Here we go again

Well friends, in back at urgent care. Got me a fever and I think I have some kind of urinary infection. Hopefully I'm in time to get it arrested quickly with minimal antibiotics. Love y'all, I'll keep you posted....


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Aaron,
    Dang...hopefully some antibiotics will take care of things and you can get back home. Let us know, and don't touch anything while at Urgent Care! Best wishes...Sue
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Sorry to hear this, Aaron. Hopefully they will not see a need to admit you. Write today and let us know what they determine.

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hey Aaron,

    Sorry you're having these issues. Hopefully it till be taken care of
    quickly. Drink plenty of fluids and wear your mask and use the heck out
    of hand sanitizer if you're in urgent care/public place with sick people.

    I was given prescriptions to have various antibiotics and an antifungal
    on hand to take during periods of neutropenia. I was instructed to call the
    cancer center if I had certain symptoms or a fever of 100.5 or greater.
    I live very close to the cancer center here (less than 10 miles).

    My oncologist told me not to go to the emergency room if at all possible.
    By "urgent care" do you mean part of your cancer treatment center or a
    "doc in the box" kind of place? Just curious and only respond when you
    feel up to it.

    Hope you feel better soon buddy.


  • vinny59
    vinny59 Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    not cool!
    Sorry to hear that, It's always something! hope they get you in and out of there! Vinny
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Home sweet home
    Dear Aaron,

    The one good thing, getting anti-biotics through an IV is so much better. Works
    much better. I am hoping you get home asap.

    Love maggie
  • dixiegirl
    dixiegirl Member Posts: 1,043 Member

    Home sweet home
    Dear Aaron,

    The one good thing, getting anti-biotics through an IV is so much better. Works
    much better. I am hoping you get home asap.

    Love maggie

    Good Luck
    Aaron, lots of fluid, rest and antibiotics. Hope the fever goes away very, very soon.

    Hang in there buddy!

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237
    dixiegirl said:

    Good Luck
    Aaron, lots of fluid, rest and antibiotics. Hope the fever goes away very, very soon.

    Hang in there buddy!


    Thanks everyone, well they
    Thanks everyone, well they did a blood work up and my ANC is up to 700 wich surprised me and they took more to do lab cultures with. Got a chest X-ray as well wich the doc said looked fine. I was told that I don't have a urinary infection so with all this they prescribed 500 mg of ciprofloxacin twice daily and Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours as needed to keep the fever down. My wife has had this antibiotic before and said it worked very well for her so I hope I'll get the same result. I'm just going to take it easy and watch golf all day and hope this medicine does its job soon. Talk to y'all soon. Aaron
  • ThisisLife
    ThisisLife Member Posts: 101 Member
    Sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly Aaron! I hope that the round of antibiotics will get you all sorted out. Glad to hear that your counts are up slightly though.

    Feel better soon!
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Aaron said:

    Thanks everyone, well they
    Thanks everyone, well they did a blood work up and my ANC is up to 700 wich surprised me and they took more to do lab cultures with. Got a chest X-ray as well wich the doc said looked fine. I was told that I don't have a urinary infection so with all this they prescribed 500 mg of ciprofloxacin twice daily and Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours as needed to keep the fever down. My wife has had this antibiotic before and said it worked very well for her so I hope I'll get the same result. I'm just going to take it easy and watch golf all day and hope this medicine does its job soon. Talk to y'all soon. Aaron

    Good news then
    I guess, I can call you the "Cipro Kid"? Glad you got
    basically good news then.

    "Cipro" kid was a friend of Mine..." (like "Cisco Kid" by War - which may
    be before your time ;).

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237

    Sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly Aaron! I hope that the round of antibiotics will get you all sorted out. Glad to hear that your counts are up slightly though.

    Feel better soon!

    Thanks, hopefully I'm on the
    Thanks, hopefully I'm on the mend now. The fever is down and I'm not feeling too bad. I sure hope I'm done with all this " trip to the ER " crap, it's really getting old.
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    jimwins said:

    Good news then
    I guess, I can call you the "Cipro Kid"? Glad you got
    basically good news then.

    "Cipro" kid was a friend of Mine..." (like "Cisco Kid" by War - which may
    be before your time ;).


    Great Music


    War -- what a great group. Me and a few other guys used to do music trivia on deployment, and we had no access to any database or information of any kind. It all had to be from memory. It was before the PC or laptop era. My brother went to Three Dog Night last month, as a birthday gift. It was a blast, he told me.

    Sometimes this cancer stuff makes me think of War's "Slippin in ta Darkness," when it comes to treatment decisions.

