B3 Grade... Need some advise

Catmalogen Member Posts: 19 Member
Hello, I normally post on Uterine Cancer board, however would value some advise from all on Breast Cancer Board.

Summary of where I am to date.. Diagnosed in July 2010 with Stage 111C UPSC cancer. Surgery TAH BSO and pelvic node clearance, followed with 8 cycles of Taxol and Carbo and brachytherapy. Right breast developed lump 2.5cm. Ultrasound and Biopsy followed with surgical resection (wire guided ) of tissue. Six months later breast lump re appeared and again Mammograms, Ultrasound, Pet Scan and another lot of biopies and surgical removal of tissue.. Again grated benign B3... (July 2012). Lump has developed again and now for further Ultrasounds and possilbe biopsies.

I have no evidence of recurrance from primary cancer. My surgical teams do not feel I should be genetic tested, or will agree to a mastectomy. As no evidence of cancer in right breast yet!!!!

My surgical team is excellent and I have good faith in them.

Any suggestions or advice ??


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    What do you want to do? I
    What do you want to do? I think that is what is important here. If you want the genetic testing or a mastectomy, I think you should talk to your doctors about this. I can understand how frustrating and worrisome this would be. I don't know what I would do.

    Sue :)