MRI biopsy positive--please help me with what to ask surgeon tomorrow

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
Well, I was crying for myself before I read dear Carol's post, then crying with her, now crying for both of us. Just got a call from my surgeon's nurse--MRI-guided biopsy done last week is again positive for invasive ductal carcinoma. I'm numb.

I've been on Faslodex injections and Zometa infusions since January when they found bone mets in my spine/pelvis. I had a good PET scan in June showing remission in the bone mets. Now MRI-guided biopsy is positive for more breast ca. So--tomorrow they're squeezing me in for an appt. at the surgeon's. I'm more confused than ever now.

What do I ask the surgeon? I previously had lumpectomy/6 rounds TAC/rads. Do we now do a double mastectomy? Or does it even matter any more since I'm already Stage IV? So, are the Faslodex injections (which suppress Estrogen) working or aren't they?

I'm so scared, confused, upset and every other bad emotion known. My poor husband is just teary and I see the fear in his eyes too.

Any advice would be so appreciated.

Thank you.

Hugs, Renee


  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Oh Renee i don't know what
    Oh Renee i don't know what to say,today has not been a good day for positive posts after reading Carol's and now yours i'm crying for both of you.Ask the surgeon about a bil mastectomy see what he thinks,thats only for you your husband and Dr. to decide.What has your onc said about whether Faslodex is working or not.Is it in the same breast or the other one.Keep up you strength and courage that i know you have and your husband.
    Hugs Frankie
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    sending you a big hug, I do not know what to ask, nothing make sense
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    sending you a big hug, I do not know what to ask, nothing make sense

    I dont know either but
    I dont know either but sending you love and hugs!
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I am so sorry that you got that call. I don't know what to say except that it really does suck. No matter what my day was like has nothing to do with what you are going through. It IS scary and I can only imagine how this is for your husband. Each time we go through treatments and tests that come out negative, it makes us think that we are clean, then when we get something else while being treated it makes you wonder what is going on? That is one of the things that I have had trouble understanding. How does it grow while we are being treated? The beast surely has a mind of it's own and I can only keep praying that a cure is found.

    Please let me know what the surgeon has to say.. I am once again baffled.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    camul said:

    I am so sorry that you got that call. I don't know what to say except that it really does suck. No matter what my day was like has nothing to do with what you are going through. It IS scary and I can only imagine how this is for your husband. Each time we go through treatments and tests that come out negative, it makes us think that we are clean, then when we get something else while being treated it makes you wonder what is going on? That is one of the things that I have had trouble understanding. How does it grow while we are being treated? The beast surely has a mind of it's own and I can only keep praying that a cure is found.

    Please let me know what the surgeon has to say.. I am once again baffled.

    Hugs and prayers,

    strength and positive energy.

    I believe in hope and I send that too.

  • rallendorfer
    rallendorfer Member Posts: 244
    The surgeon will start the ball rolling and will give you the direction that he/she feels will help you, and then you will know what to ask. Try to take an Ativan before you go, ok? This is such a set back, but the surgeon will have some experience under his/her belt and have a plan for attack. I know it is not a war that you would choose for yourself, just when you thought it was peace-time. Is the doctor someone that you feel is intelligent, and open to the newest treatments, and on your side? If that is so, please try to take a deep breath. Hug the hubby. Lift up the heart to heaven.

    We sisters of yours circle you now. Deepest understanding and loving concern are all around you. You are not alone. Please post as soon as you can, as we will all be thinking and praying for you through out the day.

    Sending peace through cyber space to you,
  • jamiegww
    jamiegww Member Posts: 384
    I'm so sorry Renee!
    I was praying for better news. Thankfully you don't have to wait too long to see the surgeon. You should have answers to some of your questions after seeing him/her. We are with you and giving you strength to get through this.

  • salls41
    salls41 Member Posts: 340
    Sucks so much
    but I know somehow,you will feel the strength of all the positive thoughts and prayers from everyone thinking of you.
  • ksf56
    ksf56 Member Posts: 202
    What a stunner! I'm so sorry - you must be hurting so much! If all these wonderful folks could wish this away, it would be gone! Please know how many care for you! My prayers are sent up for you!

    Hugs to you!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Oh Renee
    I don't know what to say. Luckily they are squeezing you in to get the ball rolling. I know you weren't expecting this. Sending lots of love, hugs, and prayers to you and hubby.

