~Gas up the ol' pink bus please~



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Y'all make me laugh!!
    and Traci, I just bought a new handbag a month ago.....so told myself I would wait a bit....and you know me, c'mon...I have been hiding chocolate in my "you~know~what drawer" and eating it on a shall we say... "regular" basis.
    I shall wait till Macy's has Septembers one day sale....and perhaps a "belated" purse celebration! (wink~wink). The cupcake caught my eye, and my mind was taken away~not by calgon, but by sugar!!
    Hugs pinks~ I see the breast surgeon in Sept to follow up the mammo, and hear her good words of wisdom.

    Congrats Melanie! Go get
    Congrats Melanie! Go get that purse! lol

    Sue :)