Questions about RICE Chemotherapy



  • Hodgkinninja
    Hodgkinninja Member Posts: 14
    I think if  you start your

    I think if  you start your own thread somebody on the forums  can answer that question much better.   That way you can irtoduce yourself.  There is also a chat room where people might als have some answers.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    AS ninja noted, it would be easier for you and all replies if you creat your own thread (the're free !).

    When you first get to "Lymophoma," directly under that is a click that says "Creat New Topic." Just do that, and its all your's.

    Lots of regulars here have done SCTs, and R-ICE also.  I ask that some of you SCT folks get busy writing to Christina !

    R-ICE is harsh, and often requires hospitalization to administer, but that is not universal. It is specifically a SCT prep regimen.
