OT (Off Topic) -- I've lost my beloved 'Bailey Storm' on Thurs, 10/11 at 5:30 pm

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
Thursday started out like any other day .. schedules, appointments-- things to do. Now
that the weather is cooler (rain included) here in Southern California -- I took to
baking banana bread, and cookies for a bake sale.

Our daughter, Alexandra took Bailey Storm for a walk, leaving her smaller 6 lb sister -
Emma Rose at home with me baking .. after abt 30 minutes, all hellll broke loose. Ally
emerged into our kitchen holding Baily -- SCREAMING (she was in shock) ..blood, and saliva
dripping from both of them . . . as Ally rounded the corner to our house -- our new
neighbor was pulling out of her garage to pick up her 12 year old -- and her 2 yellow
lab's -- escape the back yard via the opened garage and attacked ..my Baily -- 200 pounds of labs -- yanking, and tearing my little 12 pound - Morkie apart. I grabbed
my jacket, and car keys -- when my new neighbor appeared at my front door -- holding
Bailey's harness and dog leash. She was crying, and apologetic -- I stated that
I needed to get my girl to VET -- I asked her if her dogs were current on all shots --
she said yes ..

Long story short ... 4 hours later --Bailey still in critical condition, ER Vet could not stabilize her -- I made the decision to let her go. Bailey left us at 5:32 p.m. with me holding her, as my husband and daughter caressed her. I kissed her, and thanking her for being my faithful companion. I felt her leave our world, then I gently closed her eyes.
Our neighbor, Sue -- Lab owner, stayed with us the entire time at the Vet

My dog, Bailey was a gift from heaven .. during my chemo infusion which were weekly for 18 weeks -- no breaks .. Bailey never left my side, or my bed. My family would bring
her food up to our bedroom so she could eat. Several times, I fainted during chemo --
.. Bailey would find my husband and bark until he went upstairs to find me ..

Bailey, a house dog, would sit outside our gates waiting for me to return .. each and every week from chemo - no matter the weather, cold, or rain she would sit -- my kids would carry her inside the house -- she would sit for a few minutes, then go out the
doggie door to continue her wait. She knew my chemo routine -- and refused
to stay indoors .. until I arrived home.

So many of us experience the over flow of love, and concern when we start our breast
cancer journey, then gradually in time = our loved ones, family and friends 'get on'
with their lives .. so having Bailey with me -- made my journey a little more bearable.

My heart hurts .. Vicki Sam


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    I'm so sorry
    you lost your loving friend. I know how much losing a furry friend hurts. There is just nothing like the loyalty and devotion of a pet.

    Sending you a huge hug and lots of love.

  • heart-in-hand
    heart-in-hand Member Posts: 92
    I cry for your loss.
    It is very great. I am so sorry Vicki. Your beloved Bailey truly was a God send and now she is with Him too watching at the gates. What a wonderful dog. Bailey's passing was a difficult one due to the circumstances and it must be very grievous for you to have gone through. I am praying that you will find peace in the memories of your blessed dog.

    Dear, dear sister go on and cry, and cry and cry. Holding you tightly,
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Sorry for your loss
    Oh, I am sorry to hear of Bailey's passing. I read your blog and he truly was a faithful, steadfast companion during your recovery. I am glad that he was part of your life and provided you with much heartfelt memories. May he rest in peace.
  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471

    Sorry for your loss
    Oh, I am sorry to hear of Bailey's passing. I read your blog and he truly was a faithful, steadfast companion during your recovery. I am glad that he was part of your life and provided you with much heartfelt memories. May he rest in peace.

    so sorry
    Im so sorry for your loss it breaks my heart to read this!

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Dear Vicki Sam
    Oh dear Vicki, I cannot even imagine the pain that you are going through right now. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. We know how important pets are to us - beloved and important members of our families. To have something so horrible happen to your dear little dog just breaks my heart. I am so, so, so sorry, and I am sending lots of hugs and much love to you right now.
  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear of your
    I'm so sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Our pets truly are family members.

    My cat stayed with me as I recovered from surgery, periodically tapping me with her paw to let me know she was there.

    Bless our pets and the love they bring to us.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    I am crying right along with you dear Vicki Sam
    I could hardly finish reading this with the tears flowing. I am so sorry to hear this. I know how devestated you all are. Sending big cyber hugs to all of you.

  • debsweb18
    debsweb18 Member Posts: 191 Member
    I'm so sorry
    I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be so difficult to lose a pet that helped you through a difficult time.

