To move or not to move...

Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member

Considering moving to Dallas/FW area to be closer to docs and hospitals.  In one way it makes a lot of since, in another it feels as if I am letting my illness run my life.    I love the high desert......  Just far from good medical      Opinions?  ( do have daughter in D)


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    And I thought you were moving to DFW just to be closer to me:)


    Hospitals, and cancer centers rival any in the new colorectal doc was voted by his peers as the #1 colorectal lung surgeon weighed in at #3 on the list.

    UTSW was elevated to NCI status last year...that makes us the "M.D. Anderson of North Texas."

    No kidding.

    And you're daughter is here:)

    What was the question?


    The illness isn't controlling your life, Lori....sometimes in life, things seem to happen for a reason...a reason we may not be able to forecast when we look out over our horizon.

    Life is Risk...Life is Reward. 

    Being close to your daughter just may be what the doctor ordered:)

    It's busy here in the Metroplex...just like in Houston when you go there...we've had a huge influx of folks moving down are good, housing is rebounding...and it's an affordable place to live.

    It gets hot...but you already know hot in the desert...different kind of heat...but when it's 107 or more...does it really matter?


    Done, pack your bags....and call me when you get here:)

    I wish you the best with your decision, your daughter votes yes, huh?



  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I heart Fort Worth!

    Yes!  What Craig said!

    Although I don't live in Ft. Worth, I easily could and wouldn't mind heading that direction after the kids are in college.  Is the D/FW area right for you?  Research, visit and pray. But I do understand the need to be closer to quality health care.  I like North Central Texas.  I prefer Ft. Worth probably because I know it so well.  I like the feel of it. It has a smaller town feel as a city while remaining a cultural hub.

    Trust your gut.  You'll find the path that's best for you!

    Keep us posted.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Sometimes one thing is a catalyst that prompts us to do something which will turn out to be totally the right move, even for some other reason.  Case in point.  I lived on the Gulf Coast at one time and experienced a hurricane, which flooded my house.  I was an emotional wreck after that and knew I could not go through that again, so I moved back to my hometown, but for some time questioned that decision.  Then three years later, my dad suddenly died.  Had I not moved back home, I would not have had those last 3 years with him.  Suddenly, it became clear to me that I had made the right decision.


    More recently, when my husband and I relocated to where we now live, we looked at many houses.  I wasn't crazy about the one we ended up with, but we were blessed with the best neighbor, who is a radiologist.  Fast forward to 2008 when I was diagnosed with anal cancer.  I found out what a true angel I live next door to and I suddenly knew this was right where I needed to be.


    Mine are completely different scenarios, but I think they show that we don't always know the "why" in making a decision until later on.  We have to go with our gut.  I hope your gut will tell you what the right move is.

  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    mp327 said:


    Sometimes one thing is a catalyst that prompts us to do something which will turn out to be totally the right move, even for some other reason.  Case in point.  I lived on the Gulf Coast at one time and experienced a hurricane, which flooded my house.  I was an emotional wreck after that and knew I could not go through that again, so I moved back to my hometown, but for some time questioned that decision.  Then three years later, my dad suddenly died.  Had I not moved back home, I would not have had those last 3 years with him.  Suddenly, it became clear to me that I had made the right decision.


    More recently, when my husband and I relocated to where we now live, we looked at many houses.  I wasn't crazy about the one we ended up with, but we were blessed with the best neighbor, who is a radiologist.  Fast forward to 2008 when I was diagnosed with anal cancer.  I found out what a true angel I live next door to and I suddenly knew this was right where I needed to be.


    Mine are completely different scenarios, but I think they show that we don't always know the "why" in making a decision until later on.  We have to go with our gut.  I hope your gut will tell you what the right move is.


    Big decision Lori!  I understand the need to be close to medical facilities that you respect.  After living in Houston, Texas for 21 years (home of MDA) I moved to Colorado.  Then after two years I needed MDA. Thus I fly back there often.  I thank God we have the means to do so. If not would I move back to Houston?  I don't know...I think I would if I felt I was in dire need of consistent medical care to preserve my health. When people ask where will we live when we retire...I answer "I don't know". I just don't worry about it right now. The answer will come when I need to make the decision.  However, my husband has hinted about wanting to return to the east coast to be closer to family. I think that becomes a catalyst for many.  Follow your heart and the answer will be there. Dallas/Ft. Worth is a nice area. I fly there for work and have spent many days there over the years. 

    Good luck with your decison.  When is your next MDA visit? I'll be there Feb 6-8.  Any chance we will see each other? 


  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    lizdeli said:


    Big decision Lori!  I understand the need to be close to medical facilities that you respect.  After living in Houston, Texas for 21 years (home of MDA) I moved to Colorado.  Then after two years I needed MDA. Thus I fly back there often.  I thank God we have the means to do so. If not would I move back to Houston?  I don't know...I think I would if I felt I was in dire need of consistent medical care to preserve my health. When people ask where will we live when we retire...I answer "I don't know". I just don't worry about it right now. The answer will come when I need to make the decision.  However, my husband has hinted about wanting to return to the east coast to be closer to family. I think that becomes a catalyst for many.  Follow your heart and the answer will be there. Dallas/Ft. Worth is a nice area. I fly there for work and have spent many days there over the years. 

