It DOES Get Better

This is my first post in a while, but I've still be visiting and checking in on folks. I don't have a good answer for why I didn't post anything for the past month or so. Sure, I've been busy but that didn't stop me before. I think part of it is that I've been figuring out what it means to be out of treatment, and how you live with what you went through. It changes you in ways I didn't really expect.

I was diagnosed with Stage VI SCC of the left tonsil and soft palate, strongly HPV positive (in every biopsy cell tested). I had 35 IMRT treatments and cisplatin chemo every week for 6 weeks (I missed one chemo). I got super sick from the narcotics and ended up with gastroparesis, which shut my stomach down and made me throw up anything I tried to eat for about 5 weeks. I had a PEG tube, and even so I lost 50 pounds during that period of time (I could afford the loss in terms of overall body weight, so it's not as bad as it sounds). Treatments ended June 1, and my first PET scan in August was all clear. Since then, I've had two check-ups with the scope that have also been clear. I had the PEG tube removed in mid-September.

My life is different now for sure: I have trouble swallowing (still) from inflammation, my taste is still messed up, anything remotely spicy burns when I try to eat it, I'm still tired a lot of the time, my skin itches like mad (curious to find out if that's a side effect from chemo?), I have pins-and-needles pain down both legs sometimes when I walk (also curious about whether it's chemo related), my jaw painfully tightens up every couple hours, and my mouth and throat are still very dry. I worry about my next scan and whether the cancer might come back. It doesn't take much anymore to make me cry. Even with all of that, I genuinely feel blessed and lucky.

All of those things, even when you list them out like that, are bumps in the road. I mean that honestly and with all my heart. To everyone in treatment now or just diagnosed: as time passes, you start feeling better, and the "new normal" is what you make of it. If I think about the amount of time in a day that any of these changes really matter, it's a total of maybe 30 minutes of my whole day. The remaining 23.5 hours of my day are pretty much the same as they were before, except I feel like I'm finally really awake to enjoy them. Don't doubt whether the treatments are worth it or dread what life will be like afterward. No one knows what you will experience during or after treatments, and no one knows how long a life he has, with or without cancer. Just focus on each day, each moment, and know that time will pass and you will get better.

I hope everyone riding the bus with me earlier this year is doing well--I've been thinking of you!


  • zaac23
    zaac23 Member Posts: 27
    it does get better
  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    well said
    love your attitude and thanks for posting.
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    well said
    love your attitude and thanks for posting.

    Thanks so much for posting. I've thought about you often and was hoping that you had just gotten on with life and were doing well. You've had a difficult road but the hard part is in the rear view mirror for you now. Great to hear your scan was NED, makes it all worth it. I have a PET this Friday and all of the anxiety that goes with one but staying optimistic. I've been going to neck massage therapy and mid-Nov. will spend and hour or two a day in a hyper baric pressure chamber for 30 days then begin the 6 mo process of getting implants on lower half of mouth. My 6 months "treatable and curable" is turning into 1 1/2 years by the time the teeth are done. I am thankful for the amount of energy I have.
    Well wishes, please pop in now & again to let us know that you're doing ok. God Bless!
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    so nice of you to have commented on my CT scan concerns, and I and Diane were so happy to see you back on the forum. You have done a great job getting thru this crazy time in our lives and have been an inspiration to all of us. The one thing about you that impresses me the most you always conclude your comments with something positive when in fact its hard to believe anything could be. And those positive comments always reminded me that no matter how bad it is it could be worse so be grateful. Good Job. Hope to see more post and we pray you will continue to get better each day.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    ditto1 said:

    so nice of you to have commented on my CT scan concerns, and I and Diane were so happy to see you back on the forum. You have done a great job getting thru this crazy time in our lives and have been an inspiration to all of us. The one thing about you that impresses me the most you always conclude your comments with something positive when in fact its hard to believe anything could be. And those positive comments always reminded me that no matter how bad it is it could be worse so be grateful. Good Job. Hope to see more post and we pray you will continue to get better each day.

    Well said Laralyn...
    Great to see you post! Great to hear you are on the raod to recovery.. :)


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm so glad you finally posted....
    you know me, "the snoop"....I really do get curious about those who were on the bus with us, how they are doing...and what's happening in their lives now. I always felt so close to you when we were going thru treatment. Hard to remember that tho we only started treatment 2 weeks apart, you finished SO MUCH earlier than I did!! :)

    All these new little sensations, and feelings do come infrequently when you consider a day is 24 hours you are so right about the changes adding up to a meer "minor part". Every time I bend my neck to my chest I give my feet an electrrical shock...LOLOLOL....doesn't hurt, just surprises me.

    I don't know how long it takes to actually "heal" from all we've been thru.....I mean we've been radiated and poisoned with heavy metals...ha! What's it take to get over all that??

    I'm glad to hear you're still hanging out, even if you don't least I know you're there somewhere.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    getting better
    Hi Laralyn,

    Nice post, we definitely are changed. Sometimes it’s like a different person in my head. My emotions are right on the edge, but my patients has increased. Anyway, I am glad you are fine, keep getting better.


  • NeoTheron91
    NeoTheron91 Member Posts: 75
    I hope to get better for my situation too. You're absolutely right. No one know what will happen next!

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    very well put and reminder to so many fighting, beginning recovery, even those 6 - 18 months post treatment.

    recovery just never seems fast enough but it does get better over time

    thanks again for the reminder
