New guy in town with chemo\radiology questions for my grandfather


Hello everyone. My grandfather was Diagnosed with stage II EC with a T3 tumor. I don't know much detail of anything else. He has finished chemo and finishes radiation this Wendsday. For the last 2 1/2, 3 weeks. He has been in absolute horrible stomach pain and has been going to the bathroom frequently. the first few weeks of treatment barely phased him but I knew he would eventually weaken as the treatments progressed. My question is did any of you on here have severe stomach pains that made you barely eat at all or bad headaches swelling or dizziness? If so did you tell the dr? He refuses to tell the dr the extent of his pains because he just wants to get everything done with. He's an old school tough retired Irish cop. They gave him a coating to help but barely takes it because he doesn't like the side effects possible from it. Hope to hear some answers! Very happy to have found this forum and am thankful to see people care! 


  • BrendanO
    BrendanO Member Posts: 2
    Also the first few weeks of

    Also the first few weeks of treatment he was barely coughing, now he is counging constantly again like he was before he was diagnosed. Is this common?

  • Amjosmom
    Amjosmom Member Posts: 212
    BrendanO said:

    Also the first few weeks of

    Also the first few weeks of treatment he was barely coughing, now he is counging constantly again like he was before he was diagnosed. Is this common?

    Hi BrendanO

    Welcome to the group. I'm sorry to hear of your grandfather's recent diagnosis, but you've found a great group of people here. Your grandfather's Stage is an early stage, so that's good. Are you his caretaker? Do you know any more details about his doctors or what exactly his diagosis is? We've gotten the T3, but there should be a couple more numbers that follow describing if there is node involment or distant metastasis. T3N?M?... Is he getting radiation, too? Or just chemo for now? And how old is your grandfather? These details will help in others giving advice. I'm unfamiliar with earlier stages as my Dad was diagnosed as Stage IV. There are many early stage survivors that will guide you through. Best wishes and keep us posted. This link may also help explain how he was staged...


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hope your Grandfather will be doing better soon


    Hello BrendenO,

     Your Grandfather is fortunate to be diagnosed at an early stage. It sounds like he is receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy prior to surgery? Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy frequently include nausea, diarrhea, hair loss, and sometimes stomach discomfort. The ongoing cough could be a result of the radiation therapy that often causes the throat to generate thick mucus that causes frequent throat clearing and cough.  

     Some of the other symptoms you describe could be the result of dehydration, another common side effect of chemotherapy. It is important for your Grandfather to discuss his side effects with his oncologist. There are medications to deal with many of these side effects and dehydration can be avoided with regular IV hydration.

     If you can give us more specific information about your Grandfather we can make better suggestions.

    What are the specifics of his diagnosis T3N?M?

    Does he have any other health issues?

    What chemotherapy agents is he receiving?

    Where is he receiving treatment

     With this information we could be more helpful.

      Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009

    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Three Year Survivor 


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hope your Grandfather will be doing better soon


    Sorry duplicate post