    Love you!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    ksf56 said:

    What a stunner! I'm so sorry - you must be hurting so much! If all these wonderful folks could wish this away, it would be gone! Please know how many care for you! My prayers are sent up for you!

    Hugs to you!

    Oh Renee.....
    This truly sucks big time! Is this the same surgeon you had before, that did your lumpectomy, first go round with bc? As we know, from personal experience, bc can come back anywhere in our body....mine choose my lymph nodes, after 19 months of NED....then 8 months later, my brain and a small spot on my liver...

    Personally, I don't think I would subject myself to bilateral mastectomies at this stage if a lumpectomy would work just as surgeon that did my lumpectomy 3 years ago, explained as did my MO and RO that there is no greater survival rate with a mastectomy than a lumpectomy as it is impossible to remove ALL breast tissue....and again mine choose to go your's did at I'm glad I went with the lumpectomy...recovery time less than a week as opposed to weeks...but you have to do what you feel is best for you, along with the surgeon's advice....But, you have the final decision....

    Please know that you have all of us rooting for you....don't be surprised if you see or hear the pink bus in the parking lot....
    Keep us posted, today if possible after your appt..we're all anxious....and praying for you...

    Love and hugs, Nancy
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    The best thing I did at my
    The best thing I did at my dr appt was...I took along my hubby and close (like mom to me) friend-as more ears to hear , even ask questions..

    I was ok listening until one point it all was garble...after the fact both heard / remember much info I totally didnt' hear or forgot..

    I'll be thinking of you

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Wishing you the best
    Dear Renee,

    I am sorry for your latest turn dealing with breast cancer. I don't know the answer on this one. When cancer returns in the same breast and before one has a distant recurrence, it is thought of as a local recurrence and usually a mastectomy is given along with new drug. This was done for a friend of mine. The same breast usually indicates some of the cancer was left behind when you had a lumpectomy. It is just making it's unwanted appearence.

    Some oncologist do keep the tumor in the breast as they did with Marsha Mulvey as a way to measure. She was stage IV on the get go.

    Usually when a cancer moves from one place to another, they sometimes give a new treatment. I had bone mets (ribs)in 2000, then went NED for 8 years, then it returned to my lungs and the lining. I went on another drug (Arimidex to Faslodex). When it returned to my ribs again in 2011, I stayed on the same drug. I just deal with it in one more place, lungs, lining and ribs.

    I would ask about a mastectomy since you only had a lumpectomy. The pros and cons. I would ask why the PET didn't show cancer in your breast in June and then it showed up a month later. I would want to know about staying on the same drug (Faslodex) versus trying a new drug.

    Breast cancer mets is a never ending journey of adjusting. You will get through this latest bump in the road.

    This isn't much help, just another point of view. I do wish you the very best on whatever option you decide to take.


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    SIROD said:

    Wishing you the best
    Dear Renee,

    I am sorry for your latest turn dealing with breast cancer. I don't know the answer on this one. When cancer returns in the same breast and before one has a distant recurrence, it is thought of as a local recurrence and usually a mastectomy is given along with new drug. This was done for a friend of mine. The same breast usually indicates some of the cancer was left behind when you had a lumpectomy. It is just making it's unwanted appearence.

    Some oncologist do keep the tumor in the breast as they did with Marsha Mulvey as a way to measure. She was stage IV on the get go.

    Usually when a cancer moves from one place to another, they sometimes give a new treatment. I had bone mets (ribs)in 2000, then went NED for 8 years, then it returned to my lungs and the lining. I went on another drug (Arimidex to Faslodex). When it returned to my ribs again in 2011, I stayed on the same drug. I just deal with it in one more place, lungs, lining and ribs.

    I would ask about a mastectomy since you only had a lumpectomy. The pros and cons. I would ask why the PET didn't show cancer in your breast in June and then it showed up a month later. I would want to know about staying on the same drug (Faslodex) versus trying a new drug.

    Breast cancer mets is a never ending journey of adjusting. You will get through this latest bump in the road.

    This isn't much help, just another point of view. I do wish you the very best on whatever option you decide to take.



    I don't know the answers to your questions but I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Renee, I am so sorry you have to go through this. My husband said recently "it just feels like abuse." I thought it was pretty appropriate. I will do whatever I can to help. And I'm crying for you and Carol too.


  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    Prayers and hope ....... hang in there and try to be positive although it is alright to cry too! Life throws its curve balls at us, get that bat out and swing! You are in my thoughts and prayers .... Sue D