2nd dose of Doxil today

pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
Good morning dear pink warriors, I'm back from CO and refreshed from the wonderful mountain air. I spent over 20 hours at the top of pikes peak on Sunday for the international hill climb, I was 13,000 feet or higher:) Now today back to reality with my feet on the ground and heading to my second dose of Doxil:( I hate going to chemo but keep hoping this just might be the one. Almost every time I have chemo, I'm alone and it makes me sad, I feel like my family/friends are tired of it/me:( tomorrow will be three years that I've been fighting and I can't blame them if they're tired of it/me, because I sure am.
Sorry about that little vent, what I wanted to know is if anyone else is or has had Doxil? It's really hard on me days 7-10, and I'm wanting to quit taking it. I'm hoping someone ot there has some experience with it, please let me know how you do with it.
Miles of Love


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Kari sorry for hardship and feeling lonely
    Fot this drug please post at ovarian board
    They should have someone using it
    Please know you are not alone we are here with you and for you
    I sent you email yesterday
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    double post

    double post
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Kari, you are never alone
    Kari, you are never alone and never will be. You've got a big bunch of supportive and rowdy pink sisters here for you, now and always. Remember that!

    I am sorry this chemo is so hard on you, yet selfishly, I am glad you decided to go on it. I pray that it will help you.

    Miles of love to you and miles of prayers,

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Wow...20 hours at the top of
    Wow...20 hours at the top of pikes peak! I'm impressed, especially since the doxil is hard on you. Like you, I hope this is the one that will work.

    I've been doing the cancer thing for 2 years now...and I get it about friends and family wanting off the roller coaster too. I haven't done it yet, but have you considered the ACS reach to recovery or road to recovery programs? Or other similar programs? I know it's not the same as family and friends there for you, but you might develop a new close friendship...and even though we can't physically be there for you, you are in our hearts.

    As you know this is always a safe place to vent, so let it all out.


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Wow...20 hours at the top of
    Wow...20 hours at the top of pikes peak! I'm impressed, especially since the doxil is hard on you. Like you, I hope this is the one that will work.

    I've been doing the cancer thing for 2 years now...and I get it about friends and family wanting off the roller coaster too. I haven't done it yet, but have you considered the ACS reach to recovery or road to recovery programs? Or other similar programs? I know it's not the same as family and friends there for you, but you might develop a new close friendship...and even though we can't physically be there for you, you are in our hearts.

    As you know this is always a safe place to vent, so let it all out.



    Hang in there, Kari
    I don't know anything about Doxil, but this could be your miracle. I hate that it has to be so hard on you, though. Enough already.

    Yeah, I know what you're saying about people wanting off the "supportive friend, family member cancer ride." This disease can be so lonely at times. But, we're all here for you and like Linda said, maybe a good support group could help. I've been going to group therapy for 2 hours a week for over a year and it's helped to save my sanity. Check to see if you have a "Wellness Community" in your area. They have all kinds of classes--from knitting, journaling, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi to group therapy. It's only for cancer patients and everything is entirely free. It's absolutely wonderful.

    Take good care. You are always on my prayer list every night.

    Hugs, Renee
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Wow...20 hours at the top of
    Wow...20 hours at the top of pikes peak! I'm impressed, especially since the doxil is hard on you. Like you, I hope this is the one that will work.

    I've been doing the cancer thing for 2 years now...and I get it about friends and family wanting off the roller coaster too. I haven't done it yet, but have you considered the ACS reach to recovery or road to recovery programs? Or other similar programs? I know it's not the same as family and friends there for you, but you might develop a new close friendship...and even though we can't physically be there for you, you are in our hearts.

    As you know this is always a safe place to vent, so let it all out.



    Praying that Doxil will be
    Praying that Doxil will be your miracle. Hang in there as long as you can Kari!

    Lots of love and prayers,

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Wow...20 hours at the top of
    Wow...20 hours at the top of pikes peak! I'm impressed, especially since the doxil is hard on you. Like you, I hope this is the one that will work.

    I've been doing the cancer thing for 2 years now...and I get it about friends and family wanting off the roller coaster too. I haven't done it yet, but have you considered the ACS reach to recovery or road to recovery programs? Or other similar programs? I know it's not the same as family and friends there for you, but you might develop a new close friendship...and even though we can't physically be there for you, you are in our hearts.

    As you know this is always a safe place to vent, so let it all out.



    Glad you had such a great
    Glad you had such a great trip Kari. You deserved it! Praying for you on doxil and hoping the side effects will go away for you.

    Hugs, Jan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Glad you had such a great
    Glad you had such a great trip Kari. You deserved it! Praying for you on doxil and hoping the side effects will go away for you.

    Hugs, Jan

    Good morning Kari. As
    Good morning Kari. As always, I will be praying for you and I am so happy you got to get away to Colorado!

    Keep posting to us Kari!

    Love, Leeza
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    jnl said:

    Good morning Kari. As
    Good morning Kari. As always, I will be praying for you and I am so happy you got to get away to Colorado!

    Keep posting to us Kari!

    Love, Leeza

    How did it go Kari with the
    How did it go Kari with the Doxil?
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    DianeBC said:

    How did it go Kari with the
    How did it go Kari with the Doxil?

    Kari .. I'm sending your a huge .. hug
    Linda and Renee suggestions are awesome. I think we have it in the back of our
    minds that with budget cuts, or our home town locations perhaps there are not
    many programs out there for us. I pray and hope that your Oncologist, or
    his Social worker, Hospital Adm can get you in touch with several agencies, or

    I am sorry that you are alone while enduring those chemo infusions -- My vision
    is that of you .. sitting getting infused .. wearing your 'F .. Cancer' Tee Shirt, wearing a sassy cowboy hat, and kick assss boots!

