Ready for Battle

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads and responds to these boards. They have been a lifeline to me and when I can't get the server to let me in....I realize how much they mean to me. I have everything ready I think. We are moving to Boston for two months and start Cisplatin/Rads on 12/18. People often ask me how I can be so strong and's because of this board. I feel informed about what to expect, hopeful that prognosis is good, aware that people can successfully battle recurrences, and know that there are people who will lift me up when things get rough. I also know that I have to stay in the present....what we have to face at the moment.

I just wanted to check in and say thanks. I'll keep you updated and ask my questions as we encounter our struggles. My prayers go to each one of you and your individual but collective battles.



  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Good for you!
    You do have a great attitude and I know as tough as it can get at times, you are going to do well. Stay close to this site and update us when you can and ask any questions you may have, no question is off limits. I will be thinking of you and praying for you!
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Billie67 said:

    Good for you!
    You do have a great attitude and I know as tough as it can get at times, you are going to do well. Stay close to this site and update us when you can and ask any questions you may have, no question is off limits. I will be thinking of you and praying for you!

    God is with you.
    Pretty soon you will have all this behind you, it will
    be a distant blip on the radar of life. Stay positive
    and have FAITH and you will sail through your treatment.
    HYDRATION & NUTRITION.. is a must no matter how hard it might become.
    Try to laugh and be positive everyday NO STRESS, all this goes a long
    way to your wellbeing and recovery.
    Keep us posted.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Best Wishes
    I hope you will have a totally successful treatment with a minimum of side effects. I found that drinking fluids at body temperature to be less painful than either warm or cool liquids. I don't know whether or not this hint will work for you. Rick.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    go get'em

    You sound ready (ready as you can be). I wish you luck and hope for a smooth journey.

    Be proactive; try to get ahead of any nausea and pain. Let the nurses know of everything that is happening (they are a lifeline) and will most likely have something for you. Have your Lorazapam (if needed) and music for rads.

    Stay positive throughout treatments. You can do it!


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hey Kristen, I'm glad to hear that you are moving forward, and a little south, with your husband's battle with the beast. So, gear up kick some beast buttocks, and take no prisoners!! Just remember to keep your eyes on the light at the end of the treatment tunnel. My most postive thoughts and wishes are with you both.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Getting closer and closer.....
    to the battle you've been preparing for...the actual battle is easier than the anticipation of battle...because you can hunker down and do just what is in front of you that day. Anticipation brings too many "what if's" into play. I know I felt a LOT better once I was on the road...actively DOING something about my disease, was way better than wondering how I was going to do before it even got started.

    Everybody gets thru this with different side effects...or at least different degrees of the same side effects. I felt guilty for the first three months (Cispatin & rads), because I seemed to be skating by with so much less than my bus partners...I made up for the "skate" the last 3 months of chemo (Cisplatin and 5FU), tho :). I'm praying that your man gets thru this as easily as will go fast once your schedule is set, that I can assure you.

    There isn't a question that can't be answered by someone here...and you're right, there is much comfort in knowing that.

  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546

    Getting closer and closer.....
    to the battle you've been preparing for...the actual battle is easier than the anticipation of battle...because you can hunker down and do just what is in front of you that day. Anticipation brings too many "what if's" into play. I know I felt a LOT better once I was on the road...actively DOING something about my disease, was way better than wondering how I was going to do before it even got started.

    Everybody gets thru this with different side effects...or at least different degrees of the same side effects. I felt guilty for the first three months (Cispatin & rads), because I seemed to be skating by with so much less than my bus partners...I made up for the "skate" the last 3 months of chemo (Cisplatin and 5FU), tho :). I'm praying that your man gets thru this as easily as will go fast once your schedule is set, that I can assure you.

    There isn't a question that can't be answered by someone here...and you're right, there is much comfort in knowing that.


    so you are READY to RUMBLE!!
    Good for you. You have great tools and many prayers behind you. I wish you the best.