Question about taste



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    still working on a description
    Fellow noneaters and former noneaters,

    I agree with, “everything did tastes like cardboard”, for the most part; so much so that I find myself satisfied with my smoothies (which I am not). Now if I could eat one of everything mentioned here I would be a happy guy and wash it all down with a coke.

    Had watermelon today and I could faintly taste sweet. Going to have some more in a little bit. Now that I know about the Sweet’N Low tea, I am drinking it again. The tea almost tastes normal.

    John is correct it takes time (and luck). I added the luck part.

    Thanks everyone,

  • Paintslinger
    Paintslinger Member Posts: 70
    CivilMatt said:

    getting closer
    “I have no sense of taste“ is good, but I am tasting something I just don’t know how to describe it.

    Sweet’N Low turned my sweet tea into a 7 on my scale (highest ranking since January), but remember Sweet’N Low is 300x sweeter than sugar.

    Phrannie, my family doesn’t get it (Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters)

    tomorrow = 19 weeks post

    Hey Guys,
    About three to four weeks into my treatment (7 weeks of cis-platin and radiation of the throat)I lost ALL taste. I could quite literally taste NOTHING. As someone mentioned above, when I ate anything it was like putting wet cardboard in my mouth. I lived on "Rice Crispies" and New England clam chowder for a while because these were the only things that I could "almost" taste (if that makes any sense). I'm almost a year post treatment and I still can't taste anything sweet: completely gone. Oh well, I guess I'll get to keep my girlish figure. :)!
  • mls351w
    mls351w Member Posts: 90
    CivilMatt said:

    still working on a description
    Fellow noneaters and former noneaters,

    I agree with, “everything did tastes like cardboard”, for the most part; so much so that I find myself satisfied with my smoothies (which I am not). Now if I could eat one of everything mentioned here I would be a happy guy and wash it all down with a coke.

    Had watermelon today and I could faintly taste sweet. Going to have some more in a little bit. Now that I know about the Sweet’N Low tea, I am drinking it again. The tea almost tastes normal.

    John is correct it takes time (and luck). I added the luck part.

    Thanks everyone,


    taste not
    I remember(6 years ago) that I had no taste period. But, I had no bad tastes either.
    Everything eventually was tube fed, so I wasn't concerned. Very soon after treatment, 2 weeks I recall, I had my tube removed and was eating normally. I could taste the first two or three bites, and then all taste was gone. This gradually improved to normal status and my taste was back. No, my taste was better than before. Now I don't need to salt anything(well except for french-fries of course). Potato chips are too salty to eat and the least amount of mustard is too much. Was kinda hoping I'd loose my taste for some bad things and find a new taste for the good things. Didn't happen. Double cheeseburgers with chili and jalopenos never tasted this good before.
    Just letting you know that all things are possible and chances are your taste will recover. I tend to be on the positive side and assume that all afflicted will have the same recovery I was blessed with.

    Mark S.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    People don't understand so smile at them !
    I didn't go through everything that most of you folks have. But due to nerve damage and rotten rad damage I have major issues with taste. Before my surgery I guess some tastes were already effected. I can taste salt and pepper burns my tongue terrible. I have gone to Greek yogurt (mostly for the texture) and it has some taste ? Issues with dentures have been a bad trip too. Keep trying everything that appeals to you. And don't try to explain this to others. Tomato each his/her own right ? Warmest regards sent, Katie
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    People don't understand so smile at them !
    I didn't go through everything that most of you folks have. But due to nerve damage and rotten rad damage I have major issues with taste. Before my surgery I guess some tastes were already effected. I can taste salt and pepper burns my tongue terrible. I have gone to Greek yogurt (mostly for the texture) and it has some taste ? Issues with dentures have been a bad trip too. Keep trying everything that appeals to you. And don't try to explain this to others. Tomato each his/her own right ? Warmest regards sent, Katie

    I'm starting to get many of
    I'm starting to get many of my tastes back but that being said, something's still have no taste what so ever. It reminds me of when I was a kid and would chew on paper in class. I know..... sounds weird but we all did it in this one class I had. Anyhow, I just kept trying things over and over and eventually I started being able to taste it. Even if it's only a hint.
    Good luck to you and I give up trying to explain to people why I can't taste and how dry my mouth is. If You find the magic answer please do let us know.
  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    Taste was gone
    My sense of taste went away after about three weeks of rads as well. I noticed a gradual change and found that some of my favorite things started to taste odd, but in retrospect it was because they no longer had a taste and it was all just the mouth feel of what I was eating.

    I did find a way to explain it to people. I would ask them if they had ever picked up the wrong drink. For example, did you ever pick up a glass of what you thought was milk and it turned out the you picked up someone's lemonade? Either taste is just fine, but when you are expecting the smooth creamy taste of milk and you get the tart and sweet taste of lemonade, you are absolutely disgusted with the change in expected taste. That is what it was like for me, nothing tasted like it was supposed to and as a result it was like trying to eat cold mashed potatoes, gagging.

    I am fortunate that my taste buds, just 3 weeks after rads started to wake up. I use the salt and baking soda rinse and it previously had no taste, but just a short time ago I was able to detect the salt. I've had steady improvement and have gotten back some sweet and a heck of a lot of sour. I had a fresh cherry the other day that my wife said was 'quite tart'. Holy crap was it 'tart'!

    I was grateful that I could actually taste it!

    Now if I would just start regenerating some saliva and I won't have to swallow what I eat as though it were a pill being chased down with water!

    Hang in there, it will get better.