  • Ctine70
    Ctine70 Member Posts: 150
    So sorry
    I am so sorry to hear of Bailey's passing, it made me cry just thinking of what you and your family must be going through.
    May you get through this differcult time and know she is will always be with you
    Hugs Christine
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Dearest VickiSam -

    I don't check in often but have some this week ... for the first time in months ... and saw this today.

    I am so, so sorry. There truly are no words. (Shakes head). I wish I could be there, take your hands in mine, pray with you, give you a hug. I am just so sorry. My heart hurts for you.

    We had a dog that was with my mom every step of the way when she went thru chemo ... sounds very similar to your story.

    To lose Bailey the way you did ... is especially difficult. It's never easy letting an animal go ... and this is just terrible. I pray comfort for you and for your daughter Alexandra as well. So, so hard.

    I wrote a eulogy for my dog when she died ... sounds strange, I know ... but I needed to journal out my hurt ... and sharing your story with us is a good way to deal with your grief. Animals become a part of our family ... their unconditional love ... it's a gift.

    Love you, dear sister.

    I'm praying for you and for your family.

    I know that it hurts.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Dearest VickiSam -

    I don't check in often but have some this week ... for the first time in months ... and saw this today.

    I am so, so sorry. There truly are no words. (Shakes head). I wish I could be there, take your hands in mine, pray with you, give you a hug. I am just so sorry. My heart hurts for you.

    We had a dog that was with my mom every step of the way when she went thru chemo ... sounds very similar to your story.

    To lose Bailey the way you did ... is especially difficult. It's never easy letting an animal go ... and this is just terrible. I pray comfort for you and for your daughter Alexandra as well. So, so hard.

    I wrote a eulogy for my dog when she died ... sounds strange, I know ... but I needed to journal out my hurt ... and sharing your story with us is a good way to deal with your grief. Animals become a part of our family ... their unconditional love ... it's a gift.

    Love you, dear sister.

    I'm praying for you and for your family.

    I know that it hurts.

    Thank you .. one, and all.
    May day is a little more bearable knowing that you Sisters in PINK have my back --
    and so many of you, know how much 'Bailey' meant to me, as well as keeping me sane
    and safe during my breast cancer journey.

    Loads of love to you all.

    Vicki Sam
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Oh Vicki!
    I am so sorry this happened. How hard this must be. Pets are family and we grieve the loss. My Abby always "felt" my chemo days. They somehow know.

    Please accept my condolences on your beloved.

    Tender hugs,

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. This story sounds so sad. I can actually feel what you went through and I feel for you. Our pets are the best companions, especially during the most difficult time. Prayers are with your angel. And I hope you find peace.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    My dear Vicki Sam,
    My heart is broken for you. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    My dear Vicki Sam,
    My heart is broken for you. I am so very sorry for your loss.


    Vicki I am crying with you
    My dear friend
    I am very sorry for your loss. Very tragic death of your loyal Bailey
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Vicki Sam
    My eyes are filled with tears as I read your post. I am so sorry you lost your four legged family member. I can only imagine what and unpleasant surprise it was.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    ladyg said:

    Vicki Sam
    My eyes are filled with tears as I read your post. I am so sorry you lost your four legged family member. I can only imagine what and unpleasant surprise it was.


    Oh, Vicki Sam
    as a dog lover, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Your sweet Bailey Storm helped you through your darkest hours. She understood when maybe some humans just didn't. She was there for you. The loss of her must be unreal. I have lost dogs and it leaves a permanent bruise on your heart. She is running and playing in heaven right now and enjoying all the tasty biscuits she can possibly eat.

    My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Love and hugs, Renee
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    missrenee said:

    Oh, Vicki Sam
    as a dog lover, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Your sweet Bailey Storm helped you through your darkest hours. She understood when maybe some humans just didn't. She was there for you. The loss of her must be unreal. I have lost dogs and it leaves a permanent bruise on your heart. She is running and playing in heaven right now and enjoying all the tasty biscuits she can possibly eat.

    My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Love and hugs, Renee

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    I am so sorry for your loss.
  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    So very sorry about Bailey
    So very sorry about Bailey Storm ..... may your memories help ease your sorrows .....Sue D
  • Texas_wedge
    Texas_wedge Member Posts: 2,798
    sdukowitz said:

    So very sorry about Bailey
    So very sorry about Bailey Storm ..... may your memories help ease your sorrows .....Sue D

    Bailey RIP
    More tears, Vicki, from over on the kidney cancer thread.

    I'm sure you'll have lots of lovely pictures of Bailey which will help to cope with the pain of such a tragic loss. So I echo what Sue D has just said - may your memories help ease your sorrows.