recurring blood clots when ned

abmb Member Posts: 311
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I do come on and read other posts, so many new people. Has anyone had bloodclots when diagnosed with colon cancer and than ned and 3 years later develop blood clots again. I am scared cancer is lurking. Any info would be appreciated and I do keep everyone in my thoughts. Margaret


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Margaret -
    "Has anyone had bloodclots when diagnosed with colon cancer and
    than ned and 3 years later develop blood clots again. "

    I had been made aware (back in 2006) that chemo and/or radiation
    treatments may result in the possible clotting of blood, but no mention
    of the cancer itself being a possible cause.

    Since my last operation that left me with a shortened small intestine
    (and no colon), dehydration is frequent, and I began suffering from
    DVT (blood clots).

    Western medicine's only resolve for DVT is continuous medications
    to either thin the blood, dissolve the clots, or both. The medications
    have side effects and causes eventual damage that can be irreversible.

    I used Traditional Chinese Medicine to resolve the problem. The herbal
    prescription managed to get my body to dissolve the clots, and prevent
    the forming of new clots. The body does that normally and if and
    when it doesn't do that, resolving the reason why is a better choice
    than to take chemicals that do not belong in the body. I took the
    herbal prescription for about two months until the problem was resolved,
    and no longer have to take that prescription.

    My DVT problem was resolved, and even short periods of dehydration
    do not seem to matter, as far as clotting.

    So first, you should make certain you are not becoming dehydrated.
    With a normal digestive system (or even missing a colon), ingesting
    4 oz per hour of liquid (water is preferred) should keep you well
    hydrated without becoming too hydrated.

    (Locating a practitioner of TCM to resolve what's wrong, wouldn't be
    a bad idea, either).

    But I wouldn't be too hasty to assume that cancer causes blood clots,
    regardless of any "news" you hear otherwise.

    Long before diagnosis and while that cancer was growing away inside
    us, we didn't suffer from blood clots, did we.

    Be well!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have had several blood
    I have had several blood clots. Never when i was NED. Only when i was in treatment.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    More Info?
    Blood clots happen in many places for many reasons. I didn't see in your post where the clots are occurring so it could, or could not, have nothing to do with cancer at all. Here's a bit more info on blood clots, maybe there's something else that's going on that you can prevent.

    "Prevention is always the key in medicine. This is especially true when it comes to many of the diseases associated with blood clots.

    Risks of arterial blood clots associated with heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease may be minimized by keeping high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels under control. Smoking cessation should be a priority.

    Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolus prevention is a priority in hospitalized patients. Often those undergoing surgery are aggressively encouraged to start walking as early as possible, and medications such as heparin are used prophylactically to prevent clot formation.

    Travelers should be encouraged to get up, stretch, and walk routinely. This is especially true on long airplane trips or long car rides.

    Hormone therapy is a risk for blood clot formation, and smoking compounds that risk. People who choose to smoke should notify their health care practitioner; the benefits of birth control and/or hormone therapy will need to be balanced against the risk of complications."
    PS: I've had no blood clots and I've been doing this since Feb 2004.
    Everyone's different. It can't hurt to look at a bigger picture
  • abmb
    abmb Member Posts: 311
    Thank you everyone for you
    Thank you everyone for you reply. my husband has deep vein thrombosis clots. we see his oncologist on tuesday hopefully he will have some answers for us. Take Care & God Bless