My cancer is back - Cyber Knife is the new treatment

I am soooooooooooo happy for all those who recently posted their NED (clean scan or No Evidence of Disease). Can't get enough of those!

Unfortunately my scan in July showed an 8mm mass on my left lung. Treatment Background: I've had radiation last summer, 2 chemos and three surgeries (including removing 30% of my right lung in Dec. 2011). Now it's moved on to my left lung. Only 8mm but still a problem.

Going to try the Cyber Knife radiation in St. Paul, MN (4 hours away). It sounds great, with low side effects and 3-5 treatments every other day for 1-1.5 weeks. The staff has been very caring in setting up my consult (8/22). Don't ask me about my damn biopsy doc - he never returned my call and I had to dig to get the results. A**hole.

I'm glad I don't have to have surgery or chemo again and that Cyber Knife will be the way to go. Doc says if that doesn't work Erbitux will be my last hope. Tough to hear.

Just turned 40 with a husband, 11 year old boy and 2.5 year old girl. I was pretty bummed about this finding, but glad they found it and that maybe this new treatment will kill it for good.

Do you have any experience with Cyber Knife?

Best to You and keep those NED's coming!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    lots of prayers for you
    Hi Sonja,

    I am sorry to hear your news, this crap nobody deserves. I have read good things about the Cyber Knife and hope you have the best of luck. They can really pinpoint the area they are after, so you should have excellent results. Give your wonderful family a hug and we will all pray for a good outcome.

    There is plenty of NED’s to go around


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Sorry to hear it's back. No experience with cyber knife, but I was treated with Erbitux. Erbitux is no big deal: A little nausea,controlled with meds. Was able to eat throughout the treatment. Rick.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hey girl, hang in there ! I haven't had experience yet with this procedure....but have heard wonderful things from other survivors that have under gone this. I am so sorry this has been such a long journey for you. Please keep us informed and as always Sonja, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are one tough cookie, and will come through this just fine ! Katie (what hospital as I'm in Mn. also !)
  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

    Hey girl, hang in there ! I haven't had experience yet with this procedure....but have heard wonderful things from other survivors that have under gone this. I am so sorry this has been such a long journey for you. Please keep us informed and as always Sonja, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are one tough cookie, and will come through this just fine ! Katie (what hospital as I'm in Mn. also !)

    Sad News
    Oh Sonia,

    I'm sorry you got some bad news recently but I must commend you for having such a caring and positive attitude. Congratulating others for their NED status is remarkable.

    With such a cool name like a Cyber Knife, it has to work good and it will on you. May this be the last of it for you forever. You've been through enough already.

    BTW, love that hair!

  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    bless you and your family.
    bless you and your family. we're pulling for you. stay strong!
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Well, dammit.....
    I am so sorry, your scan came back with this result. Your attitude is superb, tho...Everything I've heard about the cyberknife is "space age", considering the actual treatments aren't dragged out for months...and no chemo. Maybe this futuristic cyber knife is what you've been waiting for..they'll get this tumor and NED's for you, from now on!....

    Hugs to you are an amazing girl....and someone I look up to.

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Will be
    waiting to read your NED when this is over for you~~~just another little bump in the road, take care and hug & kiss those sweet faces every day!
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Grandmax4 said:

    Will be
    waiting to read your NED when this is over for you~~~just another little bump in the road, take care and hug & kiss those sweet faces every day!

    Thoughts and prayers are heading to you Sonja, keep positive
    and have faith in the man upstairs cause miracles can and do
    happen everyday and you deserve one.

    Stay strong girl.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Dang Girl...
    Dang Sonja, you guys need and deserve a break....

    I've heard good things concerning CyberKnife as well.

    Feeling terrible about hearing that news from you.

    Stay strong, believe and know that miracles are all around us.

    Thoughts, prayers, miracles, hopes and dreams.
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Thoughts and Blessing
    Sorry to read about the recurrence...@#!%!^!$^ to that damn cancer.

  • Irishgypsie
    Irishgypsie Member Posts: 333
    osmotar said:

    Thoughts and Blessing
    Sorry to read about the recurrence...@#!%!^!$^ to that damn cancer.


    Prayers and thoughts with you!!!!
    I'm so sorry for this news! I hate cancer!!!! :(

    My thoughts and prayers are with you!!

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    Sonja, I don't know anything
    Sonja, I don't know anything about cyber knife but just wanted to tell you that I will be praying for you. I got my diagnosis in March and went through radiation. I'm only 27 and have a 1 year old daughter. My greatest fear is not being able to watch her grow up. You have such an amazing attitude. Will be praying for peace and that the cyber knife gets that stupid cancer for good!!
  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hoping for future NEDS
    Hey sonyk728, I am very sorry to hear about your news, but from what you say, the knife sounds promising. I have no experience with the knife, but I want you to know that my most positive thoughts and wishes are with you for a most successful outcome, and many NED reports for the future.

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    cyber knife
    prayers your way. You have to keep fighting for those kids. Just curious, where was your original tumor and what was the stage?

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Crazymom said:

    cyber knife
    prayers your way. You have to keep fighting for those kids. Just curious, where was your original tumor and what was the stage?


    So sorry to hear that you didn't get the results you were hoping for. You've got a good attitude and plenty of reasons to keep fighting. Lots of prayers coming your way.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    hwt said:

    So sorry to hear that you didn't get the results you were hoping for. You've got a good attitude and plenty of reasons to keep fighting. Lots of prayers coming your way.

    Hi Sonja..
    Hurt my heart to read your post ....we all know your worries, frustration, and we care.

    Whispered a prayer the cyber knife would work for you. You do have a great attitude in your post.

    My prayer is for healing, strength and faith as you travel this next leg of your journey.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    you can do it !
    Hi sweetie,

    I don't know anything about Cyberknife, but I do know from reading all your posts that you are one strong gal and can beat the crap out of this effin cancer this time for sure.

    Keep up the great attitude -- it will serve you well on your journey.
    Sending prayers and cyber hugs your way.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    So very sorry to hear your news.
    Fight on, Sonja. You are one tough cookie, and now you're going to be armed with a cyber knife. You WILL beat this thing.

  • NeoTheron91
    NeoTheron91 Member Posts: 75
    I am sure you'll be alright .....

    your mind is strong.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    I agree with
    all the trashing of this crap called cancer, thanks for letting me Shout that one out, we fight and fight, our bodies are beat to heck all with the goal to be NED and get on with life and know sometimes we will loose a battle or two but win the WAR. I to know nothing about the Cyber Knife, but I know if its backed by all the prayers that are coming your way from the dittos and the H & N family it will kick the 8mm tumor to Cyber Space.... Forgive me for coming accross angry but I just hate this cancer stuff. It has taken its toll personally, with my families, and people we have learned to care for on this site. But again the prayers with the procedure will win this WAR and you will watch your family grow.