Question on Phenumonia

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
Hey all...

My wife and two of the kids several weeks ago developed a cough and had runny noses, the usual "kids just started school and brought home the germs first week" thingy.

Anyway, my wife prohectically (joke of course) said to me "I'm concerned you will get a bug". Well, sure nuff, I got what I thought was the "bug" just days after them, which as been 4 weeks now. They are all better and I'm not trying to sound like I'm am bad sick...but here is where I am at and wanted to know if I should get checked for Phenumonia (and you all know we worry about spread to lungs...and lately there have been some posts for that of course I get a little worked up though I try so hard to just ignore the nagging thoughts)...

I do not have nor did I have a runny nose.

I DID have and still do have what feels like a "chest cold" where I can feel a "soarness" when I breathe in deep. I don't hear or feel congestion but when I cough very often some clear, not real green or yellow, stuff comes up...slightly green I guess at times.

I DO have a pain in my back from my shoulders blades down to mid-back, but that just seems to be getting worse, was not bad at first. This pain is not constant (I woke up this am with no pain and felt like I could breath just fine) It seems like the pain starts coming up a few hours after I awake. When I cough hard, I feel the pain more intense but it's a dull aching pain, not a sharp pain, but still noticable for sure.

I DO just the last few days feel a bit short of breath and my chest hurts in the front middle (like where they put their palms to give CPR). Again, the pain is not constant but by the end of the day seems to be quite pronounced (as in really bothers me)and if I move a certain way the pain can be sharp.

I got this cough, but it's the same cough my wife and kids had, but mine has just lingered now for four weeks. I don't think I'm getting worse, but just can't seem to get better and the pain seems to have upticked a bit in the areas I described above, especially my mid to upper back, in particular when I cough.

I do have (and it's been there for some time so not sure this means anything) what I swear feels like an IV bag of fluid to the left and north of my belly button under the skin. Good grief this little pouch is just like an IV bag of saline under the skin...My daughter thinks it's gross, but wife says I look like I have a baby bump, but it does not feel like a tumor or's soft and mushy (like an IV bag) and when I cough I can feel the liquid in that area kind of jolt around a bit ..sorry if all this sound gross. When I stand up if feels really hard and when I lay down it goes back soft.

Some quick history:

For an unrelated infection I just finished a 10 day round of Keflex (antibiotic) a few days ago (had an infection in my toe if you can believe that) from a hanging toenail, the infection lasted a good four weeks before I sought out a doctor who presribed Keflex. I don't know why I waited soooo long, but I have never had a dag-gum infection that would not go away like that my wife made me go to the doc.

I had my CT/w Contrast August 6, 2012 of the head and neck, got a NED for that.

I saw my Oncologist September 8, 2012 who did a scope and finger exam, all looked good.

I saw my ENT Sept 19, 2012 who did a scope and finger exam, all looked good. My ENT did note "extreme dry vocals" and said I had radiation induced Laryngitis. My voice is still shot as

May 2012 I had an MRI of the brain, all was clear.

I had my PET/CT 3 months after my last rad (May 7, 2012) and got a very good report (just a very mild hot spot on vocals)which of course has since gone away.

I have had TONS of energy lately, been out in the forest cutting wood with the chain saw and loading up all that wood in my Scout ....We have a LOT of smoke here in Idaho where I live from all the wild-fires I'm really thinking that with the bug with the radiation induced Larayngitis is all compounded and just making my mind race...

I actually feel guilty even putting this post up since some have had bad news lately and others are in the thick of recovery...but you guys always have great feedback.

I know the PCP is useless to go see, but I thought I would go see him tomorrow and ask for a chest X-ray (which I also think if I am correct is not that great at detecting lung cancer) but more for Phenumonia...??

Here is what I do know, lung mets is not uncommon and in fact one of the areas BOT SCC can spread to, so why not just ask them to look at it...early in our world is always best, so why do we always feel like we are being "jumpy" ..and on that note I have tried soooo very hard to not let my mind race or be jumpy as much as I was the first four months of my lat rad..good grief I had a time getting a handle on this "looking over my shoulder thing" the first four months....I do not like being that way.




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    your jumpy, I am jumpy too
    Hi Tim,

    Of course you should be concerned (as we all are) after what we’ve been through. I mentioned the possibility of a lowered immune system to my GP last week (due to Erbitux) and he said my natural immune system should be back to work as the chemicals wear off (Erbitux has a short half life). Mind you, this site did scare me into getting a shingles vaccination. Heck, I would take an anti-pregnancy shot if you guys told me to. All in all, be concerned, be prudent, and be practical. Tell your doctors of your concerns and go from there.