    More trivia: Listen to Al Stewart's song "Life in Dark Water" sometime. While it has a few technical errors (a sub never gives "radar traces," for instance, and never uses active sonar -- the pinging noise), it sets the mood very well.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Aaron said:

    Thanks, hopefully I'm on the
    Thanks, hopefully I'm on the mend now. The fever is down and I'm not feeling too bad. I sure hope I'm done with all this " trip to the ER " crap, it's really getting old.

    Tough road so far

    Your start on these 12 cycles has not been that easy, Aaron. Your homework assignment is to have no further trouble at all...

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237

    Tough road so far

    Your start on these 12 cycles has not been that easy, Aaron. Your homework assignment is to have no further trouble at all...


    I shall do my best max

    I shall do my best max
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Aaron said:

    I shall do my best max

    I shall do my best max


    Listen some of that great country music. Maybe some Hank Junior....

    Catchin them fish like they goin out of style/
    And drinkin that home-made wine/
    If the sun don't come up tomorrow/
    People I have had a good time!/
    I'm just laid up here in a country frame of mine.
  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Oh Max
    Hi Max

    I see from your next post that you are home from urgent care. Thank goodness for that. This cancer business is full of ups and downs. Kind of like a scary rollercoaster. And I do not like scary rollercoasters!

    I am glad to see that they have you on Cipro. This is a good strong broad spectrum antibiotic, so if there are any little baddies hiding , they will be found and taken care of by the Cipro.

    Just take it easy, watch golf and what ever else strikes your fancy.

    I have been watching all sorts of stuff. From older movies to new releases. I even watched the first Shrek the other night. It was hard to keep from laughing at the donkey. laughing still hurts lot.

    yesterday, I spent most of the day and evening sleeping. Feels like life is passing by and I am sleeping through it. But I have no choice right now.

    I sure wish you were having an easier time with this. Hopefully you will be able to bounce back and stay away from the urgent care. Urgent care is not the place to be when you are dealing with cancer..

    Enjoy your Sunday and hopefully by tomorrow you will feels so much better.

    Sending you good healing energy and lots of hugs
  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237
    forme said:

    Oh Max
    Hi Max

    I see from your next post that you are home from urgent care. Thank goodness for that. This cancer business is full of ups and downs. Kind of like a scary rollercoaster. And I do not like scary rollercoasters!

    I am glad to see that they have you on Cipro. This is a good strong broad spectrum antibiotic, so if there are any little baddies hiding , they will be found and taken care of by the Cipro.

    Just take it easy, watch golf and what ever else strikes your fancy.

    I have been watching all sorts of stuff. From older movies to new releases. I even watched the first Shrek the other night. It was hard to keep from laughing at the donkey. laughing still hurts lot.

    yesterday, I spent most of the day and evening sleeping. Feels like life is passing by and I am sleeping through it. But I have no choice right now.

    I sure wish you were having an easier time with this. Hopefully you will be able to bounce back and stay away from the urgent care. Urgent care is not the place to be when you are dealing with cancer..

    Enjoy your Sunday and hopefully by tomorrow you will feels so much better.

    Sending you good healing energy and lots of hugs

    Thanks Lisha, thanks for
    Thanks Lisha, thanks for checking in. I'm just trying to get this tempature to drop I don't know go long it takes this stuff to work. I sure hope your starting to feel better, getting a lot of sleep is probably a very good thing for you right now but I sure understand how frustrating it is to be stuck at home for such a long period of time. My poor little girl just wants to go to the park or anywhere out of the house but I'm too worried about this fever to go out, she needs a surrogate daddy this summer. Continue taking good care of yourself and thanks again for checking in. Aaron
  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237

    Sorry to hear that you're feeling poorly Aaron! I hope that the round of antibiotics will get you all sorted out. Glad to hear that your counts are up slightly though.

    Feel better soon!

    Hey Sharlene
    How are you doing after round 2? Hope things are well!
  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Aaron said:

    Thanks Lisha, thanks for
    Thanks Lisha, thanks for checking in. I'm just trying to get this tempature to drop I don't know go long it takes this stuff to work. I sure hope your starting to feel better, getting a lot of sleep is probably a very good thing for you right now but I sure understand how frustrating it is to be stuck at home for such a long period of time. My poor little girl just wants to go to the park or anywhere out of the house but I'm too worried about this fever to go out, she needs a surrogate daddy this summer. Continue taking good care of yourself and thanks again for checking in. Aaron



    Ordinarily, there would be no relationship between a UTI and lymphoma, unless you are just way down on defenses. Also, shouldn't be any relationship between a UTI and being out in public.

    Odd stuff is the norm during chemo, however.

    Hang tough,
