Christmas plans have been sidetracked

Well I was going to have Christmas in CA with sister, but things change. On flight to CA I passed out and Doctors on board were worried with my past history. They thought I got overheated and as I was wearing a fentanyl patch I may have got to much medicine, so they checked me out and I had a low blood pressure and was dehydrated from wait at airport as well as a weak pulse. Wanted to give me fluid but couldn't find vein after 4 tries, so laid me down to rest but checked on me later and I was having difficult time breathing. Well I must be special as they diverted flight to Salt Lake City and took me to the University of Utah Hospital. I am with wife now and doing much better as doc's figure out what happened it is a very nice Hospital and excellent staff of doctors and nurses. It looks like I will be in Utah for Christmas this year, but sister is flying here as well as my wife's brother. Should still have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope you all are doing well with a safe and healthy Christmas.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Sounds like your trip to CA has become an
    adventure in a state you probably had no desire to go to :). It's nice that your sis and and brother-in-law are going to join you two for is so important. Are you going to be spending the holiday in the hospital, or are you being treated as outpatient? Are they making any noises about when they might cut you loose to go home?

  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62

    Sounds like your trip to CA has become an
    adventure in a state you probably had no desire to go to :). It's nice that your sis and and brother-in-law are going to join you two for is so important. Are you going to be spending the holiday in the hospital, or are you being treated as outpatient? Are they making any noises about when they might cut you loose to go home?


    Still in Hospital
    They are doing tests to make sure I am ok and that there is nothing major wrong with me. They have grounded me from flying any where in the future, so when I do get to go home it will be a major drive back to Minnesota. Hope to be out before Christmas so either in Hospital or Hotel for Holidays, but I have family and that is all that matters!
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Vikeman10 said:

    Still in Hospital
    They are doing tests to make sure I am ok and that there is nothing major wrong with me. They have grounded me from flying any where in the future, so when I do get to go home it will be a major drive back to Minnesota. Hope to be out before Christmas so either in Hospital or Hotel for Holidays, but I have family and that is all that matters!

    Hi Randy...
    So sorry for your current ordeal....whispered a prayer you get back up and running quickly and that it is nothing serious...

    Glad you will have your family with you...

    Merry Chirstmas .....Happy New Year..


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Christmas in Utah

    I am glad you are ok, what a trip (you almost made CA). Rest up get hydrated and feeling better, there is still New Years.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Tim6003 said:

    Hi Randy...
    So sorry for your current ordeal....whispered a prayer you get back up and running quickly and that it is nothing serious...

    Glad you will have your family with you...

    Merry Chirstmas .....Happy New Year..



    Life never gets boring hunh ?
    Get rested up....and enjoy that TLC from the family ! I'm relieved to hear this is not bad serious....but as a Minnesotan myself...the drive can get tricky. Be safe, and enjoy the holidays no matter where you are ! Will be thinking of you and yours. Katie
  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546

    Life never gets boring hunh ?
    Get rested up....and enjoy that TLC from the family ! I'm relieved to hear this is not bad serious....but as a Minnesotan myself...the drive can get tricky. Be safe, and enjoy the holidays no matter where you are ! Will be thinking of you and yours. Katie

    happy you are ok
    What a bummer about the airplane fiasco, but thankfully you are ok and get to spend Christmas with those you love. This will be a Christmas that will be talked about for years to come.
  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Enjoy the surprise
    You may wish your journey ended in CA for Xmas but that was not written in your life book, so try to enjoy where you are now, especially since you have some family with you. Of course I am no doctor but from you describe, it seems you may be out sooner rather than later. If you can muster up the energy, take a drive around, it is beautiful country.

    As to heading back, check out Amtrak. I have been traveling on Amtrak for even short journeys between SF and Sacramento and love every second. I can imagine being in your condition and having a sleeper to retreat to would be wonderful. When you feel up to it enjoy the scenery as it gets you home. The trains are extremely comfortable, quiet, and spacious. I would take a train 100 times before taking a plane ride.

    Merry Xmas John!