Tx plan

Well we saw the medical-oncologist yesterday and she through us another curve ball,, good thing I'm a 290 hitter! Appears she believes I am young enough (54) and healthy enough for a very aggressive plan. 3 rounds of chemo cocktails (3 drugs) 22 days apart, then 7 weeks of rads concurrently with chemo, guess I better " Get ready to rumbbbbllleeeee". Monday scheduled for port, Tuesday scheduled for peg Wendsay off to Denver for a conference Tuesday back home to OKC and start first round Aug. 7. I ve decided that one of the scriptures I will stand on is Romans 8:18 " for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us" I only hope that God has given me the strength and the courage to go the distance. Prayers are always welcome and does anyone no a good corner man and cut guy looks like it's going to be a battle .

In Christ, Kevin


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    I had the same treatmentregimr for cancer of my right tonsil and 1 lymph node. Treatment started 8-8-2011 and all ended 12-31-2011. I still have my port, is and was great during treatments. I will say I was fortunate thru tx not to get sick or have any other side effects from either the chemo or rads. I didn't need a peg tube but I know others here that it was a tremendous help. If I have any advice for this journey your on is that it's tough but doable, ask questions, be proactive, stay hydrated, eat, use this site great people resourcesher and stay positive.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hey Kevin, sounds like a plan, as they say, so it's time to put on the gloves and come out swinging high and low, with power and flow. Just remember, in the words of one rather famous ring master, to "float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee," in your tenacity to go the distance. You can and will do it, just keep reminding yourself of that fact when you get some heavy hits. You're not alone, you'll get through it.

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    patricke said:

    Hey Kevin, sounds like a plan, as they say, so it's time to put on the gloves and come out swinging high and low, with power and flow. Just remember, in the words of one rather famous ring master, to "float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee," in your tenacity to go the distance. You can and will do it, just keep reminding yourself of that fact when you get some heavy hits. You're not alone, you'll get through it.


    Hi Kevin...
    Love the positive comments and especially the referral to scripture. Your in good hands ...

    I have a topic thread that reads "would you like to be on a prayer list" ...if you do, simply post your request on that and we will have you on the list. We pray daily and fast once week for any requests.

    Sounds like you have a great team of doctors ....keep us posted and keep checking in. The folks on this sire are truly wonderful and knowldgeable.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    It's a plan
    Hi Kevin,

    Aggressive treatment for an aggressive adversary. Sounds like a plan to knock it out of the park. I hope your trip is a less stressful journey, some are. Now that you have the line up (port, PEG, chemo , rads) you can try to relax some and make sure everything is ready at home. The doctors and nurses are going to be a wealth of information and you can duck in here for additional support and information.

    Off subject a little, during this next month eat everything you want, really enjoy your self.

    God gave a whole website full of us the strength to travel this path, just follow us and you will be ok.


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    A Lot Like My Treatment
    The way my MO put it was "Since you are young and otherwise healthy, I believe your body can withstand the aggressive approach." I have never regretted opting for the "everything AND the kitchen sink" fight plan. It was rough at times, but I always thought it was the right decision.

    Do well.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Pam M said:

    A Lot Like My Treatment
    The way my MO put it was "Since you are young and otherwise healthy, I believe your body can withstand the aggressive approach." I have never regretted opting for the "everything AND the kitchen sink" fight plan. It was rough at times, but I always thought it was the right decision.

    Do well.

    To all of the forementioned advice and comments, Kevin. I also had the Port and PEG before tx started, and thankful I did. My regiment was a bit different, but have been around these parts long enough to know of others who passed on the last of the three chemos, and it's not considered by some to be a game-changing deal. Do what you can. Does sound like they've got a great plan for you, and getting the hardware installed before tx does sound like your Drs are on top of it.

    Just keep it in the Positive, going forward, and you'll be okay.

  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    Aggressive Treatment
    Its necessary for an aggressive opponent. Your plan is the same "scorched earth" plan my husband had. He's a little older (67) but otherwise healthy and a rancher so in good physical shape when he started. Unfortunately the chemo was really tough on him and he was unable to do the last chemo. We pray the two he got was enough. It was certainly all he could do. He also had 34 concurrent rads which he just finished last week.

    Noticed your reference to OKC. Where are you getting your treatment? We live east of OKC and get treatment at the University of Oklahoma Stephenson Cancer center.

    One of our inspirational sayings during this journey:


    You can do this. Prayers to you and your family.

    Deb (caregiver to Dale)
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Kevin, like Linda and now you....I had the very same Tx plan.

