Just Checking in Chemo and Radation completed!!!!!!!

hi everybody i have finished my treatments as of July 27 it was a rough road but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel i'm back to working out in the morning and taking a 2 mile walk with my son ie he gets pushed in the stroller i'm trying to eat by mouth may not taste the best but i really don't like the feeding tube so i'm just kinda forcing myself to like it btw throughout the treatment resses peanut butter cups always tasted good and still do if i can go 2 weeks no feeding tube and no loss of weight they will take this out of me September 6 will be my first scan and god willing will be clean me my wife and son fly out to Ohio to see relatives September 14 through the 19 that should be great i can't wait i'm still working on getting my teeth figured out trying to find a good dentist to do the dentures so that will be another process i will keep everyone informed thank you for all the prayers and encouragement we can do this its tuff my one friend is 3 years and he is ned there's hope hang in there i would have never thought i would have gotten this far the hardest part for me right besides taste is knowing when enough is enough i was very active before all of this own a landscape company and i worked out 6 days of week so i tend to overdue it but i'm trying to take naps now i will keep each and everyone of you in my prayers one other piece of advice after chemo session i would take a epsom salt bath works wonders 5 cups per bathtub of water thank you.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Congrats Matt!
    That is great news. Blessings to you and your young family!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Longest Sentence Ever...
    LOL, Matt that has got to be the longest sentence ever.....

    Just teasing...congrats dude, welcome back to life without tubes, needles, masks and zapping....

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Skiffin16 said:

    Longest Sentence Ever...
    LOL, Matt that has got to be the longest sentence ever.....

    Just teasing...congrats dude, welcome back to life without tubes, needles, masks and zapping....


    glad you are doing well, keep on going and continue to get stronger, NED around the corner and then to live life, enjoy your family and know each day is a gift open it each morning and enjoy.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good news
    Hi Matt,

    So very nice to hear from you and with good news and a great attitude to boot. Sounds like you are having progress in the food department, so keep it up.


  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277
    Good job Matt!!!!
    Good job Matt!!!! Congratulations!
  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Congrats Matt on finishing
    Congrats Matt on finishing your treatments! I know it is hard to not over do, I find myself doing too much, then my body lets me know in one way or another that I need to rest. So don't over do. I am trying to wean myself off the feeing tube, a little at a time. Hoping I can be off of it and maintaining my weight by Sept 11th so I can get the go ahead to have it taken out. Congrats again!
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    WHOO HOO for you, Matt!!!
    I remember the very first post from you...how scared you were, and all the "prep" you had to do with your teeth before you could even get started with treatment....and here you are finishing up...I can't believe you're still eating...GOOD FOR YOU! That takes some intense stamina, in my book.

    Tell me more about the Epsom Salt bath...I've got one more chemo to do (Aug.28)....is it just super relaxing? Wonder if it draws some of the poison from the body...just very curious.

    I guess you better put your dancing shoes on, too...cuz once I get done dancing the Ditto's around the kitchen....you next, my friend :).

  • nick770
    nick770 Member Posts: 195
    congrats on your completion,
    congrats on your completion, now it's healing up time
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hurray !
    Congrads. on crossing the finish line ! And awsome on being able to work out, and going for that 2 mile walk with your little one ! Continued success for you Matt ! Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ! Katie
  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member

    Hurray !
    Congrads. on crossing the finish line ! And awsome on being able to work out, and going for that 2 mile walk with your little one ! Continued success for you Matt ! Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ! Katie

    Matt, you are really doing
    Matt, you are really doing good for someone out of rad for few days. Wish youn continue this way. My doc told me today to keep eating even if hurts the throat. Take all pain med you need but keep eating.

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Yeah Matt!!!!!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Holiday Week-End

    I don't know if you remember this post of mine to you several months ago....

    More than likely it might mean more to you now than it did back then....

    Now you are finished with Tx and can really start to enjoy your week-ends again.

    Holiday Week-End

    Look at it as the glass half full....you get to enjoy your long Holiday week-end.

