Kidney Cancer Chronicles - Chris Battle

Not sure how many--if any--follow Chris and Dena Battle in Kidney Cancer Chronicles, but their diary type articles on the various treatments Chris has undergone are a must read for me and John. The link above is his most recent post on cachexia, the wasting of body and muscle mass. The articles are brilliantly crafted to be both educational and funny. Chris receives treatment at Hopkins under Dr. Hammers care, so it makes it particularly interesting for us, but I would recommend for anyone attacking this sneaky disease.
Hope this finds all having a good day!
Battling on
Alice, thanks for flagging up the appearance of another Chronicle. Both Chris and Dena write very engagingly and his self-deprecating humour is always a pleasure to read.
I found his take on cachexia interesting, having myself been interested in body composition and its psychological correlates for more than fifty years and having written about it in recent times (but before coming into the world of cancer, so with a different focus).
At 125 lbs at 5' 10" (a BMI of 17.9) Chris is bound to be giving his docs cause for concern. It's astonishing that someone so frail can have such incredible guts. He's in the same league as Fox and Tony Johnson but Fox is a big, strapping biker and I imagine Tony Johnson to be a healthy sporting Aussie, though such guesses can always be wildly wrong (I never took you to be 200 pounds!)I envy you the privilege of meeting Chris at JHH (and vice versa).
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Thanks so much
Hi Alice,
I just came across this post, and I wanted to say thank you for the encouraging words and for sharing my blog. My hope is that by posting about experiences we all share, we can not only possibly help one another with advice or insights but also create sense of community where none of us feel alone.
I recently posted a new piece on a particularly difficult issue -- talking to my young children about my illness. How far to go to help them understand without frightening them.
If interested, you can read it here:
Thanks again!0 -
Chris Battleclbattle said:Thanks so much
Hi Alice,
I just came across this post, and I wanted to say thank you for the encouraging words and for sharing my blog. My hope is that by posting about experiences we all share, we can not only possibly help one another with advice or insights but also create sense of community where none of us feel alone.
I recently posted a new piece on a particularly difficult issue -- talking to my young children about my illness. How far to go to help them understand without frightening them.
If interested, you can read it here:
Thanks again!
To all friends here - no-one tells it like it is better than Chris and there's no better time for us all to rally round and give him and his Wife Dena all the support we can.0 -
Chris,clbattle said:Thanks so much
Hi Alice,
I just came across this post, and I wanted to say thank you for the encouraging words and for sharing my blog. My hope is that by posting about experiences we all share, we can not only possibly help one another with advice or insights but also create sense of community where none of us feel alone.
I recently posted a new piece on a particularly difficult issue -- talking to my young children about my illness. How far to go to help them understand without frightening them.
If interested, you can read it here:
Thanks again!
You and Dena are
You and Dena are heroes to John and me. It’s not possible to express how much your posts have helped us, not only on an educational front discussing the multitude of treatments and side effects you have had to endure, but on your and Dena’s ability to keep your sense of humor despite it all. And to never give up.
We did read your latest blog on discussions with Kate, and it was heart-wrenching . Your words go right to the heart, and I suggest that everyone on CSN to read it but be forewarned to keep the tissue box close at hand. Chris, thank you and Dena for sharing such sensitive, insightful thoughts. You’re gifted and gracious writers.
I know you and Dena have been through more than anyone should have to experience, but your attitude speaks of your strength. Keep fighting because you are so important to all of us that know you in person and through your writing. You. Dena.Kate and Josie continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.0 -
Heart to heartalice124 said:Chris,
You and Dena are
You and Dena are heroes to John and me. It’s not possible to express how much your posts have helped us, not only on an educational front discussing the multitude of treatments and side effects you have had to endure, but on your and Dena’s ability to keep your sense of humor despite it all. And to never give up.
We did read your latest blog on discussions with Kate, and it was heart-wrenching . Your words go right to the heart, and I suggest that everyone on CSN to read it but be forewarned to keep the tissue box close at hand. Chris, thank you and Dena for sharing such sensitive, insightful thoughts. You’re gifted and gracious writers.
I know you and Dena have been through more than anyone should have to experience, but your attitude speaks of your strength. Keep fighting because you are so important to all of us that know you in person and through your writing. You. Dena.Kate and Josie continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Alice has beautifully articulated how I feel about you guys and your amazing and inspiring Kidney Cancer Chronicles. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You shed light into dark corners. You put a human face on an inhuman disease. You are so brave to share such intimate details. As a former journalist I am in awe of your talent. What you are doing is really, REALLY important. For yourselves. For your children. For the rest of us on this journey. And for anyone else who discovers the Chronicles. I don't know why you and your family have to suffer so much, Chris. But your example shows the rest of us how to endure with dignity and humor. God bless.0 -
count me in tooI am alive said:Heart to heart
Alice has beautifully articulated how I feel about you guys and your amazing and inspiring Kidney Cancer Chronicles. You make me laugh. You make me cry. You shed light into dark corners. You put a human face on an inhuman disease. You are so brave to share such intimate details. As a former journalist I am in awe of your talent. What you are doing is really, REALLY important. For yourselves. For your children. For the rest of us on this journey. And for anyone else who discovers the Chronicles. I don't know why you and your family have to suffer so much, Chris. But your example shows the rest of us how to endure with dignity and humor. God bless.
