Kent Cass
Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
Lost my 82-year old Mother on Thursday afternoon. She'd battled MS for 35 years, beginning with a game left leg, then this, and then also that, leading to her being unable to care for herself for the last 8 years. Early in the week she developed a sinus issue, went to the hospital for a night's stay, and the next day release her, and some two-hours later she died without any sign of struggle. Sitting in her wheelchair, she just drooped over, Dad said, and their Caregiver noticed she wasn't breathing when she tried to straighten Mom up, and was without pulse. It's like she got home, said- okay, I'm going to sleep now- and died.

I know this is about MS, and not C, but perhaps the battle she fought could help someone. I know it sure helped me. Not once during tx would I have traded places with her. I had hope of beating the one in the ring with me. Mom did not. And thru it all she never really complained, or griped about what life had dealt her with MS, though she did get frustrated by the extreme limitations those last few years. Trying to pick up the phone to answer a call became an impossible task, like holding a pen and being able to write anything, or using a knife to cut-up food, etc., etc...And every struggle to accomplish some difficult challenge of movement with her hands or legs was followed by a couple minutes of rest, and then on to the next difficult task, without gripe...And even up to the end, there she was on her recliner, or in the wheelchair, smiling, and asking me how I'm feeling in a way that told me she truly wanted to know. And every time I asked her how she's doing, without failure, she'd answer, "Well, you know, I just might make it," to which I'd typically reply, "I know you will, Mom." This one, folks, is Joe Frazier's best body shot landing square, and leaving broken ribs inside me.

I ask that on Tuesday, the day Mom's body is placed in it's final resting place, as many of you who read this will just say the Lord's Prayer, followed by the name, "Mary." The Lord will know which Mary you're referring to.



  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Sorry for you loss, blessings for your Mom on her next journey.

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. It sounds like she bravely fought this for some time and made the best out of it all. I can hear in your words the love you feel for her. I will for sure be saying a prayer on Tuesday for both of you. I am happy for you that you got to spend so many years with her, many don't get that time. My mom died when I was 11.
    I'm sorry again for your loss.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I am so sorry for your loss....and fully understand your statement about Joe Frazier giving you his best body shot. Your mom sounds like a strong and gracious lady, and I'll feel priveledged saying the Lord's Prayer on Tuesday.

    Rest in peace, Mary....Hugs to you, Kent.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    I am so sorry for your loss....and fully understand your statement about Joe Frazier giving you his best body shot. Your mom sounds like a strong and gracious lady, and I'll feel priveledged saying the Lord's Prayer on Tuesday.

    Rest in peace, Mary....Hugs to you, Kent.


    Thank you-
    Phrannie. Truly does mean a lot to me, and to Mom. And, Billie, I also thank you, and am sorry for your loss long ago, and when you were so young. Truly sorry.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Dear Kent,

    I am so sorry to read about the loss of your Mother, she sounded like a truly wonderful person and the kind of Mom everyone should have.

    Bless you and your family.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Dear Kent,

    I am so sorry to read about the loss of your Mother, she sounded like a truly wonderful person and the kind of Mom everyone should have.

    Bless you and your family.


    I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I have set my cell phone reminder for Tuesday. I will certainly say a prayer for your mother, Mary.

    Whispered a prayer for your comfort as well as your Dad, family just before posting this.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Very Sorry For Your Loss
    Kent, I'm very sorry to hear the loss of you Mother....

    She was a great Mother, and you are the product...a great son.

    She will surely be lifted in our prayers.

    Peace & Blessings my friend,
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    So sad to hear the loss of your Mom. Mothers have a special place in our hearts that no one can take away.

    prayers going out for you and the rest of the family.

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    I will
    dwell in the House of the Lord forever and ever~~~~what a fantastic promise, please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your Mom, Mary. Blessings,love, and peace to you and your family, I will be honored to pray The Lords Prayer
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    The Lord's prayer
    I am so deeply touched by the love I read in your post. And I am so very sorry for the loss of your much loved Mother. I will definatly being saying the prayer on Tuesday. My Mother's name was Mary too. Many warm thoughts sent out to your Father, yourself and all family members. Katie
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member

    The Lord's prayer
    I am so deeply touched by the love I read in your post. And I am so very sorry for the loss of your much loved Mother. I will definatly being saying the prayer on Tuesday. My Mother's name was Mary too. Many warm thoughts sent out to your Father, yourself and all family members. Katie

    MS and Mary and my Robbie Leigh
    Kent, I am sorry to hear about your mother and her struggles and lift praises for her peace now.

    My 29 year old daughter, Robbie Leigh, received a confirmed diagnosis of aggressive MS two weeks ago and has had her first round of steroids for optic neuritis. We are beginning this journey together and I hope all the work with people like your mother will be used to help Robbie Leigh.

    I will remember Mary on Tuesday and many days in the future, I am sure.

    What a blessing our mothers are, Kent.
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488

    MS and Mary and my Robbie Leigh
    Kent, I am sorry to hear about your mother and her struggles and lift praises for her peace now.

    My 29 year old daughter, Robbie Leigh, received a confirmed diagnosis of aggressive MS two weeks ago and has had her first round of steroids for optic neuritis. We are beginning this journey together and I hope all the work with people like your mother will be used to help Robbie Leigh.

    I will remember Mary on Tuesday and many days in the future, I am sure.

    What a blessing our mothers are, Kent.

    Kent, my heart goes out to you filled with prayers for the loss
    of your mother Mary. She sounded like a wonderful strong woman.
    You bet we will say the Lord's prayer on Tuesday for her.
    Condolences and sympathy for you and your family.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Matt29
    Matt29 Member Posts: 62

    Kent, my heart goes out to you filled with prayers for the loss
    of your mother Mary. She sounded like a wonderful strong woman.
    You bet we will say the Lord's prayer on Tuesday for her.
    Condolences and sympathy for you and your family.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    so sorry for your losses.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    So very sorry for your tremendous loss. What a comfort and inspiration your mother must have been for you. And what a comfort and inspiration you must have been for her. I'm sure she was very very proud of the way you fought your battles at the same time she was fighting hers. I will be holding you in my thoughts on Tuesday.

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    MY Prayers are with you
    Kent, so sorry to hear about your mother.

    Prayers and condolences from my family to yours.

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566

    MY Prayers are with you
    Kent, so sorry to hear about your mother.

    Prayers and condolences from my family to yours.


    So Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom at age 23 to cancer. I know what you are feeling, but I can tell that time helps. You don't forget, but you don't think about it every day like you probably are now.....take care my friend.
  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    hawk711 said:

    So Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom at age 23 to cancer. I know what you are feeling, but I can tell that time helps. You don't forget, but you don't think about it every day like you probably are now.....take care my friend.

    Our prayers are with
    you Kent. Moms are so special sounds like God gave you a great mom. Peace be with you and your family.
  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    For strength, for comfort, for fond memories of a wonderful, strong lady who produced a wonderful, strong man.

    Deb and Dale
  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
    Sorry for your loss
    My thoughts and prayers are with you at this tough time. I lost my mother to MS on my 30th birthday so always will remember her. My mom was very similar and never once complained about anything she enjoyed life everyday. She enjoyed the little things like birds chirping and the smell of flowers in our yard and had more faith than anyone I knew. I will say the Lord's Prayer for Mary.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    NoDuck said:

    For strength, for comfort, for fond memories of a wonderful, strong lady who produced a wonderful, strong man.

    Deb and Dale

    Prayers are with you and your family.