jdfmom3 Member Posts: 2
My husband died this year in May, they had first found is kidney cancer in 2008 in removed his left kidney, but it came back and speaded. He served as a carrier in oki.I also had left kidney cancer abd had mine emoved in 2007. We was to;d that we had tp be explosed to something. My youngest son was bon with Poland syndome which I found out could be caused fom Agent Orange. I would like studies none on myself to see if AGENT oRANGE CAUSE HIS CANCER AND MINE. bUT i NEVE SERVED tHANKS jUDY


  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    Agent Orange and Kidney Cancer...
    Hi jdfmom3,

    I am sorry to hear your story and sincerely hope that everything improves for you going forward. There is a thread her titled Agent Orange and Kidney Cancer which, if you have not read, you might find beneficial. There are several members on that thread currently fighting for benefits through the VA. Personally, I feel the way our vets and their families are treated in general is disgraceful, we owe a great debt to all that have served.

    Hang in there,

  • Max Power
    Max Power Member Posts: 60
    personal cause
    Sorry to hear about your husband.

    We all go through times when we try to think back as to WHAT we possibly did that caused the kidney cancer. Diet? That chemical I worked with way back? Living near the dump? Not enough beer? I soon gave up, realizing I would probably never know. It may have been nothing I did.

    I asked my doctor what known things cause the cancer, and the answer was they have no idea.

    To have a study requires thousands of people and dollars, and even then the results may be inconclusive.

    Plus, and here is my cynical side, I feel money for preventive studies isn't as forthcoming as money for treatments.