Chris and Dena I have been following you for a long time as well. I totally agree that what you do is IMPORTANT, for you and many others (myself included) You put into words what some of us cannot. You are so incredibly strong and positive in the face of this ugly monster. What an inspiration and role model you are! You inspire me to to fight like the dickens, when sometimes it just seems so impossibly insurmountable. You put a smile on my face, a tear in my eye, and a warm place in my heart. God bless you. I keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Paula0 -
You are all in my prayers.pjune127 said:count me in too
Chris and Dena I have been following you for a long time as well. I totally agree that what you do is IMPORTANT, for you and many others (myself included) You put into words what some of us cannot. You are so incredibly strong and positive in the face of this ugly monster. What an inspiration and role model you are! You inspire me to to fight like the dickens, when sometimes it just seems so impossibly insurmountable. You put a smile on my face, a tear in my eye, and a warm place in my heart. God bless you. I keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
You are all in my prayers. Stay strong, positive. We are all in your corner!! xxoo0 -
Keeping this on top.. goodpjune127 said:count me in too
Chris and Dena I have been following you for a long time as well. I totally agree that what you do is IMPORTANT, for you and many others (myself included) You put into words what some of us cannot. You are so incredibly strong and positive in the face of this ugly monster. What an inspiration and role model you are! You inspire me to to fight like the dickens, when sometimes it just seems so impossibly insurmountable. You put a smile on my face, a tear in my eye, and a warm place in my heart. God bless you. I keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Keeping this on top.. good reading!0 -
Chris and Dena's latest blogangec said:Keeping this on top.. good
Keeping this on top.. good reading!
The above will take you to Dena Battle's latest posting on Kidney Cancer Chronicles, which gives an update on Chris's condition.
You'll note she mentions all the emails and posts she and Chris received recently in response to their last Kidney Cancer Chronicle blog and how touched and appreciative they are. I wanted those of you who have been a part of their support network to be sure to see this.0 -
Dena's Chroniclealice124 said:Chris and Dena's latest blog
The above will take you to Dena Battle's latest posting on Kidney Cancer Chronicles, which gives an update on Chris's condition.
You'll note she mentions all the emails and posts she and Chris received recently in response to their last Kidney Cancer Chronicle blog and how touched and appreciative they are. I wanted those of you who have been a part of their support network to be sure to see this.
A nice gesture Alice. The latest Chronicle sounds a little more cheering and there can be no doubt about the depth of support Chris and Dena have.
Another entertaining read, too - I'm not sure I need the creative writing classes I was thinking of going to - just read the Chronicles and you get excellent tuition, both in attitude and in writing skills.0 -
Hi Alicealice124 said:Chris and Dena's latest blog
The above will take you to Dena Battle's latest posting on Kidney Cancer Chronicles, which gives an update on Chris's condition.
You'll note she mentions all the emails and posts she and Chris received recently in response to their last Kidney Cancer Chronicle blog and how touched and appreciative they are. I wanted those of you who have been a part of their support network to be sure to see this.
I stumbled onto Chris and Dena Battles blog back in october 2011 while i was at home recovering from surgery.Though inspiring at times humorous and at other times heartbreaking,i have revisited their blog from time to time to get caught up on how they are doing.One thing i have to admit is that their have been times i shy away from these types of stories due to the the fear that i am overcome with at times and also the feeling that if their was a time in the future i was faced with the same circumstances i myself would fall short staring in the face of this disease.0 -
Maintaining balanceLimelife50 said:Hi Alice
I stumbled onto Chris and Dena Battles blog back in october 2011 while i was at home recovering from surgery.Though inspiring at times humorous and at other times heartbreaking,i have revisited their blog from time to time to get caught up on how they are doing.One thing i have to admit is that their have been times i shy away from these types of stories due to the the fear that i am overcome with at times and also the feeling that if their was a time in the future i was faced with the same circumstances i myself would fall short staring in the face of this disease.
I think you speak for all of us Mike. The Chronicles are all you say. I've read a similar blog dating back a few years, by someone no longer with us. I'm inundated with books and papers as well as organisational policies I need to revise and legal articles to write so I lost track of that other blog before I reached the end. I'm not sure I'll pick it up again, for the reasons you've said. One can spend too much time on material that can be depressing, as well as inspirational, and, ultimately, heartbreaking. We have to get the balance right and know when it's right to stop. (That said, I'll keep reading Chris and Dena and pulling for them.)
