I've been Tatt'd .... 3 years, plus 3 days since hearing those dreaded words that would changed m

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
edited August 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
I've successfully had my official 'last' procedure/surgery since starting my breast cancer journey on August 14, 2009. After 18 consecutive weeks of chemo Taxotere/then taxol, carboplatin and herception (which continued for 1 year), 8 major surgeries in 13 months, 1 staph infection, along with the loss of my medical insurance -- I finally got tatt'd today at 8:15 a.m.

My nipple surgery was performed on March 7th of this year, with tatt's to complete my look in May. Well, my tatt procedure has been post-phoned twice -- so, when I was called yesterday by PS office to confirm my appointment today -- I got a little giddy.

We arrived 15 minutes early, my husband (Pete), my faithful supporter through out my 3 year journey. Pete has never missed a chemo infusion, surgery, or doctors appointment. --I became overwhelmed with emotion sitting in my PS waiting room. I started to cry, and could not stop. Yes, I cried my eyes out.

After composing myself, I walked into my PS surgical room --I was asked to stripped waist up, and lay down on the table. As my doctor and his PA explained my procedure, my breast were cleaned and 4 needles were injected into each breast.I broke into a cold sweat due to the agonizing pain, as I felt the pinch followed by the burning sensation of each shot, 8 in total. OUCH...... Once numbed, I closed my eyes, thanked our Lord for getting me the numbing process -- and mediated for 1 and 1/2 hours. I was told repeatedly, that most
women do not feel as much pain as tatt's are sooner than 1.5 years after exchange surgery, and that me feeling this pain .. is a good sign that my nerve endings are fusing together, blood is circulating, and my healing process is in full swing. Why my wait ... NO Insurance -- so, I completed my nipple surgery, and tatt's as our finances allowed.

I feel like I should be doing my hap hap happy dance, or running the streets of Southern California screaming ... I'm finished, I finally completed by reconstruction .. ........ but, I find it appropriate to share my news with all of you. My Sisters ... My Friends that know what it is like to have breast cancer enter our lives, our homes and affect our loved ones.

I continue to pray for all of you daily, I cry when you hurt, or when treatment is not working, as hoped. I celebrate when a Sister meets NED, and my heart crumbles when a Sister is lost.

You are WARRIORS -- and I am so proud to know each, and everyone of you. Fight on, Stay Strong .. and never give up HOPE for a Cure.

My loving arms, and prayers surround each of you!

Vicki Sam


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Congratulations Vicki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well done & well said
    Congratulations to you and you family
  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member

    Congratulations Vicki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well done & well said
    Congratulations to you and you family

    Congratulations!!!! Always
    Congratulations!!!! Always glad to read good news. Marilyn
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    Congrats on the tatt's!
    Those numbing shots do hurt and you were so brave to get through eight of them. I think I would have needed conscious sedation before I could endure those shots. We appreciate you taking the time to share with us but I hope you are busy doing your happy dance now.

  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Congratulations!!!! Always
    Congratulations!!!! Always glad to read good news. Marilyn

    Aww Vicki I'm so happy for you. You deserve this and so many more wonderful things.


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    jamiegww said:

    Congrats on the tatt's!
    Those numbing shots do hurt and you were so brave to get through eight of them. I think I would have needed conscious sedation before I could endure those shots. We appreciate you taking the time to share with us but I hope you are busy doing your happy dance now.


    Oh, Vicki, I couldn't be happier for you!
    What a milestone. And I totally understand your little melt down in the waiting room. This is not only a physical disease, it is an emotional disease as well. You've been through so much and getting to this point now is very, very emotional.

    I celebrate with you, sweet sister. Raising my right arm up in victory!

    Hugs, Renee
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Oh Vicki Sam,
    You bought a tear to my eye reading your post. I am so happy that this final chapter can now be closed. You certainly have been through a lot, but have always stayed strong for the rest of us.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Wow, this brought up some
    Wow, this brought up some tears for you...I am so happy!! As soon as I am done with the tears of joy, I'm gonna dance!!!

    Huge happy hugs,

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Oh VickiSam, I'm so happy I
    Oh VickiSam, I'm so happy I logged on this morning and got to read this, my heart is jumping with joy for you. Three years ago today I got that phone call from the surgeon who, he and his wife, are personal friends of mine so I can't imagine how hard it was for him to tell me. I've been running around unfinished and hating it, I've had several surgeries but I'm incomplete, I need a couple more on the right and I need nipples. As long as I'm in treatment I can't get them done:( I've embraced the fact that they will never be done. That's why I cried tears of joy when I read your post, I'm so so so happy for you:) God Bless you girl!!
    Miles of Love,
  • rallendorfer
    rallendorfer Member Posts: 244
    Congratulations Vicki Sam
    Your happiness is contagious! If I ever get a tat I think I will go for a winking eye! haha

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    It is so good to read this
    It is so good to read this today. I'm so happy for you. Do your happy dance I'll dance with you. Kay.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Vicki, I am so glad for
    Vicki, I am so glad for you. I hope you can hear this - !!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!_ across the miles. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Goody100
    Goody100 Member Posts: 8
    Just what I needed
    This was just what I needed to hear, just starting my process and loved to hear your great news.

    Live Life!

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Vicki Sam you are one of my
    Vicki Sam you are one of my heroes. I had my 2nd surgery on 8/14/09, started chemo on 10/6/09 and you lady helped me get thru chemo. I have a special place in my heart for you as I do for so many others. I'm happy for you. This is a long journey and I pray you never have to visit it again. Many (((( HUGS )))) and lots of love.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    I think your very, very brave, Vicki Sam. I don't think I would have been able to do this. In fact, I know that I could not.

    I know all the surgeries, procedures, treatments I have endured. But having a new nipple tattoo I know would have sent me to the edge. I have never had my ears pierced, because I am a chicken and fear pain. Doesn't matter if it doesn't sound logical, it is what it is.

    Also I think you very smart to wait until you could afford the procedure. I think you should do a happy dance for you earned it. I am very glad that all is well in the circulation department too. I had a co-worker whose first try didn't work out but her 2nd one did. She was very happy and so weren't we all for her.

