This is an article I wanted to share. HPV Head and Neck Cancers get a 2nd look

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member and neck

I just can't seem to do a link. If someone wants to make this a link be my guest. I found the article interesting. Not being one who wants to spread bad information I ran this article through a well known H&N fellow warrior with the OCF Foundation. He said the OCF actually did have input and he felt the article was well written and good information.

It's just more knowledge is a focus on HPV status....just so you will know.




  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    Facing the Facts: HPV-Associated Head and Neck Cancers Get a Second Look

    I'm going to ignore the survival rate stats, but otherwise good stuff.

    I'm in the trial assessing whether Erbitux works as well as cisplatin-based regimen...guess we'll know in five years.
  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456
    Good one Tim
    I really appreciate the articles about new trials and hope. While the odds, statistically speaking, may not be as good for HPV- this can be viewed as hope for all of us. SCCHN has not been in the cross hairs of research until recently when the numbers of young people getting diagnosed started increasing at almost alarming rates. I am HPV+ but also had a long history of smoking and to a lessor extent drinking so that makes me a hybrid with an unknown primary cause. Take Care.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Thanks Tim,
    Although mine is not HPV H/N this article gave me some understanding to what some of my fellow warriors are facing. I pray that advancements continue for a cure period ! It would be so cool if this were to happen in our life time ! Katie
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Facing the Facts: HPV-Associated Head and Neck Cancers Get a Second Look

    I'm going to ignore the survival rate stats, but otherwise good stuff.

    I'm in the trial assessing whether Erbitux works as well as cisplatin-based regimen...guess we'll know in five years.

    BSB ..I agree on ingnoring the stats...
    So much of what we do is attitude and there is always prayrer :) (you know I had to sneak that one in there) ...

    I too was Erbitux only....but I was never given the choice in the beginning ...I was just told Erbitux and radiation was best...only after I was half-way thru did I discover most of what I have now as well as this site. I got on this site right before treatments....but I never utilized it (overwhelmed) unitl after my treatments were completed.



    Oh...thanks for making that link high-lighted
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    jtl said:

    Good one Tim
    I really appreciate the articles about new trials and hope. While the odds, statistically speaking, may not be as good for HPV- this can be viewed as hope for all of us. SCCHN has not been in the cross hairs of research until recently when the numbers of young people getting diagnosed started increasing at almost alarming rates. I am HPV+ but also had a long history of smoking and to a lessor extent drinking so that makes me a hybrid with an unknown primary cause. Take Care.

    Hey John ...long time no see....
    Good to see you posting now and then ...I trust all is going well!


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Thanks Tim,
    Although mine is not HPV H/N this article gave me some understanding to what some of my fellow warriors are facing. I pray that advancements continue for a cure period ! It would be so cool if this were to happen in our life time ! Katie

    Agree Katie ...
    I've always been an avid reader on issues that affect me or the business I am in ....I pray to the advancements will continue....


  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720

    Thanks Tim,
    Although mine is not HPV H/N this article gave me some understanding to what some of my fellow warriors are facing. I pray that advancements continue for a cure period ! It would be so cool if this were to happen in our life time ! Katie

    Good Article.
    Thanks for sharing!
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    for the interesting and informative article. Rick.
  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Thanks Tim
    Great article, I wish I had the stones to go into the Rad doc next week (getting set up for treatment) and say "Doc, make it 5 weeks instead of 7."

    Thanks again,

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    time for the HPV ramble
    Hi Tim,

    Interesting article.

    I liked the illustration ¾ of the way down, it clearly shows each of the areas where H&N warriors do battle.

    Knowing what I do now, I may have opted for the combination of Eribitux with other chemo drugs and I still would have gone through with the surgery (I wanted the cancer gone as much of and as soon as possible) and radiation.

    It sounds like they will have plenty of test subjects for their studies (both good and too bad). Seeing that I can chart my life history very accurately (especially since the late 70’s, 35-years+/-) it is very interesting the number of younger aged cases. What does that tell you?

    While I respect the noble efforts to risk permanent damage through over treatment, I can see that my fellow H&N warriors are all over the place in response to long lasting damage, curability, and reoccurrence. I never knew (exactly) how my body would respond before treatment began.

    Maybe, they could send the cancer patient home with all the available information about cancer, surgery, chemo, rads and all the side effects both temporary and permanent (and statistics, don’t forget the statistics). Then you have a check list of yes, no and maybe used to develop your treatment agenda. This is of course tongue in cheek (radiation brain). I wonder if I had been asked the treatment questions, say, 5-years ago (before cancer) if the answers would be different, than being asked point blank as the cancer diagnosis is still sinking in.

    Good article, lots of questions.


  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    Good article, thanks for sharing.
    An also, on the same page there is a second one (or see link below):

    suggesting that doxepin (known as an antidepressant) alleviates mucositis / mouth pain when administered in mouth rinse.
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    corleone said:

    Good article, thanks for sharing.
    An also, on the same page there is a second one (or see link below):

    suggesting that doxepin (known as an antidepressant) alleviates mucositis / mouth pain when administered in mouth rinse.

    Thanks for sharing
    Even tho my scans showed NED I wish I had been HPV+ instead of negative. Every time I read these types of articles I get scared my cancer is going to come back. Ugh......I think I need a Prozac drip! Lol
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Billie67 said:

    Thanks for sharing
    Even tho my scans showed NED I wish I had been HPV+ instead of negative. Every time I read these types of articles I get scared my cancer is going to come back. Ugh......I think I need a Prozac drip! Lol

    I'm With You, Billie
    I must say, though, that the five year survival rate for the negatives (much lower than I'd like)listed in the article is much better than the 35% I read about when I was first diagnoses.
  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Glad I didn't know this back then
    I was not aware that the survival rate for HPV- was so much lower than HPV+. I'm HPV- and went through my treatments with a lot of confidence and reduced worry--which I think helped a lot with my attitude. I would have worried more had I known the rate for HPV-, and who knows how that could have affected me.

