What you think about this? Is it TRUE? 

Any Comment is appreciated


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    If you are diagnosed with a malignancy, and do not wish to treat it, certainly. I had a friend and former co-worker who chose not to treat her cancer. She died, but probably had a higher quality of life for the time she had left on palliative care. However, if you want to treat cancer, who do you go to? Some mysterious website making conspiratorial claims about "institutional" or "commercial" medicine, and promising that their exclusive, triple-refined brand of Mediterranean Periwinkle extract will re-grow a severed limb as well as cure cancer? I don't think so. Apricot pits. Seaweed. Juicing. All have been touted as miracle cures. Why do diets rich in all of these still produce cancer patients?

    For localized cancer, radiation wil kill it. Period. For many types of cancer, chemotherapy will kill it, or greatly slow its progress. As Huxley said,  you pays your money and you takes your choice.  

  • fullyloved
    fullyloved Member Posts: 39
    Partly, but exaggerated.

    Is chemo poisonous?  Yes! Just watch the nurses put on their chemotherapy aprons before they give it to you and wear gloves for protection. Can it have terrible side effects? Yes. Is radiation dangerous? Yes. Too much or radiation aimed at the wrong body part will kill you. Radiation often gives long term side effects. Both chemo and radiation will increase your risk for secondary cancers. All of these are known facts.

    But the fact that chemotherapy normally kills the patient or almost without curing the cancer is no longer true. In the early days of chemo, yes. The drugs were too strong, and it was all so new and untried that you probably had a better chance of surviving without chemo than with chemo especially for some cancers. Just read stories of early cancer survivors and you will discover that their treatment was pure hell. It wasn't too many years ago that cancer was a death sentence.

    But take my case. I was approaching my death bed rapidly before I received treatment, a large cancer mass pressing on my heart and destroying the lungs. The evening after the 1st chemotherapy treatment I felt better than I had felt in a long time and slept the night through, something I had not done in months. By my second treatment, I was returning to work part time. By the 3rd treatment I was picking up full time work again and have been going strong ever since. I am finished with treatment with the cancer well on its way out, going back only for check ups. Not everyone's story is the same, but over all, treatment is not the terrible thing people envision it as.

    Can a healthy, sensible diet low in carbs and sugar and high in healthy vegetables and meat aid in fighting cancer? Yes! Can supporting the immune system and avoiding stress so your body has the resources to fight cancer on its own make a difference? Yes! Can eating some proven cancer fighting foods help? Yes! All of that is just common sense.

    Can cancer be cured through diet and other supplements or treatments? Yes. I have seen it happen twice in acquaintances of mine. Is that the cure all for cancer? No. Every cancer is unique and everyone's situation is different. Using strictly diet or other special supplements was not an option for me because I was so sick I was doing good if anything I ate stayed down. I am now eating a much healthier diet than I was before for I don't want to stress my body out with junk foods when it needs all its resources to stay healthy and on top of cancer.


  • Diet

    I have generally had a very healthy diet my entire life yet I have cancer. I have never smoked, always been thin and very active. My sister had leomyo(spelling?) sarcoma at age 29. She had surgery but refused chemo and radiation. She was told she had less than year. She turned 67 in October. She had 3 relapsed and each time had surgery but refused chemo. Physically she is a mess but she is alive. However it would be poor judgement to make any comparison between her solid tumors and my blood cancer. I think the bottom line is that each case is different but you must live with the decisions. Lymphoma is treatable.

  • unknown said:


    I have generally had a very healthy diet my entire life yet I have cancer. I have never smoked, always been thin and very active. My sister had leomyo(spelling?) sarcoma at age 29. She had surgery but refused chemo and radiation. She was told she had less than year. She turned 67 in October. She had 3 relapsed and each time had surgery but refused chemo. Physically she is a mess but she is alive. However it would be poor judgement to make any comparison between her solid tumors and my blood cancer. I think the bottom line is that each case is different but you must live with the decisions. Lymphoma is treatable.


    Lymphoma is VERY treatable. Be more positive. I wish only the best for. Good luck.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    If it quacks like a duck...

    Having some free time, I finally clicked on the link. This is, to me, so obviously false that it should not be considered, even briefly, by anyone for any reason. Where is the lineup of patients from the airport to this man's office waiting for this "doctor" to cure their rare and aggressive cancers? Where are the survivors? Even one? Not even on YouTube? From one of the many web-ads for the substances that he promotes: "(This doctor) travelled to Costa Rica so he could help cancer patients" Unreal. It's OK to be paranoid, or to suffer from delusions of conspiracies at every turn. But, when you just happen to profit from selling useless junk to desperate cancer patients? That sounds criminal. Might also be why he can only help cancer patients that travel to a foreign country.  

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    If it quacks like a duck...

    Having some free time, I finally clicked on the link. This is, to me, so obviously false that it should not be considered, even briefly, by anyone for any reason. Where is the lineup of patients from the airport to this man's office waiting for this "doctor" to cure their rare and aggressive cancers? Where are the survivors? Even one? Not even on YouTube? From one of the many web-ads for the substances that he promotes: "(This doctor) travelled to Costa Rica so he could help cancer patients" Unreal. It's OK to be paranoid, or to suffer from delusions of conspiracies at every turn. But, when you just happen to profit from selling useless junk to desperate cancer patients? That sounds criminal. Might also be why he can only help cancer patients that travel to a foreign country.  



    Loved it !


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member



    Loved it !


    They never stop

    These folks just get on my last chemo nerve! My dad succumbed to such promises in 1979, and the web has only made it worse.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    They never stop

    These folks just get on my last chemo nerve! My dad succumbed to such promises in 1979, and the web has only made it worse.


    My sister-in-law married a nut who repudiates mainstream medicine. Problem is, he is a vodka alcoholic who has killed his liver ! He was in ICU a few months ago, and conventional medicine has got him back on his feet.  Amazing.
