Hi all with update to fellow sojourners

Hi fellow sojourners on the NHL Trials--

I have only been on a little in the past few weeks, after hibernating for quite a while. Just passed my 1 year diagnosis anniversary---

Following 6 rounds of R/Bendamustine--last dose 12/14/2011--now in 2 yr. Rituxan maintenance every 8 weeks-- PET scans after treatment showed small/mod amount of tumor still in mesentery area of abdomen; now on PET scans every 4 months;

Next infusion--next Wednesday 9/19---then follow up PET scan Oct. 1--see oncologist 10/4 for results. (Last PET had only 1 small "node/tumor")

Thinking of you and Praying for all of you and your families as we trek through the ups and downs, tests, trials, doctors, tests, treatments--- (much more often than I post on this site)

Thank you all for your ongoing encouraging posts to each and every member!!! It helps all of us get through!

Love you guys and gals,


(Gi-Gi---name for Grandmom and initial of my last name; 1st provided by one of my grandsons)