    Our thoughts are prayers are with you, ALWAYS!

    Vicki Sam
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    I confess, Vicki you have me
    I confess, Vicki you have me all figured out, just the wrong day. My F&@K Cancer shirt was proudly worn all day yesterday, the day of my 3 year news break. I absolutely cannot believe I've been fighting this long. But here I sit, still typing, still plugging along and hoping I can pass on some of my experience, strength, and hope to those who might need it, after all, it was so freely given to me :-)
    Miles of Love
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I confess, Vicki you have me
    I confess, Vicki you have me all figured out, just the wrong day. My F&@K Cancer shirt was proudly worn all day yesterday, the day of my 3 year news break. I absolutely cannot believe I've been fighting this long. But here I sit, still typing, still plugging along and hoping I can pass on some of my experience, strength, and hope to those who might need it, after all, it was so freely given to me :-)
    Miles of Love

    Kari ..
    I so admire your fortitude, zest for life, and ability to push your body to extreme
    measures during chemo,in your fight to meet NED.

    I do not pretend to know what you are feeling, or emotionally going thru. I do KNOW that
    you are a fighter, a WARRIOR and a Mom -- and nothing will stop you from performing
    those duties!

    Plug along dear Friend, knowing that we all LOVE YOU so much --!

    Prayers, Strength and Health.

    Vicki Sam
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    I confess, Vicki you have me
    I confess, Vicki you have me all figured out, just the wrong day. My F&@K Cancer shirt was proudly worn all day yesterday, the day of my 3 year news break. I absolutely cannot believe I've been fighting this long. But here I sit, still typing, still plugging along and hoping I can pass on some of my experience, strength, and hope to those who might need it, after all, it was so freely given to me :-)
    Miles of Love

    If I could, I would be right
    If I could, I would be right by your side Kari during chemo. Picture all of us pink sisters always there with you, if only in spirit, you know you have all of our love, support and encouragement.

    Wishing I could give you a big hug in person, but, how about a cyber one?

    (((((( Hugs for Kari ))))))
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    VickiSam said:

    Kari .. I'm sending your a huge .. hug
    Linda and Renee suggestions are awesome. I think we have it in the back of our
    minds that with budget cuts, or our home town locations perhaps there are not
    many programs out there for us. I pray and hope that your Oncologist, or
    his Social worker, Hospital Adm can get you in touch with several agencies, or

    I am sorry that you are alone while enduring those chemo infusions -- My vision
    is that of you .. sitting getting infused .. wearing your 'F .. Cancer' Tee Shirt, wearing a sassy cowboy hat, and kick assss boots!

    Our thoughts are prayers are with you, ALWAYS!

    Vicki Sam

    Impressed with you!
    13,000 feet or higher? I am impressed Kari! But, I have always been impressed with you, and, even more now.

    Wishing you good luck with the chemo and praying for you as I always do.

    Keep us posted as to how you are.

    Lots of hugs,

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Kari,
    So glad to hear that you enjoyed Colorado. Good for you. Hope all went well with your chemo. I really wished that I lived closer, because I would be right there with you for your chemo.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hey Kari,
    So glad to hear that you enjoyed Colorado. Good for you. Hope all went well with your chemo. I really wished that I lived closer, because I would be right there with you for your chemo.


    Pikes Peak!
    Kari - do you realize how healthy you are (except for the cancer thing)? You spent that much time at the top of Pikes Peak? That is so outstanding. I don't know about Doxil, but I know this that you are strong enough to keep this fight going and you can handle the Doxil!

    You might want to check and see if your cancer center has something like a peer navigator program like I volunteer for. They may have something informal via the infusion center or via their nurse navigator. Wish you were closer.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hey Kari,
    So glad to hear that you enjoyed Colorado. Good for you. Hope all went well with your chemo. I really wished that I lived closer, because I would be right there with you for your chemo.


    Check with the ACS Kari
    Check with the ACS Kari about the Road to Recovery program, or, something like that. They usually have very nice people there to help for anything. Perhaps you could meet someone that has gone through something similar to you. I just hate that you go to chemo alone.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Thank you for all the great
    Thank you for all the great advice! I'm going to check into my cancer center and local acs, thank you again. 2nd dose (monthly doses) down and I'm not feeling well, but I'm going in on Friday for more emetics, steroids, and fluids, in hopes to combat those horrible days (7-10). Thank you again for all your kind words, you have no idea how much it means to me to know you all are here:)
    Miles of Love,
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Thank you for all the great
    Thank you for all the great advice! I'm going to check into my cancer center and local acs, thank you again. 2nd dose (monthly doses) down and I'm not feeling well, but I'm going in on Friday for more emetics, steroids, and fluids, in hopes to combat those horrible days (7-10). Thank you again for all your kind words, you have no idea how much it means to me to know you all are here:)
    Miles of Love,

    Yes, we are all here for you
    Yes, we are all here for you Kari! Never forget that! Sorry that you aren't feeling well. Hoping and praying that Friday, your onco can help you.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I confess, Vicki you have me
    I confess, Vicki you have me all figured out, just the wrong day. My F&@K Cancer shirt was proudly worn all day yesterday, the day of my 3 year news break. I absolutely cannot believe I've been fighting this long. But here I sit, still typing, still plugging along and hoping I can pass on some of my experience, strength, and hope to those who might need it, after all, it was so freely given to me :-)
    Miles of Love

    I am so sorry Kari that
    I am so sorry Kari that you've been fighting this dam* disease this long. It is NOT fair, not at all!

    If you can, please draw strength from your pinkies here and know that we are encircling you with our love, hugs and prayers.

    Sue :)