    Remember scanxiety, it applies broadly to everything that could go wrong.

    Always my best,

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    your jumpy, I am jumpy too
    Hi Tim,

    Of course you should be concerned (as we all are) after what we’ve been through. I mentioned the possibility of a lowered immune system to my GP last week (due to Erbitux) and he said my natural immune system should be back to work as the chemicals wear off (Erbitux has a short half life). Mind you, this site did scare me into getting a shingles vaccination. Heck, I would take an anti-pregnancy shot if you guys told me to. All in all, be concerned, be prudent, and be practical. Tell your doctors of your concerns and go from there.

    Remember scanxiety, it applies broadly to everything that could go wrong.

    Always my best,


    LOL...I enjoyed that laugh.....
    Anti-pregnancy! What a hoot!

    Thanks Matt

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    LOL...I enjoyed that laugh.....
    Anti-pregnancy! What a hoot!

    Thanks Matt


    the question is...
    why would you NOT get checked, Tim?
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    the question is...
    why would you NOT get checked, Tim?

    Noelle...fair question
    I know, it does sound silly my post...but I live 100 miles north of my treatment facility...if I do go it will be to the local PCP (which being in a resort town and a very small town means I will get whoever the rotating doctor is) which in the past has proven to really not be worth the visit...then they have to refer me over to the small local hospital...and like everyone else I guess I am just concerned I'm being too "nervous ninny" about every ache and pain...

    I have a schedule PET/CT the 2nd week of October and gosh durn I really am trying not to add to the high cost of medical care just bc I at times do let my mind race.... :)

    I find when I talk to you all before I do some things it just put another light on the matter (though I know everyone will readily say they are not doctors) ...

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Noelle...fair question
    I know, it does sound silly my post...but I live 100 miles north of my treatment facility...if I do go it will be to the local PCP (which being in a resort town and a very small town means I will get whoever the rotating doctor is) which in the past has proven to really not be worth the visit...then they have to refer me over to the small local hospital...and like everyone else I guess I am just concerned I'm being too "nervous ninny" about every ache and pain...

    I have a schedule PET/CT the 2nd week of October and gosh durn I really am trying not to add to the high cost of medical care just bc I at times do let my mind race.... :)

    I find when I talk to you all before I do some things it just put another light on the matter (though I know everyone will readily say they are not doctors) ...


    ah Ha! Second week in October, huh?
    Scanxiety it is, then. An impending PET-CT would make every one of us feel the same way.

    I took myself to my local prompt care with the type of symptoms you describe. They were able to do enough simple tests to confirm to me that I did not have pneumonia, and I did not have bronchitis. That held me till the next scan date.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    D Lewis said:

    ah Ha! Second week in October, huh?
    Scanxiety it is, then. An impending PET-CT would make every one of us feel the same way.

    I took myself to my local prompt care with the type of symptoms you describe. They were able to do enough simple tests to confirm to me that I did not have pneumonia, and I did not have bronchitis. That held me till the next scan date.


    4 weeks
    Seems like it might take us longer to shake a cold but I certainly would not hesitate to see the local doc
  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    fluid filled pouch?
    A fluid filled pouch that gets hard when you stand and soft when you lie down is not normal and sounds like something you should have checked. It probably is not something the oncologists or ENT docs would notice unless you pointed it out...especially the hard/soft changes with position. However, they do have a vested interest in your overall health and healing so would have taken a look at that non-oral area of concern if you had pointed it out during an exam. Did you have a PEG inserted anywhere near that area to the left and north of your belly button?
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    fluid filled pouch?
    A fluid filled pouch that gets hard when you stand and soft when you lie down is not normal and sounds like something you should have checked. It probably is not something the oncologists or ENT docs would notice unless you pointed it out...especially the hard/soft changes with position. However, they do have a vested interest in your overall health and healing so would have taken a look at that non-oral area of concern if you had pointed it out during an exam. Did you have a PEG inserted anywhere near that area to the left and north of your belly button?

    Hi Alligator pointer ..
    Yes, I did have a feeding tube put in just before treatments (it was under my left breast about 6 inches down, into my stomach). The tube was removed in June 2012.

