treatment started

Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
Well Things are progressing for me this week, I have had 2 radiations, and my induction of Erbitex. So far so good, feeling a little aches and pains, and a bit run down, but not bad overall.
Hope everyone else is doing good....


  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    2 Down
    way to go Jim. Its always good to get this battle started so you can take control and get to the end of the tunnel. I had BOT Stage 4/ 2 lymphnodes, my tx was 2 Cisplatin and 9 Erbitux and 33 Rads. With the Grace of God, my caretaker Diane and some good Doctors I made it to the other side. Now 8 weeks out and going for a CT scan tommorrow. So keep up the good fight and hollar out if you need anything, for I have learned the folks on this site will come running.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    WTG Jim
    It shouldn't be too bad for you the first few weeks.. Around week 4 it starts getting tougher... That's what I call the Groundhogs Days, like the movie...same thing over, and over, an over...

    Just tough it out and before you know it, you'll be on the downside of the hill seeing the light and ringing the bell.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    WTG Jim
    It shouldn't be too bad for you the first few weeks.. Around week 4 it starts getting tougher... That's what I call the Groundhogs Days, like the movie...same thing over, and over, an over...

    Just tough it out and before you know it, you'll be on the downside of the hill seeing the light and ringing the bell.


    Great job are on your way to NED

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    One day at a time...
    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. This is do-able. It really sucks, but it's do-able.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good start
    Hi Jim,

    Getting started was the hard part, for the rest of the ride you just need to find your rhythm (what works for you). Always let the nurses and doctors know how you feel and any side effects you are having (they have something for everything). If you hurt, don’t try and tough it out, use your pain meds, you will appreciate the sleep.

    May your journey be swift and your side effects few.


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Good Start
    It's a day at a time, stay positive, stay hydrated, rest when you can, eat what you can.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Then like John said, come around week 3 or 4, you'll be in a new rut...and everyday will tick off, bringing you closer and closer to the end of radiation. I did what Deb day at a time, one foot in front of the other....I didn't entertain thoughts of getting it over with, or wishing I didn't have to go...just plodded thru...and suddenly I was in the single digits....and then it was the countdown....5-4-3-2-1....OVER!! :)

  • hrowe
    hrowe Member Posts: 57
    Take it one day at a time
    Treat it like Marine boot camp. You will feel REALLY beat up now but once finished you will start to recover very quickly.
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    hrowe said:

    Take it one day at a time
    Treat it like Marine boot camp. You will feel REALLY beat up now but once finished you will start to recover very quickly.

    I know it has to feel good to "get the show on the road". You are already doing better than I did, had my rear kicked day one but made it through. Hope your journey is an easy one.

  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    hwt said:

    I know it has to feel good to "get the show on the road". You are already doing better than I did, had my rear kicked day one but made it through. Hope your journey is an easy one.


    Thank you all....
    Feeling a little run down on day 3' but worked for the better part of the day. I have had a pretty sharp headache starting around midnight, an expected side effect from erbittex.
    Hope everyone is well.