Some good news

StruTanToot Member Posts: 126 Member
You all have been so very helpful to me. I can't thank you enough. I'm listening to the wonderful advice you give, and the support and encouragement get me through.

So...I wanted to share some good news for a change. First of all, my HIV doc called to check on me today. He told me about a CT scan I had last year compared to the CT scan I had after being diagnosed with anal cancer. He said there were no differences in the lymph nodes.

That means that my cancer is likely stage one. My doc at Duke did not have access to this previous scan. At any rate, I'm being treated aggressively as if the lymph nodes are involved, but there's a very good chance there is no lymph node involvement.

I also learned that my radiation oncologist is one of the leading experts on HIV doc checked him out told me that I was seeing one of the best in the world.

Further, I'm in my second nausea at all, and only a couple of mouth sores. The mouth sores have not been bad at all though.

Lastly, both my radiation oncologist and chemo nurse were very optimistic when I met with them this week.

Dear friends...I just needed to finally share some good news with you. You have given me so much strength over the past couple of weeks, and my fighting spirit has returned. Please know I'm grateful to all of you.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am SO glad you shared all of this good news with us! We need a good dose of that from time to time. What great news to learn that there is likely no lymph node involvement and you are Stage 1. Also, to have such a great radiation oncologist on your team should be very reassuring to you. I know you made the right choice by going to Duke. Your doctors should be very optimistic for you--Stage 1 has a very high rate of successful treatment. As for the mouth sores, I hope you can continue to keep them at a minimum. Whatever you're doing, just keep doing it! You're going to come through this in great shape for a full recovery!
  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member
    I Had No Lymph Node Involvement
    I had no cancer lymph node involvement and was stage 2. I had one swollen lymph node and they treated it as if it was cancer. The chemo doctor said it could be swollen due to all the tests I had prior to treatment.
  • lindan123
    lindan123 Member Posts: 11
    Let's hope there's more good
    Let's hope there's more good news in the future.
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Good News...
    Good news for one is good news for all! Thank you so much for sharing and praying for continued success.
  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    eihtak said:

    Good News...
    Good news for one is good news for all! Thank you so much for sharing and praying for continued success.

    Good news!
    Keep the good news coming!
  • Marynb
    Marynb Member Posts: 1,118
    Terrific news!
    Soon, you will be cured! Hang in there qnd keep the good news coming!
  • Marynb
    Marynb Member Posts: 1,118
    Terrific news!
    Soon, you will be cured! Hang in there qnd keep the good news coming!
  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    Thanks for sharing the good news.

    Hope you continue to do as well as can possibly be expected through the treatment and recovery process.

    It means a lot to me and I am sure all of us that you shared your good news with us.

    All the best,
  • rds711
    rds711 Member Posts: 113
    Thanks for letting us know the fantastic news! I am so very happy for you. I know it can be a long and bumpy road both physically and emotionally. You will soon be in the healing phase which I pray will go quickly for you.

    Take good care of yourself as you're healing. Lots of rest and fluids and lean protiens to help your body rebuild.

    Keeping you in my prayers,
