC.  Granted - it is not a large family as I only have 1 brother, both parents were 'only child', both G-Dads were only child but both G-Moms had several siblings,  All G-G-parents came from large families.  So no history at all for me.

    Winyan - The Power Within


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    If you read more on this

    in all breast cancers, it is said that only 5 - 15% of all breast cancers are hereditary, therefore, the majority of us will not have the brca 1 or 2 gene.  I have no family history and there are about 35 female 1st cousins on my moms side alone, and my mother was 1 of six sisters and I am the only one with bc. 

    On another note though, all of her brothers and my mother died of cancer (5 so far) and one of her sisters has colon cancer.  My mother had malinoma, and it was head and neck cancer that got her.  Two brothers w/lung cancer, one bladder cancer, and one prostate that spread to his lungs.  All were farmers and the two with lung cancer were said to have 'farmers lungs".  I have a cousin and 2 brothers with Leukemia one of which also has small cell lymphoma, a brother who died of bladder cancer (his son has non hodgekins lymphoma0, a sister that had malonoma (her son has Embrionic Liver Cancer in Children (one of the less than 5% that survived, he is now 20 and was diagnosed at 8) , other sisters with squamish and basil cell skin cancers), and me with Cervical cancer at 21, breast cancer at 44, and metastatic bc at 52 and I have a son with Essential Thrombo Cytosis diagnosed at 24, but in going back through bloodwork, the bone marrow transplant team says he had it already at 13...  This will turn into a Leukemia eventually, it has a lifespan of 25 years and he is in at least year 14. 

    So even if we do not have the brca 1 or 2, it has been suggested by my brothers oncologist as well as mine and my sons, that we most likely have a gene mutation that is lending us to these cancers.  In my case, they feel that the bc is a direct cause of HRT, and Estrogen Therapy, as well as numorous shots of progestrerone and estrogen from the time I was 15 for bleeding to the point of hemmoraging, as well as triple doses of birth control pills to try and stop bleeding.  back then the standard dose of birth control was .5, today it is .025.  Unfortunately, in a study that was released in Nov. 2010, they have found that HRT induced bc when it returns stage iv, is always terminal and does not respond well to chemo, which explains why my cancer has kept growing and spreading through 2 years of chemo.  I wish it was hereditary as the studies have shown that even though you are more likely to get it if you have the gene, brca 1 and 2 normally responds well to treatment!    But they feel the liver and blood cancers in one immediate family are most likely a direct link to  a gene mutation in our family.  My dads side, eight siblings and 2 parents, all but two died of cancer, one had a heart attact at 44 years old, one died of a stroke but also most likely had liver cancer. 

    I do not believe that anyone is safe from cancer, we can cut our risks though through lifestyle, ie diet, environment, what we put in our bodies, but as long as we breathe we are all at risk just from breathing of taking in known carcenogins! 





  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384 Member
    I'm the first.....

    ......and hopefully the last in my family!



  • burcu123
    burcu123 Member Posts: 66
    1% is not a low risk

    I am happy your cancer is caught early , and you are doing well.

    Actually what they needed to explain to you was 1% is not a low risk. actually it is a quiet high risk. That means from every 100 women they see one will have cancer. Considering all the women having mamogram, this will give huge amount of people with breast cancer

    If your risk is over 1.6% you are really high risk and qualify for chemoprevention.

    Tamoxiphen that is so scared causes endometrial cancer in 3 out of 1000 women making a risk of 0.3%, under age 50 risk of endometrial cancer is 2 in a 1000 making a risk of 0.2%. This is much lower than your breast cancer risk yet very much feared.

    I think education is missing here about waht is high risk. Offcourse unless you are told everybody thinks 1% is a low risk. But it is not that is where education is missing.


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    Just me

    Family history would not have been a factor; but I had some of the other so-called risk factors.

