An update from Sophie in Sweden

Hi all!

I have changed my username from Sophie to Millie!

Mums is still up and about some days and in bed some days. She has no more chemo since april due to low values on her kidneys and she has a painkiller pump inserted in her back so the pain is much more under control now. Though the downside is that her legs is affected by the painkillers so its more difficult to walk and to be up. But she is struggeling. We have all been on vacation for five weeks and the doctors have been wounderful up north in Sweden during her visit there. The doctors at Karolinska institute says she has time left "not until christmas" but I am sure mum will prove them wrong. We try to keep her ambition and faith up.

For those new on the list, mum is 63 and was diagnosed with PPC in February 2010. She had 8 rounds of carbo/taxol and it did work for a long time with remission of 8 months in 2011/2012. She has a "bag on her tummy" due to obstructions with tumors growing in to her intestines.

Both mum and I have read books about the microbiotic diet and about healing this summer as the conventional chemo is not an option at the moment. But mum "hates japanese food" as she says and healing is far to "new age" for her. Anybody else out there who have heard of Mina Dobic or Eric Pearl in the US?

Lots of love,


  • PatsieD
    PatsieD Member Posts: 99 Member
    Other Diets
    I was very sceptical about diets other than conventional superfood ones. However, I have learnt a lot from a TV programme called The Food Hospital. Sorry, I can't be of any use as my own diet consists of a mixture of non healthy cakes to salads, which I love. I wish your Mum, you and your family lots of healing hugs. I think this disease has a mind of its own. I really do. And I hope she beats the odds. Doctors aren't always right and very often in my long medical history, they have been quite wrong on lots of counts. I hope you remain strong and love to your Mum too. xxxx