Mastectomy girls--I have a couple of questions

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
I'm a week and 2 days post-op. The first few days went really well as far as pain was concerned because I was pretty much totally numb in the breast area, ribs on that side and around toward the back. However, now the numbness is wearing off and I have to say--I had quite a bit of pain yesterday and today. My ribs below my missing breast are very sore and it feels like there is a very tight band around them. Also have soreness, stiffness and swelling on my side and going around to my back a little.

My surgeon said that because that breast had been bombarded with radiation, it would be a very tight pull and he even worried that he would have to use external as well as internal stitches to close properly. It looks like there are just internal, but I have a length of clear plastic thread linking both ends of the incision.

I've already called him once for some seepage from the wound--he saw me in the office and said all looked really good (HA--good one), so I don't want to be a pain in the neck. Please tell me someone else has experienced this. I'll feel much better to think this is a normal part of the healing process.

Hugs, Renee


  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    I also had
    The sensation of a band wrapped around my chest. A problem that I have had throughout this process is that I was very tight. That sensation faded away for me in about the first month or two. My plastic surgeon reassured me that it would resolve itself and he was right. I still think you should ask the surgeon, though if you are experiencing a lot of pain. Just my two cents. I hope you feel better soon.

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Hi Renee,

    Just to let you know sometimes when you are in surgery (I've had 6) the ribs will be bruised as they have to move things around to get the whole breast tissue out. I have also had extreme pain in my arm one time because they had it in a weird position during surgery to get it out of the way. Do you have drains? If you have seepage keep an eye on it. I had an incision that didn't heal well and had seepage. I have an auto immune disease though and don't heal fast anyway, but just keep an eye on it.

  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340
    Swelling means call
    My rule of thumb has always been if it wasn't swollen when you left the Doc., and it is swelling now. call and let them know. Swelling usually indicates something has changed and your doc needs to be aware. Don't worry about being a pain to them worry about taking care of you!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I agree with call or email
    I agree with call or email the doc and make them aware...after all you pay for their advice and services. And you want any concerns noted on your file in case it should become an issue later.

    On the seepage, you might remember that I had a re-excision to remove a local recurrence that didn't heal well. It literally left a hole in my chest on part of the mastectomy scar. That surgery was about a year ago still seeps. So I wouldn't worry too much about the seepage, but do keep an eye on it. Note the color, amount, and constituency, watch for any changes to that. But again, be sure your doc is aware of it.

    I hope this helps. Keep going girl, every day brings you closer to full recovery.


  • Pam5
    Pam5 Member Posts: 232

    I agree with call or email
    I agree with call or email the doc and make them aware...after all you pay for their advice and services. And you want any concerns noted on your file in case it should become an issue later.

    On the seepage, you might remember that I had a re-excision to remove a local recurrence that didn't heal well. It literally left a hole in my chest on part of the mastectomy scar. That surgery was about a year ago still seeps. So I wouldn't worry too much about the seepage, but do keep an eye on it. Note the color, amount, and constituency, watch for any changes to that. But again, be sure your doc is aware of it.

    I hope this helps. Keep going girl, every day brings you closer to full recovery.



    I still feel a bit of a band around my chest although it is getting better each day. I had a mastectomy over radiated skin. That definitely does make a difference in the toughness of the skin. My stitches actually broke open for about an inch - it did finally stop seeping. My second surgery hurt my shoulder pretty badly so I've been in pt for the past couple of months. They spend a Lot of time stretching me, which has made a huge difference.

    Good luck,

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    You are not being a pain in
    You are not being a pain in the neck that's what they get payed for is to look after you and all your concerns no matter how large or small.I don't know what that length of thread would be, call and ask his nurse.I also had swelling and soreness going around to the back a little but it was from the drain once it was out it got better.Then i had a lot of tightness so my onc sent me to PT to loosen up the skin,sure helped.Hope this helps
    Hugs Frankie
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    me too
    My ribs still hurt and I'm 6 weeks out. My radiated side has not healed well, is hard, and has a seroma. The other side has done fine except that I have "dog ears". I also do not have sutures because I asked them to use "superglue" because I don't do well with tape or steristips so we didn't need to mess with that. My drains did fairly well but there was a little seepage.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    me too
    My ribs still hurt and I'm 6 weeks out. My radiated side has not healed well, is hard, and has a seroma. The other side has done fine except that I have "dog ears". I also do not have sutures because I asked them to use "superglue" because I don't do well with tape or steristips so we didn't need to mess with that. My drains did fairly well but there was a little seepage.


    Can't help you...had a lumpectomy...but wanted to say hello...been thinking of you...hoping each day is better...and keeping you in my prayers...

    Hugs, Nancy
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Perfectly normal. I also had
    Perfectly normal. I also had that tight band feeling But I remember my surgeon telling me don't forget to stretch my arm up and out slowly but do it. She told me if I start forming scar tissue it will adhere everything together and you won't have full range of motion. I just did a little more each few days or week. Like walking my fingers up the wall. I sure didn't want more surgery. I hope each day finds you with less pain. Yo are in my thoughts and prayers Darlin Kay,