    I guess I was not too concerned about this "pouch" because I keep reading where that is about the location of our lypmh fluid sack.....I never pointed it out to my team of docs (as I type I'm thinking now that might have been kind of dumb on my part) simply bc I did not think it to be a big deal and have had no pain with it.

    When I lean against a counter hard (like at the bank or a retail store) and then pull back it feels just a little like how it feels when you get punched in the gut...but not near as bad, but noticable.


    PS There are so many side affects they (the docs)don't ever bring up and most of the side affects I have learned or related to on this site. So that is why many times I run things by you all here first. :)
  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    Tim6003 said:

    Hi Alligator pointer ..
    Yes, I did have a feeding tube put in just before treatments (it was under my left breast about 6 inches down, into my stomach). The tube was removed in June 2012.

    I guess I was not too concerned about this "pouch" because I keep reading where that is about the location of our lypmh fluid sack.....I never pointed it out to my team of docs (as I type I'm thinking now that might have been kind of dumb on my part) simply bc I did not think it to be a big deal and have had no pain with it.

    When I lean against a counter hard (like at the bank or a retail store) and then pull back it feels just a little like how it feels when you get punched in the gut...but not near as bad, but noticable.


    PS There are so many side affects they (the docs)don't ever bring up and most of the side affects I have learned or related to on this site. So that is why many times I run things by you all here first. :)

    Your pouch may be something simple that can be left alone or will resolve on its own or may need minor medical intervention. But only an examination by a doctor will answer that question and you are the only one who can bring it to their attention. My son (who has just completed rads/chemo for throat cancer) had severe bloating after his 2nd weekly cisplatin infusion which caused a minor hernia to expand. He showed it to rad onc who was concerned enough to warn that constipation must be carefully avoided so that emergency hernia surgery would not be needed during the 7 weeks of cancer treatment. Fortunately, the hernia has not caused any treatment problems but will need to be repaired after healing from rads/chemo is farther along. Whatever your 'pouch' is, Tim, it is better to know how to deal with it rather than just ignore it and the only way to know is to have a doctor examine it.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Your pouch may be something simple that can be left alone or will resolve on its own or may need minor medical intervention. But only an examination by a doctor will answer that question and you are the only one who can bring it to their attention. My son (who has just completed rads/chemo for throat cancer) had severe bloating after his 2nd weekly cisplatin infusion which caused a minor hernia to expand. He showed it to rad onc who was concerned enough to warn that constipation must be carefully avoided so that emergency hernia surgery would not be needed during the 7 weeks of cancer treatment. Fortunately, the hernia has not caused any treatment problems but will need to be repaired after healing from rads/chemo is farther along. Whatever your 'pouch' is, Tim, it is better to know how to deal with it rather than just ignore it and the only way to know is to have a doctor examine it.


    I am 8 months post treatments, and I neve thought about a fact I had terrible particular bad night I thought my head was going to blow off my shoulders the strain was soooo bad (TMI I know)...

    Hmmmmm, maybe I created a hernia back then?

    I will def make that appt tomorrow.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Tim6003 said:


    I am 8 months post treatments, and I neve thought about a fact I had terrible particular bad night I thought my head was going to blow off my shoulders the strain was soooo bad (TMI I know)...

    Hmmmmm, maybe I created a hernia back then?

    I will def make that appt tomorrow.



    Keep us posted !
    I hope your appt. goes good today ? Pneumonia is a bugger, and we are all at risk with lower immune systems. A little late on the post, but ask about the shot for this also ! I'm due soon for mine again, and of coarse the flu shot. Katie
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    CivilMatt said:

    your jumpy, I am jumpy too
    Hi Tim,

    Of course you should be concerned (as we all are) after what we’ve been through. I mentioned the possibility of a lowered immune system to my GP last week (due to Erbitux) and he said my natural immune system should be back to work as the chemicals wear off (Erbitux has a short half life). Mind you, this site did scare me into getting a shingles vaccination. Heck, I would take an anti-pregnancy shot if you guys told me to. All in all, be concerned, be prudent, and be practical. Tell your doctors of your concerns and go from there.

    Remember scanxiety, it applies broadly to everything that could go wrong.

    Always my best,


    Just curious...I have read
    Just curious...I have read that Erbitux has less sdie effects than Cisplatin, but our oncologist has said my husband will be getting the Cisplatin. Were you in a study? Do you know why they chose one over the other?