    I know that might be hard at the moment, but trust me. A few months down the road from now, if you happen to look back on this post, you'll realize what I'm talking about.

    You'll only wish you could have a three day period free of treatment, just to chill a little.

    I know where you are coming from, many here have been the same. Just wanting to get the show on the road and feel like you're doing something to kill this beast inside you.

    Like mentioned, it's a process, and that process has already started for you...

    My best advise, just try to enjoy the week-end as best you can, enjoy your family and get you mind set on for the next few months.

  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Skiffin16 said:

    Holiday Week-End

    I don't know if you remember this post of mine to you several months ago....

    More than likely it might mean more to you now than it did back then....

    Now you are finished with Tx and can really start to enjoy your week-ends again.

    Holiday Week-End

    Look at it as the glass half full....you get to enjoy your long Holiday week-end.

    I know that might be hard at the moment, but trust me. A few months down the road from now, if you happen to look back on this post, you'll realize what I'm talking about.

    You'll only wish you could have a three day period free of treatment, just to chill a little.

    I know where you are coming from, many here have been the same. Just wanting to get the show on the road and feel like you're doing something to kill this beast inside you.

    Like mentioned, it's a process, and that process has already started for you...

    My best advise, just try to enjoy the week-end as best you can, enjoy your family and get you mind set on for the next few months.


    Way to go

    Congrats! Been awhile since I've been on and all kinds of good news tonite! Here's to a speedy recovery!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Greg53 said:

    Way to go

    Congrats! Been awhile since I've been on and all kinds of good news tonite! Here's to a speedy recovery!


    Greg what kind of "bait" are you holding, LOL.....

    Best to you bro, and mrs. bro...

  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Skiffin16 said:

    Greg what kind of "bait" are you holding, LOL.....

    Best to you bro, and mrs. bro...


    Wait a minute...
    They might be short............but they're skinny too
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Greg53 said:

    Wait a minute...
    They might be short............but they're skinny too

    Walking this close to finishing rads .......holy cow man ...that's great!!!! Congrats to you and I am very happy for you....


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    This is awesome news Matt, you made it through the gauntlet!! It just keeps getting better, slowly, but most assuridly. You will be back to your active life style, it just takes patience as your body recovers. I remember wondering whether I would ever be able to run, pump iron, surf, etc following treatment, but the body does spring back. I hiked to the top of Mt Washington in NH, with my son last month, it was great! You'll be landscaping and getting back into all of the other things that you love to do before you know it, as they say. Have fun in Ohio. Just keep it movin forward!

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    patricke said:

    This is awesome news Matt, you made it through the gauntlet!! It just keeps getting better, slowly, but most assuridly. You will be back to your active life style, it just takes patience as your body recovers. I remember wondering whether I would ever be able to run, pump iron, surf, etc following treatment, but the body does spring back. I hiked to the top of Mt Washington in NH, with my son last month, it was great! You'll be landscaping and getting back into all of the other things that you love to do before you know it, as they say. Have fun in Ohio. Just keep it movin forward!


    Way to Go.
    Well done Matt, a big milestone you've achieved. Nice to see
    your up and out also I take the Epsom salt baths twice a week
    but I add Baking soda / Sodium Bicarbonate as well.
    A few more weeks "cooking" and you will be well your way to a new normal.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

    Way to Go.
    Well done Matt, a big milestone you've achieved. Nice to see
    your up and out also I take the Epsom salt baths twice a week
    but I add Baking soda / Sodium Bicarbonate as well.
    A few more weeks "cooking" and you will be well your way to a new normal.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    Forward into the recovery...Huh? Oh yeah, it sounds like you're already well on your way.
    Great to hear.

  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Kent Cass said:

    Forward into the recovery...Huh? Oh yeah, it sounds like you're already well on your way.
    Great to hear.


    The end
    The end of treatment... So great to hear. Now the recovery period is so much closer!! It's great inspiration for all of us who are still in the middle of it!!

    Take care!!