AML sub 2-Born Marrow transplant


My daughter was diagnosted with AML M-2  on Oct 12,2012, she went through  induction I and II, righ now she is in  intensification I. She got remission after induction I. Also she is enrolled into a clinical trial with  drug Bortezomib  beside ADE 10+3+5. She and her sister HLA are 6 pair match, right now we need to make a decision  for bone marrow transplant. we know BMT also has a high risk and side effects after transplant, but I heard AML relapse rate are very high. Is anyone could please share his/her experience with AML treatment and BMT experince with us and that would be appreciated greatly.



  • Deidra73
    Deidra73 Member Posts: 1
    My daughter is about 7 months

    My daughter is about 7 months post BMT for AML M2 FLT3+.  Our other daughter was her donor.  It is a long road with a slow healing time.  I really don't know what to share- do you have any specific questions?