Lazar Nerve Stimulation

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
edited October 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Hi everyone, as most of you know the Vagus never in my face and neck has been damaged from having radiation twice to the same area. A few months back I lost the ability to swallow and my Voice got to where no one could understand what I was saying, I love preaching so this was very bad for me. Why because my tongue was also numb and just laying there in my mouth doing nothing. I spent two weeks in the Hospital with pneumonia because everything I did try to eat half of it would go into the lungs. All that could be done was to give me a Peg Tube so I could start feeding myself and get some strength back. The doctors all agreed that the only thing that might help was DPNS “Deep Pharyngeal Nerve Stimulation” well I did that and nothing. So they wanted to do 26 more treatments of DPNS, but I told them that they are trying to put a Band-Aid on the problem, the problem is numbness, can anything be done about that. Well as you know the answer was No.

Most of you know how I am I don’t take No for an answer, so I started doing some checking on my own about nerve stimulation and found a doctor who did some lazar treatments dealing with nerve problems. He agreed to treat me but told me that because of all the radiation damage don’t expect too much, because there is just not enough studies done in the area of lazar never treatment on Cancer Patients. Well after the first two treatments I did notice that my numbness was not as bad but little or no improvement in the voice. This week I was having some new problems with the nerves, kind of like spider webs pain all over me face. When I seen the doctor and told him about it he said that is good news, I looked at him as if he was crazy and asked why. He said because we are waking up a dead nerve and he was hoping for something like that as a sign that the lazar treatment might be working. This week my voice has also been lasting longer before the tongue would go numb, so I decided to give preaching a try. Well I preached a Full Sermon today from start to finish and my voice was right there with me all the way; Praise the Lord for all his goodness.

I am still not able to swallow but so far I only had 5 lazar nerve treatments and I have 15 more to go. I am praying that if anything I get just a little bit of my ability back to swallow and my Voice to stay strong so I can continue preaching. Thank you all for the support and prayers. If you like a copy of the Sermon I preached today go to my web site and down load it for free.

God bless you all
Tim Hondo


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Wonderful to see such good news! Excited for you - for the treatments to be working so well at only a quarter of the way done. I'm asking that the improvements continue.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Pam M said:

    Wonderful to see such good news! Excited for you - for the treatments to be working so well at only a quarter of the way done. I'm asking that the improvements continue.

    Hi Pam

    God is always listening to the prayers of his children

    God Bless
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Hondo said:

    Hi Pam

    God is always listening to the prayers of his children

    God Bless

    Continued Success.
    Hi Hondo, I pray you have success with this new
    treatment so you can continue to do your sermons, you have
    been through the mill so its about time the big man upstairs
    drops a few more blessings your way.
    Stay strong and keep true to your faith.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Continued Success.
    Hi Hondo, I pray you have success with this new
    treatment so you can continue to do your sermons, you have
    been through the mill so its about time the big man upstairs
    drops a few more blessings your way.
    Stay strong and keep true to your faith.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    Hi Dan
    As the song says “God is watching from a Distance” and sends his blessing everyday

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh Tim...
    ..this is wonderful news. This after only 5 treatments, with 15 to are a total inspiraton in never giving up, and doing order to help yourself...


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Oh Tim...
    ..this is wonderful news. This after only 5 treatments, with 15 to are a total inspiraton in never giving up, and doing order to help yourself...



    Way to go!!!
    Great news ...very happy to hear this ...and thanks for keeping us posted!!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    happy preaching
    Hi Tim,

    I don’t need any nerve stimulation, but I could take a lesson on how not to accept no. This cancer and subsequent treatments and doctor visits make me have to step outside of my comfort zone with the professionals. I give the benefit of the doubt to the doctors but wonder what rule book they are playing by (sometimes).

    You keep fighting the fight and I’ll try to learn from you.


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Praise the Lord
    Good news, Hondo.

    Keeping you in my prayers for continued healing.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Amazement !
    We can all take a lesson from you in determination, and faith. I thank you for being the strong, amazing person you are. Please continue to keep us updated on this what I consider pioneering work in nerve ending damage. (severe) I will be following this as my dx follows and damages nerve shealths.. Continued success my friend ! katie
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Amazement !
    We can all take a lesson from you in determination, and faith. I thank you for being the strong, amazing person you are. Please continue to keep us updated on this what I consider pioneering work in nerve ending damage. (severe) I will be following this as my dx follows and damages nerve shealths.. Continued success my friend ! katie

    Awesome news
    So pleased to hear...this is why we never give up hope. God is good.
  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Great News
    I only wish we could hear you rather than only read your words. It is obvious that the Lord is guiding you, as He guides all of us. However, you have something to teach us all (by your example) about listening for His Voice. Rick.
  • carolinagirl67
    carolinagirl67 Member Posts: 153
    I am sooooo Happy for you!!! You were always such an inspiration to me during my struggle with my husband. I hated to hear you were having problems, but now what good news! I will pray your success will continue because you have so much to share.

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    wonderful news
    Miracles happen...maybe the lazer will work! Ann
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    Great news
    Glad to hear you amy be making progress. Have you had the "ice pick" jabs as much? I too had a miracle - My Seminol;es jumped over your Tigers :>)

    Hang in there and keep us posted as it progresses.
  • NeoTheron91
    NeoTheron91 Member Posts: 75
    Nice to see you again
    Hi Hondo,

    you've helped me a lot while I was having treatment and nice to read your post back. Hoping that you're doing fine in the future as well. God bless!

  • olivia46
    olivia46 Member Posts: 28
    Good to hear from you
    Haven't come here for long, good to heaer from you and learn something is helpful. Can't thank you enough for guiding me through all the mazes. About 8 month after radiation treatment now, start to deal with some of the long-term side effects. Life is different, I appreciated it very much.

  • olivia46
    olivia46 Member Posts: 28
    Good to hear from you
    Haven't come here for long, good to heaer from you and learn something is helpful. Can't thank you enough for guiding me through all the mazes. About 8 month after radiation treatment now, start to deal with some of the long-term side effects. Life is different, I appreciated it very much.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Up-date 10-12-12

    Could only get one treatment in this week as I was out of town on a job in Galveston Texas. The bad thing is I will be preaching tomorrow and need my voice, so God will need to work another miracle to keep me talking. The Lazar seams to be doing a very good job at giving me pain in my face but the doctor is saying that is good as it is saying the dead nerve is coming back, my ENT order some HBO treatments at the same time to see if that will also help the nerve re-grow. All this is only a shot in the dark but it is better then doing nothing.

    Start HBO on Monday

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Hondo said:

    Up-date 10-12-12

    Could only get one treatment in this week as I was out of town on a job in Galveston Texas. The bad thing is I will be preaching tomorrow and need my voice, so God will need to work another miracle to keep me talking. The Lazar seams to be doing a very good job at giving me pain in my face but the doctor is saying that is good as it is saying the dead nerve is coming back, my ENT order some HBO treatments at the same time to see if that will also help the nerve re-grow. All this is only a shot in the dark but it is better then doing nothing.

    Start HBO on Monday


    Keep ....
    chipping away at the problem. You're an inspiration for all of us. Rick.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    HBO treatment Delayed

    I was to start HBO treatment Monday but it’s been delayed due to the Chemo I took 7 ½ years ago. This is the first I ever heard about Chemo stopping you from getting HBO treatment. Anyway it is being reviewed and they are having to get info from my Chemo doc who is retired.

    "Well oh" is all I can say.