2 more days

of radiation. Finished Chemo last week. So let the healing begin. It has been a long ride and we are ready to get off. I know the ride will continue for a while, but maybe not so bumpy. lol We have an appt. with our EMT on Friday. Hopefully we will get some good news. He will be scoped again then. We are trying to eat by mouth, but it is not happening. The Dr. wants to take the feeding tube out sooner than later. The Dr. say's he is doing alot better than alot of people who are as far along as he is, but he does everything they tell him to do. He has gone from 204lbs. to 154lbs. His Rad. Oncologist is not real happy about that. They have him on 6 insure a day now. By the way, this forum is awesome. It has really helped us thru, just reading your post. Thankyou to you all. There are so many questions and you get alot of answers right here from people who know what you are going thru. I'll let you know how his appt. goes on Friday.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    2 more days, that's great!!!! Sounds as if your husband has had a pretty dramatic weight loss. Don't want to risk losing the ability to swallow. Encourage your husband to try a bite or two of something everyday or maybe even doing one Ensure with a straw by mouth. Lightly scrambled eggs seem to work well for allot of people as do pancakes and lots of syrup. Milk helps everything go down easier.
    I hope your husband has a good appt. Friday, keep us posted.
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    So happy this is almost over for you and your husband. Keep encouraging him to eat and at least sample some things by mouth. It takes time but if he works at it, swallowing will happen.
    I remember when I was at this point and for about 3 weeks after this point I was my most sore and tired so don't be super alarmed if he just wants to sleep.
    Please do keep us posted on how he's doing and what the doctor says.
    Take care,
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    Congratulations on a job well done. It is time to relax, and really start to heal from all this mess. If you are like me you are glad you saved some old (smaller sized) clothes.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Two more days....and treatment ends.....GOOD JOB!!! I love these posts, I can still feel the excitement knowing I didn't have to go to rads ever again (regardless how I was feeling).

    I hope the Doc's don't pull his tube too fast, he still has 2 or 3 weeks of cook time left, and he's lost so much weight already. DO encourage him to try milk if it doesn't sting...even if it tastes a little funky....it's nurtricious and it does go down easier than water. Like HWT said, too....eggs that are lightly scrambled go down too, if he's not having trouble swallowing.

    Anyway....congrats to both of you on getting thru this....(is he up for a dance around the kitchen??? :))

  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283

    Two more days....and treatment ends.....GOOD JOB!!! I love these posts, I can still feel the excitement knowing I didn't have to go to rads ever again (regardless how I was feeling).

    I hope the Doc's don't pull his tube too fast, he still has 2 or 3 weeks of cook time left, and he's lost so much weight already. DO encourage him to try milk if it doesn't sting...even if it tastes a little funky....it's nurtricious and it does go down easier than water. Like HWT said, too....eggs that are lightly scrambled go down too, if he's not having trouble swallowing.

    Anyway....congrats to both of you on getting thru this....(is he up for a dance around the kitchen??? :))


    Great news!
    Let the healing begin! It is wonderful to hear that you came to the end... I read your profile about the hard journey he (both of you) had to go through - surgeries, rads, chemo....

    My dad will finish his tx next week. We just can't wait because it is really hard now...

    Your story is inspiring, so I wish both of you long and prosperous life! With no desease anymore!
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Way to Go
    Congrats on reaching the finish line. Eating takes some time, try a bit each day with soft foods,,cream soups worked the best for me.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Let the healing begin...

    I couldn't say it better myself.

  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    Skiffin16 said:

    Let the healing begin...

    I couldn't say it better myself.


    Nearing the line
    It is encouraging to hear that you are nearing the finish line. That as hard as dealing with the treatments for cancer it can be done and so many come out on the other side. I will be praying that healing will come quickly.