    Good luck with your decison.  When is your next MDA visit? I'll be there Feb 6-8.  Any chance we will see each other? 



    I fly in on the 9th of Feb and leave on the 13th.  I tried to move my appts up but have too many to rearrange!  First colonoscopy since dx.  Kinda scarey!  Let meknow when your next appts as soon as they scheduLE them and I'll see if they can coordinate ours.  Next time I shouldn't have o many, LOL!    

  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member

    I live in the DFW area and was treated at Baylor Plano(Texas Oncology) in 2008/2009 for anal cancer.  They have a great treatment facility.  It only took me about 15 minutes to commute to my doctors.  Dr. Mark Engleman was my radiologist and Dr. Manish Gupta was my chemo doctor.  They are both relatively young (mid 40's) and are really on top of the latest treatments for all cancers.  I am 4 years post treatment with few side effects.


  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member


    I live in the DFW area and was treated at Baylor Plano(Texas Oncology) in 2008/2009 for anal cancer.  They have a great treatment facility.  It only took me about 15 minutes to commute to my doctors.  Dr. Mark Engleman was my radiologist and Dr. Manish Gupta was my chemo doctor.  They are both relatively young (mid 40's) and are really on top of the latest treatments for all cancers.  I am 4 years post treatment with few side effects.



    I can't believe I will miss seeing you by one day!!!! Aaaghh!  I tried to change my appointment because I have a dear friend in Texas who is being treated for tongue cancer at MDA.  She is there every 3 weeks for massive chemo treatments.  But Dr. Chang is booked solid so I couldn't make it work.  They actually changed my appt on the 8th for 7:30 a.m. with him.  Knowing the prep that goes into getting ready for a procto it's going to be very interesting.  I have a CT scan scheduled for 6:00 pm on the 7th, which means I won't get the scan until at least 9:00 pm. Will be interesting to see how all that barium clears itself out before the procto. Oh well. We do what we must do!

    Wishing you great results my friend.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    lizdeli said:


    I can't believe I will miss seeing you by one day!!!! Aaaghh!  I tried to change my appointment because I have a dear friend in Texas who is being treated for tongue cancer at MDA.  She is there every 3 weeks for massive chemo treatments.  But Dr. Chang is booked solid so I couldn't make it work.  They actually changed my appt on the 8th for 7:30 a.m. with him.  Knowing the prep that goes into getting ready for a procto it's going to be very interesting.  I have a CT scan scheduled for 6:00 pm on the 7th, which means I won't get the scan until at least 9:00 pm. Will be interesting to see how all that barium clears itself out before the procto. Oh well. We do what we must do!

    Wishing you great results my friend.



    Gosh, reading this certainly reminds me that timing is everything!  I hope all goes smoothly for you and Lori too!

  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    lizdeli said:


    I can't believe I will miss seeing you by one day!!!! Aaaghh!  I tried to change my appointment because I have a dear friend in Texas who is being treated for tongue cancer at MDA.  She is there every 3 weeks for massive chemo treatments.  But Dr. Chang is booked solid so I couldn't make it work.  They actually changed my appt on the 8th for 7:30 a.m. with him.  Knowing the prep that goes into getting ready for a procto it's going to be very interesting.  I have a CT scan scheduled for 6:00 pm on the 7th, which means I won't get the scan until at least 9:00 pm. Will be interesting to see how all that barium clears itself out before the procto. Oh well. We do what we must do!

    Wishing you great results my friend.


    Liz----enemas for procto

    liz,  do you do 2 fleet enemas the nite before and one the next am before procto????  you have a different colorectal surgeon from me and just wondering>>>   sephie

  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    sephie said:

    Liz----enemas for procto

    liz,  do you do 2 fleet enemas the nite before and one the next am before procto????  you have a different colorectal surgeon from me and just wondering>>>   sephie


    Hi Sephie,

    Yes, same fun protocol! 

  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member

    To me Ft. Worth is truly calling you. Moving can be really stressful though. I was a realtor for 30 years so if you have any questions, I am happy to help you with the transition. Do you own or are you renting? If you are renting it is so much easier to move, naturally. I am enjoying life again and still taking it easy, not taking on real estate sales for an unforseen amount of time in the future, since it is very stressful worrying about moving trucks arriving when things aren't going well on a transaction, which happens - particularly in flakey banking times.

    I would give anything to be closer to my daughter who is deceased. I am happy to be well  now but after having been in a lot of pain for quite some time, when newly diagnosed, I really didn't care too much which way things went for me. Now, lymphedema pain properly managed, I am taking Zumba lessons and feeling like starting a community children's choir. I know Laura and I will be together when it's time.

    As for being close to Sloan Kettering, it has me taking a whole new look at how lucky we are to be living so close to good medical care.

    All the best,