    Nine weeks (three week cycles) of Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU. The 5FU is in a fanny pack and pump. You wear it for 4-5 days starting the Monday of the big doses of cehmo, remove it Friday.

    Then an additional seven weeks concurrent Carboplatin every Monday, radiation every day for 35 days (M-F).

    I also had Amifostine Injections everyday just before the rads...helps to minimize the thick ropey phelgm that some get, and maybe helps regain additional saliva long term.

    My treatment started late February 2009, ending mid June...all clear to date as for disease.

    I also had the Power Port and No Peg like Linda...also I was never sick during.

    It's a rough diet, and treatment plan to say the least...but very doable.

  • Isign4Him
    Isign4Him Member Posts: 36
    NoDuck said:

    Aggressive Treatment
    Its necessary for an aggressive opponent. Your plan is the same "scorched earth" plan my husband had. He's a little older (67) but otherwise healthy and a rancher so in good physical shape when he started. Unfortunately the chemo was really tough on him and he was unable to do the last chemo. We pray the two he got was enough. It was certainly all he could do. He also had 34 concurrent rads which he just finished last week.

    Noticed your reference to OKC. Where are you getting your treatment? We live east of OKC and get treatment at the University of Oklahoma Stephenson Cancer center.

    One of our inspirational sayings during this journey:


    You can do this. Prayers to you and your family.

    Deb (caregiver to Dale)

    Hi Deb and Dale
    I am recieving treatment at Integris Cancer Institute (Pro-Cure). We live just off I-40 and Morgan Rd. Im planning for the worst that way anything above "this bites" will be a pleasant suprise, hope Dale is doing well !

    God Bless you !

    In Christ, Kevin
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Skiffin16 said:

    Kevin, like Linda and now you....I had the very same Tx plan.

    Nine weeks (three week cycles) of Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU. The 5FU is in a fanny pack and pump. You wear it for 4-5 days starting the Monday of the big doses of cehmo, remove it Friday.

    Then an additional seven weeks concurrent Carboplatin every Monday, radiation every day for 35 days (M-F).

    I also had Amifostine Injections everyday just before the rads...helps to minimize the thick ropey phelgm that some get, and maybe helps regain additional saliva long term.

    My treatment started late February 2009, ending mid June...all clear to date as for disease.

    I also had the Power Port and No Peg like Linda...also I was never sick during.

    It's a rough diet, and treatment plan to say the least...but very doable.


    Hey Kev,
    Everyone on the board is in your corner, and GOD will
    be your cut-man. These cancers are very doable, yes it
    gets tough but positive thinking and faith in the good Lord
    will get you through to the other side and back to a "new normal".

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    I agree
    the treatment is tuff, but missing food to me is the sad part. You just loose all desire to eat since nothing taste good and in my case im just in operation survival so I eat to keep my weight up. Mainly Boost or liquids high calorie as I can. You will do fine as others have said, Im pushing the food now as others did because to my knowledge no one escapes this side effect. So yes eat, eat something for all of us. Otherwise see ya on the other side which you will come out. You have your heart in the right place so God will see you thru. Sorry Im Base of Tongue multiple lymph nodes. 2 cisplatin (finished) and 9 Erbitux 3 to go 33 RADS 10 left.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm having much the same treatment....
    tho the first 7 weeks of rads were concurrent with chemo....and then 3 chemo's after the rads...same exact thing, only different LOL.

    I'm with Matt...from here on out, eat all that you want, and anything on the menu....if you have some extra weight on you....good!! I ate Mexican about 3 times a week, and had cheeseburgers deluxe inbetween :).

    Yes it's a real battle, but staying positive....sticking close to this board for support and advice will really pay off, too. The practical advice on skin care, throat care, possibilities for food when nothing seems to work...etc.

    Your faith will be a tremendous asset, too.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I'm having much the same treatment....
    tho the first 7 weeks of rads were concurrent with chemo....and then 3 chemo's after the rads...same exact thing, only different LOL.

    I'm with Matt...from here on out, eat all that you want, and anything on the menu....if you have some extra weight on you....good!! I ate Mexican about 3 times a week, and had cheeseburgers deluxe inbetween :).

    Yes it's a real battle, but staying positive....sticking close to this board for support and advice will really pay off, too. The practical advice on skin care, throat care, possibilities for food when nothing seems to work...etc.

    Your faith will be a tremendous asset, too.


    Either Way...

    When I had Tx the ENT chose my plan as mentioned, nine weeks first, then the seven weeks of concurrent.

    He says there isn't really a set standard, some do it as yours, some as mine. It just depends on the facility and what seems to be more prominant at the time.

