Need suggestions for better treatment and any organization which help me to get better treatment..

I am Irfan Ali ,23 years old, from Hyderabad Pakistan.
I am suffering in spinal tumor type ependymoma,, i got my open surgery two years ago from Jinah Hospital Karachi which was not treated well and i thought that it was removed, but this year i felt pain again and went to the same doctors than they said me that the tumor regrowth again which is more bigger than before so we cant do surgery again because it may damage normal tissue so you should go for radiations so i went to NMI hospital which claim that they have the latest technology named Synergy radio Therapy than i arrange money which was very difficult part because they were asking to submit fees in advance about 400000 PKR and got that treatment about 45 days on daily basis. Doctor told me that about six months it will show the improvements and will reduce it,
but after eight months when i did my MRI it shows no change and the pain is occurring again,, which is very tense situation for me..
because this pain effects my legs especially right leg and my back and creates difficulty to walk usually causes my Sciatica nerves,,
now i am too much worried,, So i am writing you this for better suggestion about treatment in abroad and any organization which help me to get better treatment....
Looking for response from your side..
Thanks & Regards

Irfan Ali