Dear Saliva........

You've been away for far too long and I really miss you!Cry


Its been since July 2012 that i finished rads and still no sign of any new saliva. Is it still too soon for me to be whining about this?

Its not like me to be negative, I'm usually a glass half full kind of girl but this is making me nuts. I have bad days with the no salivia and worse days but never yet have I had a good days since treatment, as far as saliva goes. Is it crazy for me to think I should have more by now? I know we are all different but I'd love to hear how long it took or has taken you to get even some back.

I've about OD'd on Biotene and xylimelts and gum with xylitol and nothing is working. I realize those things are only meant to help while chewing, rinsing or using them but I'm not seeing a whole lot of increase in saliva even when that stuff is in my mouth. I'd love to hear if anything special is working for you.


I would have sent this via USPS to each of you but my mouth is too dry to even lick an envelope...kidding...but serious.Wink



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    getting better



    No saliva or spit, nothing?  Since I am still in my rookie year I do not have much experience in spit recovery, but I do venture out (away from home) without my water bottle (not far and there are hundreds of places to get something to drink).  I am not crazy enough to go very far without drink and I am still drinking 10 glasses a day.  I don’t venture out without knowing where the bathrooms are either.


    I do think I am getting better.  I still use xylimelts before sleep and wake up on the fringe of needing water.  It use to be I would wake up in the middle of the night with desert mouth.


    I read all these saliva recovery stories and have to believe they are true.  Keep the faith.


    Your spitting friend,

    (little bit)