    I was glad to see some attention in the article on doctors trying to reduce side effects from HNC treatments. As I've told many newbies on this site, for most of us (especially HPV+)the real battle is not with cancer. It's with the side effects from chemo, rads, and meds we have to take to make it through. I'm three and a half years NED, but still struggling with a number of side effects. Most of them are easily managed,but some are not.

    Anyway, thanks for the informative article. Can it be put in the Superthread, so it won't get lost over time?

  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Mikemetz said:

    Glad I didn't know this back then
    I was not aware that the survival rate for HPV- was so much lower than HPV+. I'm HPV- and went through my treatments with a lot of confidence and reduced worry--which I think helped a lot with my attitude. I would have worried more had I known the rate for HPV-, and who knows how that could have affected me.

    I was glad to see some attention in the article on doctors trying to reduce side effects from HNC treatments. As I've told many newbies on this site, for most of us (especially HPV+)the real battle is not with cancer. It's with the side effects from chemo, rads, and meds we have to take to make it through. I'm three and a half years NED, but still struggling with a number of side effects. Most of them are easily managed,but some are not.

    Anyway, thanks for the informative article. Can it be put in the Superthread, so it won't get lost over time?


    Great article
    but it doesn't help much to those who are HPV negative as my Dad. Dad doesn't know anything about it and I don't even try to explain it to him because the only thing he has to know is to fight and stay strong and fight with the side effects.
    I also wish that there would be some articles for HPV negative cancers that would show improvement in survival with the type of treatment that patients receive these days.

    But I agree, it is great to read new articles about improvement in curing oropharyngeal cancers so, like Mike said, it should be put in the Superthread.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Great article
    but it doesn't help much to those who are HPV negative as my Dad. Dad doesn't know anything about it and I don't even try to explain it to him because the only thing he has to know is to fight and stay strong and fight with the side effects.
    I also wish that there would be some articles for HPV negative cancers that would show improvement in survival with the type of treatment that patients receive these days.

    But I agree, it is great to read new articles about improvement in curing oropharyngeal cancers so, like Mike said, it should be put in the Superthread. know what they say (the docs) ..
    Eat as few food with chemicals them you can. I can't afford to eat whole hog Organic ....but I do eat MUCH better than ever before. I take Vit D3 5 pills a day and a vitamin E a day. The problem is there is soooo much out that that says "this and that" keeps your immune system I go with my nutrionist what she says and I excercise adn I try very hard to get good sleep each night....

    this body of ours is wonderfully complex and any help I can give it to do it's job is better than before when I was 320lb guy who lived on meat and potatoes and ate a bowl of ice creaam every night before bed...then proceeded to sleep 3-6 hours tops! :)

    We all need a friend, some prayer and discipline to stick to it and we will all be okay!!! :)

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Tim6003 said: know what they say (the docs) ..
    Eat as few food with chemicals them you can. I can't afford to eat whole hog Organic ....but I do eat MUCH better than ever before. I take Vit D3 5 pills a day and a vitamin E a day. The problem is there is soooo much out that that says "this and that" keeps your immune system I go with my nutrionist what she says and I excercise adn I try very hard to get good sleep each night....

    this body of ours is wonderfully complex and any help I can give it to do it's job is better than before when I was 320lb guy who lived on meat and potatoes and ate a bowl of ice creaam every night before bed...then proceeded to sleep 3-6 hours tops! :)

    We all need a friend, some prayer and discipline to stick to it and we will all be okay!!! :)


    You Ate A Whole Organic Hog....
    I don't thnk (even if it is organic), that eating a whole hog can be good for you.....


    Like you Tim, you can try to eat healthy and live healthy....

    Unfortunately a lot of that is out of your control..., unless you grow your own I suppose.

    But in reality, we can only do so much and the rest is fate, genetics, and the will to be.

    As for the HPV article..., thanks. But like Matt and several here, I'm not so much a statistics guy....too easily skewed to present the results someone is looking for.

    There is just so much involved with cancer and survivorship....again, age, genetics, health going in, where you live...a multitude of variables...

    In the end, it still comes down to cancer is cancer, treatment is the same.

    If the cancer doesn't kill you, the treatment will come damn close.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    You Ate A Whole Organic Hog....
    I don't thnk (even if it is organic), that eating a whole hog can be good for you.....


    Like you Tim, you can try to eat healthy and live healthy....

    Unfortunately a lot of that is out of your control..., unless you grow your own I suppose.

    But in reality, we can only do so much and the rest is fate, genetics, and the will to be.

    As for the HPV article..., thanks. But like Matt and several here, I'm not so much a statistics guy....too easily skewed to present the results someone is looking for.

    There is just so much involved with cancer and survivorship....again, age, genetics, health going in, where you live...a multitude of variables...

    In the end, it still comes down to cancer is cancer, treatment is the same.

    If the cancer doesn't kill you, the treatment will come damn close.


    Good one John...
    made for a good laugh... :)

    Well, technically if the hog ate nothing but greens...woudl that not be better ?? : :)

    I will make a confession...I stil love my bacon and eggs. Just can't give that up but have cut back on it..
