Wensday I hope to find out about my lung mass.



  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    DMike said:


    Waiting is hard! I'm glad you're moving forward. Did they do a needle biopsy on the mass?

    I've been told my nodules are too small to needle biopsy, so I'm wondering what they'll do.  I have my PET scan this Thursday and meet with the thoracic surgeon the following Thursday. I guess I'll learn his plan then. I like most people here understand waiting.

    Take care, wishing you the best.


    They did a needle biopsy

    Yes, they did a needple biopsy.  I can understand how small nodules might not be biopsied, after talking to the medical staff.  Basically, they have a path that has some uncertainty, about 1 cm.  So, if the nodule is too small, they can easily miss it.  In the risk-reward, the Biopsy does not make sense for small masses.  


    My mass was larger, about the size of a thumb.  

    Now, I am just taking it easy for recoveing from the biopsy.  Next week, I get the plan.  Surgery is already scheduled.  

    Good luck with your lung nodules.  Sometimes it sucks to be a David
