My first ENT threw a monkey wrench in all my plans last night.



  • TomoFan
    TomoFan Member Posts: 4
    Skiffin16 said:

    Same Same...
    That's the route my Tx took me....

    Nine weeks induction (Cisplatin, Taxotere, and 5FU) in three week cycles. That followed with seven weeks of concurrent weekly Carboplatin, and 35 daily rads.

    I'm sure snyone would opt to have as little rads as possible since they are the portion of treatment that keeps on giveing.

    Unfortunately, nobody seems to have a definitive proven protocul other than the standard 35 days.


    Prayers your way
    4 years ago my understanding was there were only 50 TomoTherapy machines in the world and MD Anderson in Houston didn't have one yet. Must be having success because they have one today and 4 annual Pet Scans later no reoccurrence for me.(Stage IV)
    Eat nutrtiously, exercise and walk daily, pray and stay positive, will make a difference.
    FYI-Tried going to your blog and unable to locate.

    You will be in my prayers.