On the mend

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
I'm 6 days post-op left mastectomy. I saw my surgeon yesterday because I was concerned over seeing little blister-like areas at my incision site. Goofy me--had to look at the thing really closely with my 5X magnifying mirror and saw them. Would never have seen them in the regular mirror. Anyway, the surgeon said all looks okay and normal, but the drain couldn't be pulled because I'm apparently quite the drainer--has to be less than 30cc. per day for 3 days in a row. I'll see him again next week.

Okay, now how do I feel mentally? I'm still having problems looking at that grotesque site. I can't believe this is my body--well, it's not the old Renee's body anyway. I don't know who this is whose taken over my body. I also can't believe that a little extra flesh around my tummy and some cellulite in my thighs actually bothered me before this. I should have been thanking God every day for it.

Anyway, feeling better physically and working on the psychological part. I got out of the house today--just went to Barnes & Noble for a Starbucks and quiet reading. I found myself looking at every woman's breasts wondering if she knew how lucky she was--or if she had gone through what we've gone through at some point. So weird.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and for listening and being there for me.

Hugs, Renee


  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Renee,
    I am so glad to hear that you got out today. I find myself checking other girls breasts too. It used to make me angry, but it doesn't anymore. Although sometime I am jealous.

    Hope the drain comes out next week when you go back. That was the worst part for me.

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hi Renee,
    I am so glad to hear that you got out today. I find myself checking other girls breasts too. It used to make me angry, but it doesn't anymore. Although sometime I am jealous.

    Hope the drain comes out next week when you go back. That was the worst part for me.


    I'm glad you're on the mend,
    I'm glad you're on the mend, Renee. I only had a lumpectomy which I know does not compare to a mastectomy. But I do remember for a few weeks after I lost my hair all I could notice when I was out was other women's hair. Maybe, when it's not so new, you'll stop focusing on other women's breasts, too.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Renee, what you write is so good, and honest, and true. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    lynn1950 said:

    Renee, what you write is so good, and honest, and true. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. xoxoxo Lynn

    Glad you got out
    Hi Renee,

    I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I know what you mean about looking at other womens chests because when I first had my mastectomy I did the same but I don't do it as much now. Im glad you got out of the house for awhile today and I hope it made you feel better.

    Your in my prayers Renee.

    Hugs & God Bless,

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Starbucks at Barnes and
    Starbucks at Barnes and Noble sounds perfect for a gentle outing...and yes, I still notice other breasts with that pang of jealousy. Sigh.

    On your drains...the LE might be a contributing factor and keeping you above that 30cc mark. Have you asked the surgeon about it? I started with 3 drains, had the last one for 3 weeks. I couldn't get it below the 30cc's. The surgeon finally removed it even though it was doing about 40cc/day. It was starting to show signs of irritation and she was worried about the possibility of infection if we waited longer. No one can say for sure, but I still think it was the LE...

    Mentally, it sounds to me like you are doing better than you think. I hope you continue to get stronger and stronger every day.


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    I had right side mast. I use
    I had right side mast. I use to look at others breast too. I don't even know when I stopped doing that but it has been a couple of years now and I have trouble remembering yesterday LOL. I'm glad you got out that helps allot. I can't wait till I can get off this oxygen so I can go out. Take care of your self Darlin sending gentle Hugs Kay,
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow nice you got out to BB &
    wow nice you got out to B & N....so peaceful there (most of the time)
