My selfish husband

Hi, I have stage four breast cancer and am waiting to hear about a new brain tumor. My husband has stayed with me for 6 years thru this ordeal. Tonight he made me so mad! He said he is worried that when I die his life will be HORRIBLE and he will have no life. I asked him what he meant and he said he wouldn't have my income. This isn't true my family would help the children and him. I don't know how to react to this statement.

I am on Xeloda chemo, 4 mg. Dexamethasone
double mastectomy, gamma knife(2x), oopherectomy,adrenalectomy, craniotomy on the right side of the brain...


  • Hi
    Wow Mindy I am sorry to hear that. I can not imagine my husband saying something like that, and I know my first reaction besides disbelief would be anger. Everything you are going through which is all scary, then to hear something selfish like that is unreal. None of us here can change what was said, but we are all hear to support you. Know that you are not alone
