Met with the plastic surgeon today

mommaellen Member Posts: 195
We discussed the implant surgery which will be done in January. I gave me a book about the Mentor silicone implants and I got to feel the difference between the silicone and the saline implants. I still have not made a decision about which implant I will get. He suggested that I read the book and take my time about the decision.



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Yes, take your time. I know
    Yes, take your time. I know you'll make the best decision for you Ellen!

    Hugs, Angie
  • Unhappy
    Unhappy Member Posts: 88
    I had a breast removed the
    I had a breast removed the first part of Nov. went and talk to a reconstution Dr. about reconstuction he said woman my age never got that done I am in my early seventys .would like some imput about that.
  • kacee999
    kacee999 Member Posts: 110
    Unhappy said:

    I had a breast removed the
    I had a breast removed the first part of Nov. went and talk to a reconstution Dr. about reconstuction he said woman my age never got that done I am in my early seventys .would like some imput about that.

    I too have considered...
    not having reconstruction. I am 61. I would say unless you are really vanity driven (everyone is different...there is no right or wrong are what you are) you would probably benefit from reconstruction. If you are doing it just because "everyone does it" or it is "available" and you don't care particularly, and if you have a spouse who does not care one way or the other, I'd forgo. I am no eligible for reconstruction for a year (next June) after completing rads. Not looking forward to it, but will go through it (mainly for my husband,. though he says he could care less and I believe him)... Oh, and I had a bi-lateral in December of last year.