We are all bound to doubt ourselves at times but from what I've seen you have more courage than most and I'm sure you'll make a good fist of whatever is thrown at you.0 -
Chris and Dena BattleLimelife50 said:Hi Alice
I stumbled onto Chris and Dena Battles blog back in october 2011 while i was at home recovering from surgery.Though inspiring at times humorous and at other times heartbreaking,i have revisited their blog from time to time to get caught up on how they are doing.One thing i have to admit is that their have been times i shy away from these types of stories due to the the fear that i am overcome with at times and also the feeling that if their was a time in the future i was faced with the same circumstances i myself would fall short staring in the face of this disease.
Let me tagalong with Tex. He’s spot on with the balance issue.
For me, following Chris’s blog is easier than other blogs because of the humor he interjects in his articles and the layman’s language he uses. But I certainly understand it’s not for everyone. You and Chris have both earned your medals in this fight.0 -
A shifting spotlightalice124 said:Chris and Dena Battle
Let me tagalong with Tex. He’s spot on with the balance issue.
For me, following Chris’s blog is easier than other blogs because of the humor he interjects in his articles and the layman’s language he uses. But I certainly understand it’s not for everyone. You and Chris have both earned your medals in this fight.
I know what you mean about shying away from blogs and, for me anyway, even discussion boards like this, because of a feeling at times of being overwhelmed by fear and sadness. There's a lovely pro-active cancer support community near me that offers free yoga, meditation classes, classes in various other eastern practices, as well as support groups and seminars - the full package - but I don't avail myself of it because I don't want to be in that "all cancer, all the time" place. And yet I'm addicted to our group here. Probably has something to do with the joy of anonymity- and the hail fellow well met camaraderie we share. The info gleaned ain't bad, either! My point being, I guess, is that it's all fluid. Like waking up one day feeling fabulous and strong, and the next day filled with worry. It's nice having ports like ours and Chris and Dena's Kideny Cancer Chronicles to go to when we feel like "speaking the same language" with somebody else.0 -
Latest ChronicleI am alive said:A shifting spotlight
I know what you mean about shying away from blogs and, for me anyway, even discussion boards like this, because of a feeling at times of being overwhelmed by fear and sadness. There's a lovely pro-active cancer support community near me that offers free yoga, meditation classes, classes in various other eastern practices, as well as support groups and seminars - the full package - but I don't avail myself of it because I don't want to be in that "all cancer, all the time" place. And yet I'm addicted to our group here. Probably has something to do with the joy of anonymity- and the hail fellow well met camaraderie we share. The info gleaned ain't bad, either! My point being, I guess, is that it's all fluid. Like waking up one day feeling fabulous and strong, and the next day filled with worry. It's nice having ports like ours and Chris and Dena's Kideny Cancer Chronicles to go to when we feel like "speaking the same language" with somebody else.
We want to continue championing a couple of the bravest fighters in the war we're all engaged in. Chris Battle is now onto Votrient and there's more hope for him than his latest, somewhat mournful, Chronicle might lead you to believe.
It covers a period of many years, ending a little while before the present time when his prospects look better than they have at some points recently. Apart from the moral support for Chris and Dena, you will want to read it if you would like to enjoy a piece of fine writing of a kind you will not come across very often. It's to be found at: -
ChrisTexas_wedge said:Latest Chronicle
We want to continue championing a couple of the bravest fighters in the war we're all engaged in. Chris Battle is now onto Votrient and there's more hope for him than his latest, somewhat mournful, Chronicle might lead you to believe.
It covers a period of many years, ending a little while before the present time when his prospects look better than they have at some points recently. Apart from the moral support for Chris and Dena, you will want to read it if you would like to enjoy a piece of fine writing of a kind you will not come across very often. It's to be found at:
I read it yesterday and enjoyed it even though, as you say, it was a bit mournful at times.
Quite a writer!
--David0 -
Chris BattleDMike said:Chris
I read it yesterday and enjoyed it even though, as you say, it was a bit mournful at times.
Quite a writer!
--DavidThe winning Battle! For anyone with any familiarity with the epic story of Dena and Chris Battle, the latest turn of events will be a great source of joy and inspiration. It's always a pleasure reading their first-class penmanship but that is a minor bonus compared with the brilliant news in the latest Chronicle, even sullied as it is by the news of Chris having to get his own breakfast! For a real tonic, do read:
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I just read itTexas_wedge said:Chris Battle
The winning Battle! For anyone with any familiarity with the epic story of Dena and Chris Battle, the latest turn of events will be a great source of joy and inspiration. It's always a pleasure reading their first-class penmanship but that is a minor bonus compared with the brilliant news in the latest Chronicle, even sullied as it is by the news of Chris having to get his own breakfast! For a real tonic, do read:
I was excited when reading Cabo worked on him last time and I've been waiting for the latest post for so long. Great source of inspiration!
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