
Hi Maggie,
I couldn't reply to your post because of the new changes in the site, so I had to start a new topic. I'm not happy with the changes on CSN, but maybe they will get things straightened out soon. Anyways...I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (healthier) New Year. Hopefully after your surgery you will be able to ditch the pain meds and feel better. I don't take any pain meds, but the few times I've had to, I didn't like the way they made me feel either. I don't like anything that alters my behavior...makes me feel like I'm not in control of my own body. You take care sweet Maggie. Love you...Sue


  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Maggie!
    Do you have a date

    Hi Maggie!

    Do you have a date for your surgery? Wishing you the best!


  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    This site is getting worse

    Dearest Sue and Cathy

    I have been trying for 2 days to get online with this site. This is the only site I have trouble with.

    At least I was able to get online today, New Years 2013. I want to wish my friends Sue and Cathy, and all a very Happy, Healthy, and wonderful New Years 2013. I hope Christmas and the holidays were joyous with family and friends.

    You are so right Sue. I wish I didn't have to take pain medication. It makes me feel strange. At the same time, I am grateful I am able to live my life and enjoy my days as if I took no medication. I am a bit worried when I go off this medication. Will I have withdrawal???

    I am all set for surgery March 12. I just received a large envelope with all the things I must do prior to surgery. OH MY. My whole month of February will be filled with Doctor appointments and a pre-surgery conference. I also opted to have my own blood drawn in the event blood is needed. That's another day.

    I will be seeing my oncologist in the beginning of Feb 2013, before surgery. Hopefully everything will go well. I always get so scared when I know I will be seeing her. Sue, if I remember, you will be completing your Rituxan maintanence next month, Feb 2013. Then getting a scan. You know I will be praying for you. Cathy, I hope you are still doing well. Hopefully I won't see any negative posts from you about your health.

    God Bless and prayers.   Love Maggie

  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member

    This site is getting worse

    Dearest Sue and Cathy

    I have been trying for 2 days to get online with this site. This is the only site I have trouble with.

    At least I was able to get online today, New Years 2013. I want to wish my friends Sue and Cathy, and all a very Happy, Healthy, and wonderful New Years 2013. I hope Christmas and the holidays were joyous with family and friends.

    You are so right Sue. I wish I didn't have to take pain medication. It makes me feel strange. At the same time, I am grateful I am able to live my life and enjoy my days as if I took no medication. I am a bit worried when I go off this medication. Will I have withdrawal???

    I am all set for surgery March 12. I just received a large envelope with all the things I must do prior to surgery. OH MY. My whole month of February will be filled with Doctor appointments and a pre-surgery conference. I also opted to have my own blood drawn in the event blood is needed. That's another day.

    I will be seeing my oncologist in the beginning of Feb 2013, before surgery. Hopefully everything will go well. I always get so scared when I know I will be seeing her. Sue, if I remember, you will be completing your Rituxan maintanence next month, Feb 2013. Then getting a scan. You know I will be praying for you. Cathy, I hope you are still doing well. Hopefully I won't see any negative posts from you about your health.

    God Bless and prayers.   Love Maggie

    Good Luck Maggie preparing

    Good Luck Maggie preparing for your surgery and of course for your oncologist visit.

    I had some trying times before Christmas.  I went to MSKCC 3 times in 10 days but got some wonderful news.  I had a breast lump at my masectomy site that was an inflamed lymph node.  The biopsy came back benign!  Just trying to put up with The Radiation Fibrosis Symptoms that pop up from time to time.  All in all, I have a lot to be thankful for.  I actually went to NYC this week for purely pleasure and no dr appts with my college age daughter.  We really enjoyed ourselves.

    Ok Maggie, take care of yourself and please avoid crowds.  So much flu and colds going around now.  Keep us posted on your progress.



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    cathyp said:

    Good Luck Maggie preparing

    Good Luck Maggie preparing for your surgery and of course for your oncologist visit.

    I had some trying times before Christmas.  I went to MSKCC 3 times in 10 days but got some wonderful news.  I had a breast lump at my masectomy site that was an inflamed lymph node.  The biopsy came back benign!  Just trying to put up with The Radiation Fibrosis Symptoms that pop up from time to time.  All in all, I have a lot to be thankful for.  I actually went to NYC this week for purely pleasure and no dr appts with my college age daughter.  We really enjoyed ourselves.

    Ok Maggie, take care of yourself and please avoid crowds.  So much flu and colds going around now.  Keep us posted on your progress.



    Hey Cathy

    Hey Cathy,

    Glad your scare was benign and you got to enjoy NYC with your daughter.



  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    jimwins said:

    Hey Cathy

    Hey Cathy,

    Glad your scare was benign and you got to enjoy NYC with your daughter.



    Thank you Jim!

    Thank you Jim!