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    No family history for me

    on either side.  Linda

  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    I had a mother and two aunts

    I had a mother and two aunts with breast cancer

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Camul aka Carol Stated it Correctly

    in all breast cancers, it is said that only 5 - 15% of all breast cancers are hereditary, therefore, the majority of us will not have the brca 1 or 2 gene.


    I had two aunts and a cousin who had breast cancer.  One aunt died at 46, the cousin died at 27, the other aunt was in her 80's when she was diagnosed with bc and was treated with a lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen.  She died at age 94 of causes due to aging.

    None of these people had any relationship to my diagnose.  I didn't have the brca 1 or brca 2 gene and am fairly certain that they didn't either.  The aunt and cousin died long before they even knew about this factor.

    Why they continue to ask this sort of information prior to your mammogram is a puzzlement.  I wish you would ask them since as Carol said, it is known that the hereditary factor for breast cancer is between 5-15%.  I would like to know what they have to say about it.



    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    I had a mother and two aunts

    I had a mother and two aunts with breast cancer

    For RozHopkins

    Where any of you tested for the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 gene?



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    SIROD said:

    For RozHopkins

    Where any of you tested for the BRCA1 or BRCA 2 gene?



    Honestly I am clueless what

    Honestly I am clueless what those tests are!



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I am the only one with

    I am the only one with Ulcertive colitis..I have had it 20 yrs...


    I should play lotto...



  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Member Posts: 1
    jamiegww said:

    I'm the first.....

    ......and hopefully the last in my family!



    I agree!  I'm  the first, and

    I agree!  I'm  the first, and I sure hope I'm the last!

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    I am the only one with

    I am the only one with Ulcertive colitis..I have had it 20 yrs...


    I should play lotto...



    I am the only one I know of

    and my family is very large--mom had 11 siblings, so I have over 20 cousins.  To this day, I am the only one I know of with breast cancer.  Like the others, I hope no one else ever gets it.


    Hugs, Renee

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Honestly I am clueless what

    Honestly I am clueless what those tests are!



    BRCA1 & BRCA2 Genes Mutation


    One has to have certain criteria to be tested and I believe it's expensive.

    Here is a link to SGK who had that mutation as did her sister, Nancy, the CEO of the SGK Foundation.



  • Julia K
    Julia K Member Posts: 8
    Only one

    I too am the only one with bc. 

  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340

    No BC history in my family at all! I did BRCA test~came back negative for both. I hope I am taking one for the team for my family and it begins and ends here!

  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    burcu123 said:

    1% is not a low risk

    I am happy your cancer is caught early , and you are doing well.

    Actually what they needed to explain to you was 1% is not a low risk. actually it is a quiet high risk. That means from every 100 women they see one will have cancer. Considering all the women having mamogram, this will give huge amount of people with breast cancer

    If your risk is over 1.6% you are really high risk and qualify for chemoprevention.

    Tamoxiphen that is so scared causes endometrial cancer in 3 out of 1000 women making a risk of 0.3%, under age 50 risk of endometrial cancer is 2 in a 1000 making a risk of 0.2%. This is much lower than your breast cancer risk yet very much feared.

    I think education is missing here about waht is high risk. Offcourse unless you are told everybody thinks 1% is a low risk. But it is not that is where education is missing.


    burcu123...I guess I'm not

    burcu123...I guess I'm not understanding why you don't consider 1% to not be a low risk?  Or is it that you are comparing it to the endometrial cancer risk? Tamoxifen is not right for everyone and that's where the education probably should come in to play (other side effects or risks ie;blood clots) Looking at it on the surface, elementary speaking % wise,  there would be 99 women taking tamoxifen that would never had been dx'd with BC the way you are putting it. 

    To me it seems this breast cancer % risk means it's individually calculated based on factors such as dense breasts, age at pregnancy, diet, family hx, previous radiation exposure, etc etc.  I don't know this as fact but that makes more sense to me. 

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I had no relatives who have

    I had no relatives who have had breast cancer in my family, but 2 months after my diagnosis my mom was also diagnosed with breast cancer.